Saturday, February 6, 2021


An intelligent person, a critical thinker would ask herself, "Why are they trying so hard to prevent this information from getting out?" 

When you want to know the truth, you have to ask yourself why people feel threatened by certain information. And what is the motive behind the information they share or ban.  

My motive is truth. As a follower of Jesus, I want to be the salt & light of the earth as I'm instructed to be in the Bible. But those who are guilty of crimes have a different motive. They want to cover up their crimes. 

Every time a video is removed from Facebook, I ask myself... what is on that video that is making someone so fearful that they must ban it? Guilty people try to hide the truth, so every time a video turns grey and can no longer be seen, I know there's some truth to it. 

They call it fact checking. I call it guilt exposure. Grey is the color of guilt. Banned videos are filled with truth and that is why they are a threat to the guilty. Go to the banned videos link at the right side of my blog to see more truth. Also , or

Christians who think it's okay to ignore the news because we can't do anything about it are lacking biblical discernment. You can't be salt & light if you don't know what's going on in the world. 

The link below is an example of guilty people trying to prevent truth from being exposed. They just don't get it. God is in control and he is far more powerful than their petty lawsuits. 

Dominion Lawyer Says They 'Warned' OAN Not to Air Mike Lindell Doc: The lead attorney representing Dominion Voting Systems has come out swinging against OAN for airing Mike Lindell’s two-hour election fraud special — and claims that they “warned” the network not to air it. Lindell’s film titled “Absolute Proof,” aired on the network in the form of a paid advertisement, with a disclaimer that it was…

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