Wow! This is mind-blowing stuff. These are expert reputable doctors who have been practicing for years. You would be foolish not to listen to them. 


Our government no longer cares what "we the people" want. So what can we do to fight a tyrannical government? How to fight the mask nazis and other things that have been forced upon us are discussed in this must-watch video. 


This video is hard to watch. For some, it will be hard to believe. I often hesitate to share videos by Alex Jones because many people are turned off by his hard-hitting way of delivering truth. But you can put on your big girl/boy panties and decide for yourself. I thought it was worth sharing. You can always do further research on the things you find hard to swallow. 


 Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, however, the world has changed so much that I hardly recognize it. The past year has been wrought with so much sadness, so much uncertainty, so much darkness, and so much evil that I am shaken to my core.

 The world has witnessed countless displays of gross negligence, insidious manipulation, and abhorrent abuse of power that violate the sanctity of life, impinging on human rights and freedoms and bringing about unnecessary deaths every day. Worst of all, the people responsible for these crimes against humanity continue to lie, deceive, and gaslight the world, disguising their sinister agenda as a noble endeavor to save the masses. It is absolutely heart-wrenching.

 Perhaps you too feel the gravity of the spiritual battle we are in, and the weight of it all feels like too much to shoulder.

Please know that you are not alone. There are so many people, good, honest, people, fighting this fight. There are doctors, scientists, lawyers, religious leaders and professionals in every field speaking out and trying to keep this evil at bay, and there are everyday people all around us doing whatever they can to stand up for what is right. There are heroes all around us, heroes willing to sacrifice everything in the name of truth. We are stronger when we stand together, supporting one another as we each offer our own unique voice.


"Now you’ve seen what is so easy to do to take complete control of a whole society, you MUST object and find ways to prevent a vaccine passport system from coming into being. By any and all means necessary.

Finally, to those who say this is all a series of unfortunate and incompetent errors, please watch this documentary. Long before you get to the end, you’ll realize, as I did with mounting horror, that this is absolutely not incompetence. It’s rehearsed, and exercises like this have been war gamed for years, if not decades. It’ll perhaps change your thoughts as to the origins of this mess and crimes." 


You Tube immediately took down the Trump interview with Dan Bongino yesterday, but it is still up on Rumble. You can watch it at the link below. 


"As long as we have our eyes on God and justice and love, we will automatically transcend them as Christ did. Evil wants to keep us from God. As the energy of Christ is poured into our planet, the enemy will try to block that." And that is what we are seeing now. That is the battle we are fighting. 

The 'leader of the free world' is 'cognitively delinquent'

Sky News Australia does a better job of covering US news than most of our mainstream news. Watch the series of video clips that clearly show Joe Biden will not make it through four years. 
Sky News host Alan Jones says putting Joe Biden in the position of "leading the world's democracies" is "elder abuse" and there must be a "presidential resignation" soon.



Every day, people in the United States are being injured and killed by vaccines, and those numbers are increasing. This is a fact that is not in dispute, as the Department of Justice quarterly report on vaccine injuries and deaths clearly demonstrates. And yet, the government’s official public statement about vaccines is that they are safe and effective, and should be mandated for all people. Any opinion or presentation of facts to contradict their position is vigorously suppressed and censored in the mainstream media all in the name of “public health.”

Pharmageddon: Big Pharma is America’s new mafia whose chemical warfare on humanity dwarfs the number of victims killed by all the world wars and acts of terrorism combined. While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions. It makes you wonder if Pharmageddon is upon us with the next set of mandatory vaccinations planned by the […]

Gov. Kristi Noem bans vaccine passports in South Dakota

Gov. Kristi Noem bans vaccine passports in South Dakota: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed an executive order banning vaccine passports in the state. The mandate prohibits agencies under the executive branch and local governments from requiring people to show proof of vaccination as a prerequisite for availing a service or product. Noem joins a growing list of Republican states instituting such prohibitions against […]

“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel

“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel: As post-vaccine deaths are now ravaging India and Brazil, across the United States people are noticing a sudden surge in automobile accidents on roadways. People are driving off the roads and striking trees. They’re veering into other cars for head-on collisions. And they are apparently losing cognitive function while behind the wheel. Clif High calls […]

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


If you voted for Biden, you voted for the complete destruction of America and the futures of your children. Here is a list of decisions Biden made in his first 100 days. The Democracts, the Left, the Cabal, the Deep State... whatever you call them, they are an evil and destructive blood-thirsty pack of wolves, and if you don't see it by now, I'm not sure what to say to that. 


At the beginning of this video, Attorney Leigh Dundas gives you the most truth-filled minute of your entire day. I guess they gave her one minute to speak, so she made the most of it. 


It was all a big lie from the start, from the name of the virus to the cure for it. This good doctor wants you to know the truth. Be warned, this could really piss you off, especially if you lost alot due to the Wuhan virus. 

High school track star breaks 800-meter school record, falls face-first at finish line as mask restricts breathing (Two videos)

Lunacy is abundant when it comes to face masks, but there are changes being made. How many more people must be hurt by the mask mandates before we all realize they’ve been playing us for fools?

High school track star breaks 800-meter school record, falls face-first at finish line as mask restricts breathing

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


My husband was listening to this video just before I'm heading to bed. Mel K and Ann Vandersteel are two of the most well informed and tough spoken women I follow. To put them both together in one show is explosive. They cover so much in this video that you need to know. 

If you don't know it, our country is in the process of a revival. I see it everywhere I turn. The bad news is shifting to good news and it's coming at us quickly. People are realizing how much we have been lied to. It's a great conversation between some really fabulous women. I thank God for women like this. 

Monday, April 26, 2021

4.22.21 Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter 's Interview w Dr Sherry Te...

Go to the link below if this video turns grey. It contains some disturbing truth, so it will probably be taken down. The volume gets better after the first few minutes. When he talks about people getting sick "up there" he is talking about the many people who came back sick from the Health and Freedom conference in Tulsa. Come in at 18 minutes to get straight to it. If very short on time, you can come in at 55 minutes. She is talking about the covid vaccines and you will be floored by her words, especially if you are a Christian who is considering getting vaccinated or you have already been vaccinated. 


This is on my "want to read" list. My husband read it on Kindle and finished it in one day. He said he couldn't put it down. After he read it, he looked at things differently. I had a flower in a vase on the windowsill and he pointed out the three shades of purple and how each color perfectly blended into the next on every petal. "How can you look at this flower and not believe there's a creator?" he said.

Any book that makes me more aware of God is a good read. We watch Donna Rigney on You Tube. She has some amazing stories of Heaven and some encouraging advice for us in these troubled times we are living. 

 In Divine Encounters, Donna Rigney’s memorable spiritual journey balances visions of heaven and hell with compelling messages of faith and forgiveness. Donna eloquently expresses the words of Jesus, giving you the tools to forgive and overcome your most painful of wounds. Your faith will be broadened as you pray for peace and place your pains in the palms of Jesus; you will overcome temptation as you recall valuable biblical references and timeless biblical prophecies. You will overcome being chained by sin, temptation, anger, wrath, fear, bitterness and spiritual emptiness; you will win the battle against Satan’s influence.

Former-Pfizer VP Yeadon: 'I don’t think you could come up with a better plan' for depopulation than the pandemic and vaccines

 Whereas, a great many people know that the government, the media and the public health officials have been lying to them about everything from the efficacy of masks, social distancing and lockdowns, to the life-threatening dangers of experimental vaccines, they still refuse to believe that the people orchestrating this operation might be pushing them inexorably toward infertility or an early death.

They cannot imagine anything so demonic, so they stick their heads in the sand and pretend not to see what is going on right beneath their noses. It’s called “denial” and it is only strengthening the position of the puppet masters that are operating behind the scenes

(MUST WATCH VIDEO) Dr. Michael Yeadon on vaccine passports: We will be standing at the “gates of hell” if implemented, and they will push us in

Dr. Michael Yeadon on vaccine passports: We will be standing at the “gates of hell” if implemented, and they will push us in: We are providing another short video clip of the interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon in the Perspectives on the Pandemic published on their YouTube channel. (Article by Brian Shilhavy republished from In this video clip, Dr. Yeadon explains how universal vaccine passports do not benefit either the COVID vaccinated or unvaccinated, but only the totalitarian controllers who implement […]

Over 200 doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it inexpensively reduces covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths

Over 200 doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it inexpensively reduces covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths: Over two hundred doctors and scientists have come together in support of worldwide distribution of vitamin D to help treat covid infections and reduce hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths. The doctors are calling on all governments and healthcare systems around the world to immediately recommend and distribute vitamin D to adult populations. Long before covid-19, […]


Rumble Health & Fitness — In this video I discuss how I refused conventional treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and started looking for doctors that offered more than just managing my symptoms. I then discovered faboulous doctors: Alessio Fasano, Natasha Campbell McBride and Zsofia Clemens.
All of them agreed that Autoimmunity is a result of leaky gut. I was sold and followed their protocols, today I am pain and inflammation free.


Click on the video tab at and watch WHEN THE POWERS THAT BE SHARE THEIR PLANS. People need to realize that what's happening in our country...from the covid crap, to the election fraud and the race wars... it is all a plan to destroy America from within.  And the people behind the corruption openly share their evil plans and their intentions. If you don't know the truth, you aren't bothering to look for it or you are afraid to see it. 


An interview with Clay Clarke, the man behind the recent Health and Freedom event in Tulsa. His praise reports from the event will give you hope that we are getting our country back. Watch this for the truth you need to keep the momentum going. 


Ann Vandersteel talks about livestreaming of the Arizona election audit, more bad decisions in the District of Corruption, and the pink brigade dumping manure in protest of Biden's climate plans, among other news. 


 There never was a pandemic, what there was, was a successful operation to scare Americans, test their willingness to mindlessly obey illegal orders (masks, distancing, closing schools and businesses, etc.), and break the American economy. 

The General also very clearly called on Americans not to take any of the vaccines being offered, as the evidence is accumulating that they will cause substantial future harm to those who are inoculated.


 We are still learning about just how “effective” the COVID-19 vaccines are. According to Dr Merritt, if you are under the age of 39 years old you are actually MORE likely to die from COVID-19 if you get the vaccine… not less likely. In fact, it’s not even a slight increase… you are actually 260 times more likely to die from COVID-19 AFTER you get the vaccine than before. If you are over the age of 60, she says that studies show that you are 30 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than if you were not vaccinated.


He said that “what we cannot do is sacrifice freedom for some supposed safety and security. It’s never worked out well in the past for any generation or any society. These vaccine passports and the tracking and tracing apps are more about collecting data and controlling than they are about dealing with any kind of disease or virus.”

Saturday, April 24, 2021


Americans are remaining united and strong. Mel K meets with three others for a rountable discussion about the present situation and why they think we will break free from this tyranny as our country is held captive by the destructive left. Stay hopeful. 

Personal safety and survival: Securing your home before a power outage

Personal safety and survival: Securing your home before a power outage: Having enough food and being warm usually take center stage when prepping for power outages. But it is equally important to be prepared for break-ins especially as a weeklong power outage will likely drive non-preppers to desperate measures. With no light and no electricity to power your security systems, your home is particularly vulnerable to invasion during […]

Yale Epidemiologist: More than Half of New COVID Patients Have Been Vaccinated (VIDEO)

Yale Epidemiologist: More than Half of New COVID Patients Have Been Vaccinated (VIDEO): Dr. Harvey Risch, a Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University, is a brave voice of reason during the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic. Back in August Dr. Risch accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of causing the deaths of “hundreds of thousands of Americans” who could have been saved by the cheap and safe antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine. HUGE!…

BREAKING - HUGE UPDATE IN AZ: Democrats in Arizona Won't Post $1 Million Bond So Election Audit Continues

BREAKING - HUGE UPDATE IN AZ: Democrats in Arizona Won't Post $1 Million Bond So Election Audit Continues: The Democrats won’t post a $1 million bond and so the Arizona audit will go on. The Arizona Mirror reports this evening: A brief weekend pause in the Arizona Senate’s election audit that a judge ordered on Friday won’t happen because the Arizona Democratic Party declined to put up a $1 million bond that the…

Friday, April 23, 2021


I don't post much on the subject of racism in America because I don't believe it really is a problem. If blacks don't have opportunities in America, then how do you explain the success of so many black Americans such as Oprah, Dr Ben Carson, all your black entertainers, actors, musicians, athletes and people like Candace Owen, who is black herself and does a great job of telling the black community to stop crying about racism because they live in the greatest country in the world when it comes to opportunities for blacks. 

To me, the racism card is just an excuse for black people to feel better about their own failures. They want something to blame, so they cry about white supremacy holding them back and oppressing them. If America is so oppressive to blacks, then why are so many blacks trying to cross our borders and get into our country? Name one country that offers them more opportunities and a better life. If you can think of one, perhaps you should pack your bags instead of wallowing in your river of tears here. 

And the George Floyd incident... that was a bad decision by one man who is white. I could name some black men who made bad decisions that resulted in a white person's death. But when that happens, we don't riot, loot and burn buildings. We accept that the world is filled with messed up people that come in all colors.  

Do you know that more blacks are killed by blacks than there are blacks killed by white people? Yes, that is a fact. But you won't hear that statistic on the fake news. Because the left wants to promote racism. My advice to blacks who want to cry about their unfair treatment is to put that whining energy into doing something to make life better for yourselves. We all have struggles in life. And we are really tired of hearing about your obstacles. Life isn't fair for anyone.

I have been treated unfairly and abused by white people too. I was fired by a white woman for an unjust reason. I've been verbally abused by both white men and women. I was physically abused by white men too. But I see no point in ranting or rioting about it. The best thing I can do for myself is carry on. By crying about it and dwelling on it, I would give all those bad people the power to keep hurting me. It takes strength and character to accept the hard knocks of life without becoming bitter. 

What people really need to do is find their strength and work on their character. The world doesn't owe you anything. You are here to contribute something to the world. Complaining about how unfair life has treated you isn't much of a contribution. What good does it do? How does it help you? How does it help anyone? 


I added a new option to my news and health links. Check out

Survival essentials: How to prepare an EDC kit for your car

I've been thinking about keeping a few things in my car just in case something weird happens while I'm out on the road. A lot of weird things are happening these days, so it makes sense to be prepared. I came across this article today, so I thought I would share it. At the bottom of the article are a few sites you might want to check out to learn more about preparedness and survival items for the crazy times we live in.  

Survival essentials: How to prepare an EDC kit for your car: Going about the day without an everyday carry (EDC) is as good as putting yourself in danger. For starters, EDCs are essential survival items that you can hardly do without come hell or high water. You bring them with you at all times because they afford you security. Secondly, what’s a prepper without an EDC? Preparedness is all […]

Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Protecting Drivers Who Hit Unhinged Protesters Blocking Streets and Highways (Videos)

If you choose to protest in the street or jump on vehicles because you're angry, then don't expect pity when you get run over or hurt by your stupid decision. Every state needs to adopt this legislation. 

Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Protecting Drivers Who Hit Unhinged Protesters Blocking Streets and Highways (Videos): Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill on Wednesday that protects drivers who hit unhinged protesters blocking streets and highways. This says everything about the modern-day left that you have to pass legislation to keep them out of the highways. WTH? The Hill reported: Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) on Wednesday signed a bill that…

President Trump Has Been Briefed on AZ Audit - Is "Very Interested" - Rudy Giuliani Joins the War Room to Discuss Historic AZ Election Audit (VIDEO)

President Trump Has Been Briefed on AZ Audit - Is "Very Interested" - Rudy Giuliani Joins the War Room to Discuss Historic AZ Election Audit (VIDEO): Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined the Bannon War Room on Friday morning to discuss the Arizona ballot audit. During the discussion, Rudy told The War Room that President Trump is closely following the situation in Arizona including the latest court case by Democrats to prevent the audit! What are…

Arizona Senate's Audit of Maricopa County's 2020 Election Results is Ready to Go - WATCH LIVE from Your iPhone or Home Computer

Arizona Senate's Audit of Maricopa County's 2020 Election Results is Ready to Go - WATCH LIVE from Your iPhone or Home Computer: This may be the most transparent audit in US history.  The auditors selected by the Arizona Senate are providing video access to the world of their audit activities in real-time.  The auditors are prepared and ready to begin their audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election Results.  This has been a long process but this day…


Harrison gives us a week in review, April 17-23 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

WATCH THE TRAILER FOR MIKE LINDELL'S NEW DOCUMENTARY, ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE: how enemies foreign and domestic hacked the 2020 election

Earlier this year, Mike Lindell came out with a documentary that exposed massive election fraud in the 2020 Election.  It was called “Absolute Proof.”  Lindell says, “150 million people watched it.”  The Deep State never counted on somebody like Lindell, who is spending millions of dollars exposing what he calls the biggest fraud in history, and I agree.  Now, Lindell is coming out with a new documentary next week (4/20/2021) called “Absolute Interference.”  It will show in a very granular way how the 2020 Election was hacked by foreign powers.  This played a huge role in stealing the Election from President Donald Trump.  Not only that, but there were many other down ballot candidates robbed of their seat, too, in this fraud.  It is simply the biggest election hack in the history of America.  While you do have to wait for the “Absolute Interference” documentary to come out next week, you can get an eyeful of what is in this revealing documentary in the trailer that Lindell has already released.

It’s a little less than 5 minutes long but packed with information that will be fully revealed in the full length documentary called “Absolute Interference” that will be coming out next week.  One of the experts you will see in the trailer is Lt. General Michael Flynn.  This is a Must Watch video for all patriots wanting more information on the huge rip-off that was the 2020 Election.

Message Sent & Received,This Will Never Happen Again,The People Are Taking Back The Power – Ep. 2459

The best X22 Report I have heard so far. You will want to shake your pom poms while listening to this one. If you are confused about why the world is so messed up right now, this explains it very well. It also gives hope because people are rising up and taking back their power. We are realizing that we have strength in numbers and we are finally starting to push back. I hope you are one of those people. Open your mouth and give your children and grandchildren a future. 

Message Sent & Received,This Will Never Happen Again,The People Are Taking Back The Power – Ep. 2459


A massive truth  bomb was dropped by Lin Wood at the Health and Freedom Conference. My mouth dropped when I heard it. This guy is fearless. He even names names, calls out their evil deeds and suggests what their fate should be. Wow! 


Not everyone is a fan of Alex Jones. People say he's too radical, too extreme. But to me, much of what he says is spot on. A video doesn't have to be uncontroversial for me to post it. I do cringe at times when I watch Alex. He often could choose better words to make his point. His trees could use some trimming, but his forest is accurate. Whether you like Alex or not, the video footage he shares about the riots, protests, race wars and other craziness going on in our country and around the world is real. You should watch this just for the shocking reality of what has happened since we first heard the word, covid. The violence around the world since the covid fraud emerged is hard to watch, so be warned. 

DeSantis urges America to reject “Faucism,” return to old normal

DeSantis urges America to reject “Faucism,” return to old normal: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made an appearance the other day on “Tucker Carlson Today,” during which he had a few choice words for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Anthony Fauci. DeSantis stated that despite massive pressure from Fauci and other deep state trolls to keep Florida locked down and masked forever, […]

Four Texas Counties Declare State of Emergency Over Joe Biden's Open Borders Catastrophe (VIDEO)

Four Texas Counties Declare State of Emergency Over Joe Biden's Open Borders Catastrophe (VIDEO): Four Texas counties declared a state of emergency this week over the surge in illegal migrants due to Joe Biden’s open borders disaster. Another 620 unaccompanied minors were apprehended on the border on Tuesday. Kinney County, Texas officials signed a declaration of local disaster this week. Officials say the massive influx of migrants is overwhelming…

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

"Anybody Who Watched - Unprecedented Event of Stopping the Counting - Knows There Was Fraud" - Sidney Powell's Recorded Speech at the Tulsa Health and Freedom Conference (VIDEO)

"Anybody Who Watched - Unprecedented Event of Stopping the Counting - Knows There Was Fraud" - Sidney Powell's Recorded Speech at the Tulsa Health and Freedom Conference (VIDEO): Attorney Sidney Powell recorded her speech at the Tulsa Health and Freedom Conference over the weekend. Thousands of Christians and patriots attended the event this weekend sponsored by Clay Clark at the Rhema Bible College in Oklahoma. Powell discussed the ongoing election litigation at her Defending the Republic organization. Sidney Powell told the crowd, “There…

If lockdowns are needed, why did more people die in U.S. states which locked down than those which did not?

If lockdowns are needed, why did more people die in U.S. states which locked down than those which did not?: (Article by Will Jones republished from One of the great things about America is that it has 50 states that can set their own policy across a broad range of areas, including on public health and lockdowns. This has allowed some to resist the stampede to impose swingeing restrictions on normal life in the hope of […]

WATCH: Health Ranger talks with “Resistance Chicks” at Tulsa Health & Freedom Conference

WATCH: Health Ranger talks with “Resistance Chicks” at Tulsa Health & Freedom Conference: Over the weekend, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, spoke at the Tulsa Health & Freedom event, after which he engaged in an exclusive one-on-one conversation with the Resistance Chicks about health living, freedom issues, and his own personal faith journey. The conference was attended by more than 4,500 people who love America and really do […]

Government data reveal that ALL emergency use authorization “vaccines” for Covid-19 cause blood clots

Government data reveal that ALL emergency use authorization “vaccines” for Covid-19 cause blood clots: The latest data released by the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows that all of the “vaccines” currently being administered for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) under Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA) cause blood clots. These include not just the jabs from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J), which […]

Experts warn impact of coronavirus pandemic on children’s mental health is “increasingly alarming”

Experts warn impact of coronavirus pandemic on children’s mental health is “increasingly alarming”: Health experts are concerned about the effect of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the mental health of the general population, particularly the children. According to health experts, children are some of the most affected by the pandemic because of the repeated lockdowns and the sudden and significant changes in everyone’s lifestyle. Governments have enforced lockdowns or heavily restricted […]

Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death

Stanford Study Results: Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death: A recent Stanford study released by the NCBI, which is under the National Institutes of Health, showed that masks do absolutely nothing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and their use is even harmful.  NIH published a medical hypothesis by Dr. Baruch Vainshelboim (Cardiology Division, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System/Stanford University, Palo…

Big Tech continues effort to “de-person” Donald Trump almost guaranteeing he’ll start his own platform soon

Big Tech continues effort to “de-person” Donald Trump almost guaranteeing he’ll start his own platform soon: The censoring of former President Donald Trump by the Stalin-esque big tech platforms is continuing, which proves that they are neither for ‘free speech and expression’ or unbiased. Last week, Trump sat for an interview with his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, who is reportedly interested in running for a U.S. Senate seat in her native North […]

DEVELOPING: Mike Lindell's New Social Website "" Comes Under Massive Attack - Update: Website Is Back Up!

DEVELOPING: Mike Lindell's New Social Website "" Comes Under Massive Attack - Update: Website Is Back Up!: Mikel Lindell’s New Social Website “” Is Under a Massive Attack. Mike Lindell communicated this morning on Instagram that his new website “” is under a massive cyber attack and is currently down.  He says they are working on it and will be up again as soon as able. The Business Insider reports: Mike Lindell’s…


A great video explaining why things are disappearing such as the Indian maiden on your butter and the black lady on your pancake syrup bottle. Lately, Dr Seuss is a target. If you don't believe that people are trying to change everything about your life, pay attention. Because it happens little by little, and the transformation is already in motion. 


Tucker Carlson calls out Fauci, who refuses to answer simple questions about Coronavirus. If the vaccine prevents corona infection, then why must you still wear a mask and social distance after you are vaccinated? In other words, what is the point of taking the vaccine? 


Alex Jones interviews David Icke, who says that the purpose of the lockdowns was to destroy independent livelihoods and force government dependence. He says the PCR test does not test for Covid, it tests for genetic material, which resulted in fake Covid cases worldwide.  

He also believes that the covid vaccine is a bio weapon. Do not offer your body to an experimental vaccine. You will want to watch this until the end. Even if you don't believe it, this is an interesting video. 


I hesitated posting this because of the subject matter. This is difficult to accept. But not impossible to believe. 

Wisconsin high court STRIKES DOWN governor’s mask mandate

The mask will disappear, never to be seen again, one state at a time.

Wisconsin high court STRIKES DOWN governor’s mask mandate: The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down a mask mandate put in place by Gov. Tony Evers. In a 4-3 ruling, the high court ruled on March 31 that Evers overreached his authority with that mandate. According to the magistrates’ decision, the governor needed approval from state lawmakers – who are opposed to statewide mask mandates […]

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Mel & Rob discuss recent news that brings the CCP, NWO Cabal dark agenda to light. We must understand difficult truths to identify the enemy and their goals and bring that to light to end this global tyranny. At The same time much is happening…



Interesting facts happening now in the war between good and evil from a Big Pharma insider.

THEY SHUT DOWN OUR LIVES, THEN OPEN OUR BORDERS: Why can't people see the evil in that?

 Americans are getting played, schooled, mastered by a rogue government that shuts down schools, businesses and restaurants while keeping wide open borders for the immigrants to spread all that disease around. But we’re “all in this together” to save humanity and the future from the pandemic. Right?

Biden Decides to Raise Gas Prices and Heating Bills and Make America Dependent on Foreign Oil Again - Nobody Voted for This

Biden Decides to Raise Gas Prices and Heating Bills and Make America Dependent on Foreign Oil Again - Nobody Voted for This: Yep, no one voted for this.  Biden’s Energy Secretary on Friday made some moves that will make gas higher (it’s already up a buck since the inauguration), will increase heating bills, and will make American dependent on Middle East oil again.  Hot Air reports: Despite having pledged to take a balanced approach to energy issues…

America's Future | General Michael Flynn / April 12, 2021

Come in at 13 minutes to get straight to his speech. General Michael Flynn says we have to recognize the evil we are facing. The goal of that evil is to rip God out of every area of our lives. Everyone needs to do something to fight that evil. We blame others for the direction our country is headed, but what are you doing to change it?

Christians need to step into leadership roles in their communities. We got to this point by sitting on our hands and refusing to speak up. You are America's future. What you do today will influence the lives of your children and grandchildren. 


 DR. RYAN COLE, a Medical Doctor in Idaho speaks about the Covid-19 corona virus and about the mRNA vaccine which is not a vaccine but a gene modifier which is an experimental treatment. More importantly the doctor talks about the great importance of vitamin D and how it has a big impact on the health of your immune system. He also talks about how safe and very effective Ivermectin is for treating Covid-19 and new viral variants that would arise. The mRNA jabs killed all animals in animal trials of the past, and animals share a majority of the same DNA as humans do. Common Sense tells us shots that are bad for them are generally bad for us, medications that are good for them are good good for us. Humans are animals too. He also mentions about how masks do nothing to protect you from viruses and are useless for that purpose. Please share this video with everyone.


Here is the actual video that caught the CNN Technical Director admitting that CNN news pursued an agenda to get Trump out of office. 


Rumble — April 16, 2021: Patrick Byrne Interview at the Health and Freedom Conference in Tulsa, OK, by His Glory.

The government has to give us elections that are free, fair, and transparent. A democratic judge in a case involving two democrats decided that in a June primary, 78% of the mail-in ballots were fraudulent. The judge ordered a new election.

This is an egg that can't be unscrambled. I think that we have to order a new election in the five or six states. The current president has no legitimacy, and we have to have a new election.

Watch: Italian Lawmaker Calls for Arrest of Creepy Bill Gates and Charges of "Crimes Against Humanity"

You will have to read quickly as this Italian woman, a member of Italy's parliament sums up the world's problems in just a few minutes. 

Watch: Italian Lawmaker Calls for Arrest of Creepy Bill Gates and Charges of "Crimes Against Humanity": An Italian MP has called for billionaire Bill Gates to face trial in the International Criminal Court for charges of “crimes against humanity.” Sara Cunial, a member of Italy’s Parliament, is accusing Microsoft founder Gates of “working on depopulation and dictatorial control plans” around the world. The politician blasted Gates, the second-richest man in the world, for meddling in “global…

It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT Admits Police Ordered to Stand Down on January 6th - Yet the DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and Indicting Innocent Americans Proving They are Corrupt

It Was All a Set Up: Even NYT Admits Police Ordered to Stand Down on January 6th - Yet the DOJ and FBI Are Harassing and Indicting Innocent Americans Proving They are Corrupt: The Capitol Police on January 6th were given orders to stand down.  Pelosi refused Trump’s offer before that day for National Guard troops at the Capitol.  Director Wray continues to lie and say there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol that day.  Now the DOJ is indicting innocent Americans invited into the Capitol…

"Here's How it Works, Dr. Fauci, I Get to Ask You the Questions!" - Rep. Jim Jordan Puts Arrogant Fauci in His Place (VIDEO)

"Here's How it Works, Dr. Fauci, I Get to Ask You the Questions!" - Rep. Jim Jordan Puts Arrogant Fauci in His Place (VIDEO): Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) ripped Fauci apart on Thursday for flip-flopping on Covid mitigation measures. Rep. Jordan, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, demanded Fauci give him a date for the end of Covid restrictions. “15 days to slow the spread turned into 1 year of lost liberty,” Jim Jordan said. To no…

Exploding Covid-19 “cases” in Michigan prove vaccines simply aren’t working

Exploding Covid-19 “cases” in Michigan prove vaccines simply aren’t working: Michigan’s efforts to “vaccinate” its way out of another Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “spike” are failing miserably as a spate of new “cases” is being reported throughout the state. Despite widespread mask-wearing and Chinese virus vaccination, Michigan is seeing some of the worst numbers since last spring, prompting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head […]

CNN told producers to lie and fearmonger about Covid-19 deaths for ratings

CNN told producers to lie and fearmonger about Covid-19 deaths for ratings: Project Veritas has done it again, this time with an exposé outing fake news giant CNN for fearmongering about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). According to CNN technical director Charlie Chester, the fake news network’s head ordered staff to constantly display on the screen during broadcasts “death” numbers supposedly tied to the Chinese Virus – the […]


This is an excellent explanation from Wanda about how we got into this mess and why she thinks President Trump will have a second consecutive term as president. I do not acknowledge Biden as president. He is a thief and a liar. He is unfit for the position in many ways.

‘This is a very damaging expose’ by Project Veritas

Click on the Project Veritas link under News and Health links on the right side of my blog to learn more about what they talk about in this video. The fake news is being exposed, namely CNN at this point. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Top 10 LIES about COVID-19 that at least half of all Americans actually believe

This pandemic is planned and scripted by communists who collaborated with the CDC before and during the release and spread to America of the Chinese Flu Virus called COVID-19. That’s how the election was stolen, and that’s how 150 million Americans are about to find out the hard way what dirty vaccines actually mean.

Top 10 LIES about COVID-19 that at least half of all Americans actually believe: There’s nothing wrong with being patriotic, but at least half of all Americans believe that our government has our best interest in mind, including health and human rights, but nothing could be further from the truth. The last half dozen wars have not been fought to keep peace on Earth, but for money and greed. […]

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Dr. Russell Blaylock candidly warns about the health dangers of face masks, the potentially deadly Covid-19 vaccine, and the corruption/ignorance within the medical community. 


This 2014 video still holds true today about the chemicals added to our food and water. If you feel like crap, it could be what you're eating and drinking. Just like the chemicals in skin care products, food and beverage ingredients are not monitored or regulated. No one seems to care if you eat, drink, or apply poison to your body. It's up to you to read labels and learn what to avoid. 

US Medical Expert: Dr. Fauci, FDA's Woodcock Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of American Deaths for Smearing Hydroxy (VIDEO)

US Medical Expert: Dr. Fauci, FDA's Woodcock Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of American Deaths for Smearing Hydroxy (VIDEO): Over the past year political biases prevented the American medical community from promoting potential treatments like Hydroxychloroquine from treating the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the media, and the American medical community shot down its effectiveness early last year after President Trump promoted the drug. This was despite this proof of its effectiveness in treating the…

Project Veritas Drops Video of CNN Director Admitting They Use COVID Fearmongering for Ratings

Project Veritas Drops Video of CNN Director Admitting They Use COVID Fearmongering for Ratings: Project Veritas dropped part two of their CNN exposé on Wednesday, in which CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester admits that they use COVID scaremongering to drive ratings. During the shocking video, Chester explains how the network uses “manipulation” to shape public opinion. “Any reporter on CNN — what they’re actually doing is they’re telling the…


Dr. Russel Blaylock discusses social engineering and eugenics via fluoride and vaccines.  I remember the taste of the little white fluoride pills we were given in elementary school. Everyone thought it was a good thing. This doctor says it was not.

April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart… FDA calls halt to J&J vaccine as deaths accelerate

April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart… FDA calls halt to J&J vaccine as deaths accelerate: In the wake of accelerating deaths from vaccine-induced blood clots, the FDA has now called a nationwide halt to the Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccine. In truth, all covid-19 vaccine cause deadly blood clots for the simple reason that spike protein structures are biologically active and load to blood coagulation (clotting) inside the body. These […]

Big Tech murdered Americans by censoring safe and effective Covid-19 treatments

Big Tech murdered Americans by censoring safe and effective Covid-19 treatments: Censorship by the mainstream media and Big Tech of early treatment options for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) resulted in hundreds of thousands of needless deaths, says Dr. Peter McCullough. A well-qualified physician who works as an internist and cardiologist, as well as a professor of medicine at Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center, Dr. McCullough […]

TIMELINE: The CDC’s corrupt history revealed as it pushes mass hysteria to sell dirty vaccines

TIMELINE: The CDC’s corrupt history revealed as it pushes mass hysteria to sell dirty vaccines: How could it be that we can’t trust the CDC? How could a country so strong and efficient have the regulatory agency for disease control and prevention be so insidious that all they care about today is controlling the populace by actually spreading disease? It’s always all about money and control, and we have a […]

Monday, April 12, 2021

ENOUGH! Restaurant Owners and Patrons SCREAM at Government Mask Enforcers to "Get Out!" After They Lecture on Masks

People are beginning to realize their strength in numbers. This made me very emotional because I absolutely hate the mask for so many reasons, which you are aware of if you follow this blog. 

ENOUGH! Restaurant Owners and Patrons SCREAM at Government Mask Enforcers to "Get Out!" After They Lecture on Masks: A group of customers and patrons at a restaurant in Barrie, Ontario north of Toronto, were interrupted by maskers who came in to harass the establishment. The encounter ended with the patrons screaming at the two in masks to “Get Out!” You gotta love the little girl cheering in the background. So I took a…


Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $116 billion a year. And Biden wants them to keep coming and give them better lives than American citizens have. Alex Jones talks about this and other messed-up plans for America. will live stream the upcoming Tulsa event on April 16th and 17th, featuring Lin Wood, Andy Wakefield, Gen. Flynn, Dr. Simone Gold and many more will live stream the upcoming Tulsa event on April 16th and 17th, featuring Lin Wood, Andy Wakefield, Gen. Flynn, Dr. Simone Gold and many more: The ThriveTimeShow LIVE conference from Tulsa is happening this Friday and Saturday, starting at 11 am on both days. The entire event will be streamed for free at, using Brighteon’s new streaming engine which is currently in beta. Over 4,500 people will be in attendance at the live event, and 50,000 people called to […]

Evil Facebook refuses to inform users their personal data was leaked in massive privacy breach

Evil Facebook refuses to inform users their personal data was leaked in massive privacy breach: A spokesperson for Facebook revealed that the tech giant did not notify the more than 500 million users whose personal data was stolen and distributed online. The spokesperson also said that the tech giant currently has no plans of ever informing them of the privacy breach. The social media firm chose not to notify affected users because it doubted it could identify […]


Some people still have their heads in the sand concerning just how evil certain people are and what they are doing to destroy America and humanity in general. Here's your proof from one of many people who are hell-bent on destroying, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

"A Demented Pervert - Who Can't Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is" - Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Sidney Powell:  “Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party.  A vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state.  And a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is and they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.”

 "A Demented Pervert - Who Can't Tie His Own Shoelaces or Know Where He Is" - Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden (VIDEO)

Mass vaccination site in Colorado shut down after people experience adverse reactions from Johnson & Johnson vaccine

Mass vaccination site in Colorado shut down after people experience adverse reactions from Johnson & Johnson vaccine: A Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mass vaccination site in Colorado was shut down as multiple people experienced adverse reactions after receiving the Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine. The incident occurred in Commerce City, a suburb of Denver, at a mass vaccination site set up by private health corporation Centura Health. (Related: KNOCK KNOCK: Detroit will send government […]

Florida is throwing the “tea in the harbor” by denying vaccine passports and nullifying all the plandemic tyranny rules of the Marxist DC Democrats

Florida is throwing the “tea in the harbor” by denying vaccine passports and nullifying all the plandemic tyranny rules of the Marxist DC Democrats: Just say no to chemical violence and medical violence. Don’t be coerced into getting the Chinese Flu vaccines that contain experimental mRNA technology when the whole vaccine industry in this country has already dished out over $4 billion in damages to its victims, dead and alive. If you believe the vaccine industry is out to […]


With each passing day, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that mRNA vaccines are a death weapon against humanity. Now, we’re learning that mRNA vaccines may pose a threat to the viability of the human species thanks to the fact that a mechanisms exists whereby mRNA sequences can be transformed into DNA and inserted into your human genome.

This means there is a possibility that mRNA vaccines might turn you into a “genetically engineered” organism, with potentially catastrophic consequences for your own health as well as impacting fertility and future generations. It is technically possible that mRNA vaccines may cause widespread infertility, birth defects or horrific deaths by altering human DNA. 


By Danelle Carvell

Trying to smile through the pain of the last six months

Petty stuff. We focus on it way too much. Lately, I've been trying to stay focused on bigger things--the things that matter from an eternal perspective. Why? Because I'm tired of wasting time and being distracted by the petty stuff that can easily be overlooked. 

When I focus on petty things, I waste so much energy and emotion on puffed-up problems that give me no return on my investment. It's a strategy the devil uses to keep me frustrated, and it also destroys relationships if I decide to act or open my mouth to address the matter. 

I could fill a notebook with stories about the times I wish I had kept my mouth shut instead of shooting off about petty, sometimes purely-imagined problems. A big part of growing up is learning to discern when to speak and when to keep quiet. I'm better at the quiet part than I used to be, but I still have a way to go.

This past year has brought a great deal of perspective to all of us about what's really important in life. In one year, I lost a job because of Covid and I endured the worst physical pain I've ever known. Add to that the mental stress of Coronamania and it became a mentally exhausting year. 

I told my doctor at my last visit that the physical pain from a spine fracture was beginning to affect my mental health. Even my own family wasn't fully aware of how much I was suffering. Electrocution is the only way I can describe the pain and it lasted for six months. 

Ask me what my biggest fear is and I will instantly answer, physical pain. I can handle mental stress. I dealt with that most of my life. But physical excruciating pain, to me, is unbearable. It's also the thing I fear most for the people I love. 

Physical pain is a real problem that can't be denied, but much of our pain in life we bring on ourselves by dwelling on petty things that we should take to God instead of taking to each other. I do believe in confronting people when they truly are being mean, but sometimes people are unintentional about the things we consider to be hurtful.

Sometimes we don't have all the details and if we did know the whole story, it would all make sense and our hurts could easily be explained away. Sometimes the way that something is said is misunderstood and if we talked to the person, we would realize that she didn't mean it the way it was received. 

That's why communication is so important. You could walk around for years harboring resentment for a comment that wasn't intended to be mean, and because you didn't communicate the hurt, you don't give the person an opportunity to clear the air and restore the relationship. 

But wait a minute. Shouldn't I keep my mouth shut about petty things? If it's affecting your relationship with someone and you think about it constantly, it's not a petty thing. You need to address it. At that point, the question becomes, How will I confront the person? 

And this is where the world gets to see our true colors and our maturity level. Do we become those kids in the school yard in third grade or do we approach the person as Jesus would--with respectful honesty.  

One thing I learned about confronting people is that it's best done in person. Texting is a NO! NO! Too much can be misunderstood with the absence of facial expressions and body language. I have sent hand-written letters to set things straight in the past and I've regretted some of those letters. 

If I wrote a confrontation letter today, I would be sure to follow up with a phone call to make sure my thoughts were received in the manner I intended. There's nothing more futile than making things worse by communicating in the hope of making things better, and I have experienced that. 

But the first thing I would do is pray for the right words to convey my thoughts so that they are correctly understood. I would also pray for an open heart from the person receiving the message so that no walls go up. 

I prayed for more than a year for an opportunity to talk to someone I felt that I needed to talk to. He is someone I rarely see, and when I do see him, there are too many distractions and we can't talk. Recently, God answered my prayer by sending him to me as he was trying to fix a problem. He had no idea that I would be the one to help him because he was expecting someone else to be there. 

We didn't really say much to each other. It was the way we spoke to each other, the smiles and the respectful manner we both presented that was the answer to my prayer. I needed to know that we were okay, no hard feelings, no resentment. And without God's help, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to see him and be assured that we are okay. 

And this is the point I'm getting at...if you're going to confront someone, whether it's about a big thing or a petty thing that you turned into a big thing, always invite God to be there. Pray about it first. Don't rush in angry and say regretful things. Let God go ahead of you and make a way for the right place and time. Give Him time to reveal any truth you might need to see first. Often things are not what they seem to us. 

We mess up relationships when we jump to conclusions that are not accurate, and God can turn that around to make us see more clearly. Then we can let go of the petty things that don't deserve another second of our time and attention. 

By staying focused on important, not petty things, what I'm really doing is inviting God into every area of my life. I want to reach a point where nothing I say or do is without His consideration. Everything is put to prayer first and then I wait for Him to let me know what's petty and what's important. That's how I know when to speak and when to stay silent, what deserves my time and effort, and what does not. 

Because a rich, full life can only be had by pursuing worthwhile things and wholeheartedly loving people. In the past six months I've realized, there's no time for anything else. 


Friday, April 9, 2021

DUTCH SHEETS 2021 | Stepping Into The GREAT AWakening in AMERICA with Ke...

A MUST WATCH if you need encouragement. Great things are coming and you should be ready. Come in at 19 minutes to get right to it. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Alex Jones reveals MASSIVE child trafficking scheme operating in plain sight at US border… while local police watch and do nothing

Alex Jones reveals MASSIVE child trafficking scheme operating in plain sight at US border… while local police watch and do nothing: Infowars‘ Alex Jones has blown the lid on a massive human smuggling operation taking place right in plain sight at America’s southern border. Local police, however, could not care less. Jones filmed buses taking children from a makeshift, dirt floor cage camp under the Anzalduas International Bridge in McAllen, Tex., to a processing facility in […]


Alex Jones exposes the globalist anti-human agenda. Biden is pushing gun control because he knows Americans are furious about his destructive decisions. Bill Gates pushes death with vaccines, poisoned food and whatever will bring down the population.

A guest appearance by straight-talking Ted Nugent, who says democrats are destroying everything about America. They want to turn us into Venezuela. We can't open our churches and schools. You can't own a gun or open your restaurant, but millions of invaders are allowed through our open borders. It's total insanity. Also Rebel News reporter, Sheila Gunn and researcher Jay Dyer contribute to the conversation. 


The socio-psychological effects of masks on children are awful. Please think twice and consider this before continuing to mask up your kids. 

“Breakthrough” coronavirus cases still being reported, some even dying despite being fully vaccinated

“Breakthrough” coronavirus cases still being reported, some even dying despite being fully vaccinated: An increasing number of people who have supposedly been fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are still testing positive from the virus. Many others are even dying from it. When a person has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus yet still tests positive for it, this is known as a “breakthrough” COVID-19 case. In […]

April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that “eat your brain” like Mad Cow Disease

April 8th, 2021: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that “eat your brain” like Mad Cow Disease: The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body. This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute: The presence and unique distribution […]

Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vaccination of patients and staff

Outbreak of DEATH occurs at Canadian nursing home following mass vaccination of patients and staff: The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is ravaging the Cottonwoods Care Center in British Columbia (BC), Canada, after both patients and staff members at the facility were mass vaccinated for the alleged disease. Reports indicate that many at Cottonwoods are now falling seriously ill or dying due to the jabs, which the government and mainstream media continue […]

MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer

MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer: There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA, that’s located between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes – changes that genetic tests don’t even […]

Fauci secretly funded gain of function research at Wuhan lab that produced Covid-19

Fauci secretly funded gain of function research at Wuhan lab that produced Covid-19: Richard H. Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, says that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Anthony Fauci “systematically thwarted” proper government oversight of dangerous pathogen research, a move that ultimately resulted in the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). An oversight board specifically created to scrutinize such research was never […]

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Current Time 1:18
Duration 9:47