Saturday, March 20, 2021

3.19.21 Scott McKay's Patriot Streetfighter POWERFUL Interview W/ Thriv...

This is the video that inspired me to post again. Stay with it until the end. It is loaded with good information that is easily proven unless you choose to remain ignorant of what is actually happening in the world. 

Head-in-the-sanders do not research because they can't handle the truth. I am the opposite. I need truth because I don't fear truth. We are watching a spiritual battle, a battle between good and evil is playing out right in front of us and we are alive to witness this moment in history.

My husband works in a church and every day he comes home frustrated because only two people in the church know what is actually happening in the world. The rest are walking around with their masks on completely oblivious to it all.   

A different kind of control is running our country right now. The book of Ephesians says... We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. 

If you don't believe the world is presently controlled by evil people, you don't believe the Bible. Read Revelation 13: 16-18 if you need a reminder about the evil we are facing. I'm not saying the time to receive the mark is now, I'm saying we are heading toward that time. It could be decades away, but the evil players are already at work. It's a giant chess match, and the outcome will greatly affect you, your children and grandchildren. I suggest you start to care. 

I wrote down some things to research in case this video turns grey because people don't want you to know the truth. Here's the list:

The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab

click on The Truth About Dr Fauci at 

click on The Truth About the Models at

Go to Bit Chute and research Kary Mullis, the covid PCR test inventor who said the test was never meant to be used for infectious diseases. Or do a google search on this. 

Research patent # W02020060606

Research Luciferase, a technology invented to see if you have the mark mentioned in the book of Revelation

There are other things mentioned in this video, you might want to look into, so take notes while watching it. 

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