Thursday, October 22, 2020

Why Hate a Man Who Does so Much Good?


By Danelle Carvell

Democrats and the biased media spew constant assaults and accusations at our president. He’s criticized for talking tough, being proud, and interruptive. No other president has been this hated and disrespected, yet people want him to remain dignified and humble. 

People complain about Trump’s tweets and the ‘locker room’ comment he made about women. They don’t like the “arrogant” way he talks. But I look at the man’s actions and question whether he is making America a better place. That is what affects my life and the lives of those I love. Below are some of the things he cares about and actions he took to improve our lives. 


Violent crime has fallen every year since Trump took office, the leader of Isis is dead and most of Isis territory has been dismantled. Law enforcement and victims have new tools to fight sex trafficking, resulting in 1,588 criminals being arrested. Trump has rebuilt US military readiness by reversing the massive budget cuts that had weakened our military under President Obama. 

Billions of dollars have been secured for the building of a wall at our southern border to keep our nation secure and gain control over an immigration crisis that jeopardizes the well-being of all Americans. And our aging infrastructure is now a priority, giving us safer roads and bridges. 

Our children’s minds are safer because Trump has implemented a Pro-American lesson plan for students and put an end to the disastrous Common Core initiative. Trump’s numerous executive orders have increasingly restricted government funding for abortions. He was the first president ever to attend the pro-life March for Life in Washington, DC this year. Biden is not pro-life.

Trump cares about veterans. He issued an executive order that will better provide veterans access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life. More than 4,000 VA employees were removed, demoted and suspended for poor performance. Our president also created a VA hotline to help veterans and staffed it with veterans and their family members. 

And perhaps the most important decision affecting our country’s security, Trump has appointed judges who are committed to interpreting our Constitution and laws according to their original meanings. Democrats want liberal judges who change our laws to give the Constitution a modern twist that suits their own agenda. 


Under President Trump and prior to Covid, manufacturing jobs were growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years. More than seven million jobs were created, the stock market reached record highs, median household income hit the highest level ever recorded, and we had the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded.

Trump’s 2017 tax cuts gave a tremendous boost to the economy. A record number of regulations that hurt small businesses were eliminated. He negotiated new trade agreements with Mexico, Canada and China that will increase both jobs and money coming into our country. He secured 250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and 12 billion in Vietnam. He also made a deal with the European Union to increase US energy exports to Europe. 

Trump signed several executive orders that forced changes aimed at reducing prescription drug prices. On his watch, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. He allowed drug imports from Canada so prescription prices would go down. 

Trump removed the US from the Paris Climate Accord, which would have brought massive increases to US energy prices, resulting in more than 206,000 jobs lost by 2040. He increased America’s energy production and independence by approving two major pipelines and granting access to an uninhabited region in Alaska. He also granted permits for mining of oil, gas and coal on federal lands. His push to expand domestic energy production led the US to pass both Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s top oil producer. 


After George Floyd was murdered, Trump announced that the destruction of federal statues and monuments would mean fines of up to $10,000, and the attacks on federal property stopped. Trump also protected a US courthouse in Portland from rioter’s threats by sending in federal officers. An additional 1,000 federal agents were sent to nine cities during the riots, resulting in the arrest of 1,485 violent crime suspects. 

Trump negotiated a historic agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which will help establish peaceful relations between Israel and other Arab countries in the Middle East. He moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, respecting Israel’s sovereignty. All nations who bless Israel will be blessed by God according to Genesis 12:1-3. Trump also pulled out of Obama’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal, ending Iran’s ability to build a nuclear bomb within the next few years. 


Trump secured the release of 19 people from foreign captivity, including 16 Americans. He ended the gag order on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information. Dying Americans now have access to experimental medications because of Trump’s ‘Right to Try’ law.

Trump has expanded educational freedom by appointing advocates and increasing funding for school choice, resulting in better options for parents and students. He issued an executive order that prevents conservative college students and faculty from having their views either censored or punished. 

Trump works to defend religious freedom on all fronts. He signed an executive order meant to protect people of faith around the world. He also overturned the Obamacare HHS regulation that forced faith-based organizations to offer abortion aid through their health care plans.

I believe this is the most important election I will see in my lifetime. The futures of my children and grandchildren are at stake. Trump is the wall that stands between us and the liberal left’s destructive agenda that includes taking our guns, defunding police, killing babies before and after birth, higher taxes, open borders, unconstitutional mandates such as face masks and forced vaccines, and giving your hard-earned money to illegal immigrants. Without this good man, our freedoms will be taken, we will have no peace, no prosperity, and no one at the helm concerned about our safety.

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