Sunday, March 7, 2021


General Tom McInerney discusses the transcript of an interview with a whistleblower put out by Attorney Lin Wood on Populist Press. Bombshell accusations, child sex trafficking and dirty deeds by people in high places exposes how deep the cancer is running in our country. 

The Department of Justice, the FBI, and a large part of the House and Senate are corrupt to the core. Even members of the Supreme Court are corrupt. You will not hear this on mainstream media news because they are corrupt too. 

The American people need to open their ears and eyes and rise up. Contact your representatives, stir up your church to do something or sell the building and give the money to the poor. The church is dead in the water. 

Some pastors don't even talk about the current state of our nation. They can only give sermons on the book of Mark. We are where we are because of a weak and lazy church that chooses to believe God will rescue us and all we have to do is love people and offer grace. Yet the Bible is filled with warrior stories where people had to fight evil or watch their children be devoured by it. 

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