Saturday, March 6, 2021


Weakness begins wars and Biden looks extremely weak right now. He's struggling to understand where he is and what he's doing. It's so bad that even the leftist news channels are cutting him off the air when he visibly fumbles. 

Also, children are dying because they are wearing masks. Three in one week according to a whistleblower doctor who was in tears trying to wake people up. COVID 19 is a political move using public health to usher in a global reset. The coronavirus carries no more risk than the common cold. And you have a 99% chance of beating it if you get it. 

The cure has been far worse than the disease itself as businesses have been destroyed, the suicide rate has skyrocketed, alcohol and drug abuse is at an all time high, jobs have been destroyed, homelessness has increased, domestic abuse of women and children as well as mental health issues have increased since lockdowns, masks are killing people and the vaccine is killing people. If you can't see the evil behind this, you must have a pea-sized brain.

Click on the link below to watch an excellent video with Mel K at 

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