Kat Kerr, who hears from God and visits Heaven says that we can't look at the normal way things happen in this election. God will do something extraordinary. You must keep your faith right now. God is taking notes of who steps back in their faith during this battle for the future of our nation.
If you don't make a stand and believe God can give Trump a victory, you will not be used by God in the future. He won't give you a voice. But those who remain faithful and encouraged will be given a bigger platform.
Kat also shares the importance of praying for family members whom you want to see in Heaven and the importance of forgiveness. She explains how to rid yourself of resentment. You can be free from constantly thinking about past hurts done to you and acting out because of them.
She answers questions about Heaven and her answers are always delightful to hear. If you doubt her words or her look, ask yourself why wouldn't God find a way to communicate with us through His modern day prophets? And she explains her pink hair in past videos by saying that God told her to have pink hair. God doesn't care if we color our hair. You can get to know a lot about God and Heaven by watching Kat every Wednesday.
Good stuff