Thursday, February 25, 2021

A WISE CHOICE OR A DAMAGING DECISION? (Part two of my last post)

By Danelle Carvell

I ended my last post with a comment about the physical and mental  health effects of forcing children to wear masks. A new study involving over 25,000 school-aged children shows that masks are harming  children physically, psychologically and behaviorally, revealing 24 distinct health issues associated with wearing masks. 

At the University of Witten/Herdecke, an online German-wide registry was set up where parents, teachers, doctors and others could enter their observations. 

The study found 17,845 health complaints submitted by parents including: irritability, impaired learning, headaches, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness and fatigue, reluctance to go to school, shortness of breath, dizziness, accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness, short-term impairment of consciousness, malaise, and nearly 1/3 of children experience more sleep issues than they had previously and 1/4 of children developed new fears. 

Part of the reason why my job at a local library was terminated last  year was because I refused to force masks on people as they entered the building. Many of those people were children who sat at the computers for hours. 

The children weren't allowed to let the mask drop below their noses so they could breathe normally and get the oxygen their growing brains needed. I witnessed a library employee walk over to a boy and ask him to pull his mask up. 

I wanted no part of that. I'm aware of the Bible verses warning about bringing harm to children. As a follower of Jesus Christ I would rather lose a job than lose my soul. 

I also witnessed a library patron sharing how she feels like she is suffocating when she wears a mask. Mask anxiety is a very real problem among both adults and children. You could spend hours reading about it online. 

And there is a physical reason for the anxiety one might feel when wearing a mask: 

"Inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide (in the form of exhaled CO2) may be life-threatening. Carbon dioxide toxicity can cause headache, vertigo, double vision, ringing in the ears, seizures or suffocation," according to the National Institutes of Health. 

And according to Dr. Rashid Buttar, an immunologist and former military surgeon, "Wearing a face mask is reducing the flow of oxygen, causing a physiological stress in your body which increases cortisol output. When cortisol output goes up, the body is now stressed. If you stress your body out, what is going to happen? Your immune system is going to go down and you are going to become more susceptible to illness. When you wear a face mask, you are increasing the viral activation and the viral load," Buttar said.

Anxiety is one of many negative side effects that have been reported by adults who are forced to wear face masks. According to an investigation by MSN Lifestyle News, people reported shortness of breath, lightheadedness, headaches, acne, development of chronic dermatitis due to chemicals in the mask fiber, new patterns of skin wrinkling, and the development of chronic respiratory conditions due to inhalation of microfibers in the material of the mask. 

How many studies must I mention before it becomes clear that masks are harmful. And do I have to go through my entire list of doctors who are speaking out against masks before you admit that strapping a diaper on your face to stop viral transmission is for uneducated people? 

"A recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that none of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask use and protection against viral infection," Dr. Blaylock said.

"One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest it is the wise choice to make," he concluded. 

The mask is not saving you, it is actually harming you and it's harming your children. When will you fight for your children's health, for your own health, and for your constitutional right to breathe freely?

 I don't want her to ever wear a mask. So I will continue to speak out. 



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