Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! - Episode 15

The first real attempt to take back our country has already happened. A red-neck group armed with explosives was ready to break through the barbed wire fencing at the White House. The group was asked to stand down.

The military knows that Biden is a phony president. Even Biden knows it because he has yet to give a state of the union address or speak in any way to the American people. This is the longest time ever that a new president has waited to address the nation. 

Things are happening that we don't know about yet, so hang in there. Have a mask burning party while you're waiting for some good news. They are happening all over the country. 

California has come to its senses along with many other states who are completely open and free of mask mandates. Pennsylvania, will you please get the memo and take that ridiculous mask off your face and breathe, especially while walking outside on such a beautiful day as this. 

Spring is soon here. A time for new beginnings. It's going to be a spring you will never forget. Like coming out of a dark cave. Celebrate your freedom and praise God for what He is about to do to end our captivity under a pandemic that never was. The covid vaccine death rate is now higher that the death rate for the virus itself. 

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