Friday, April 30, 2021


 Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, however, the world has changed so much that I hardly recognize it. The past year has been wrought with so much sadness, so much uncertainty, so much darkness, and so much evil that I am shaken to my core.

 The world has witnessed countless displays of gross negligence, insidious manipulation, and abhorrent abuse of power that violate the sanctity of life, impinging on human rights and freedoms and bringing about unnecessary deaths every day. Worst of all, the people responsible for these crimes against humanity continue to lie, deceive, and gaslight the world, disguising their sinister agenda as a noble endeavor to save the masses. It is absolutely heart-wrenching.

 Perhaps you too feel the gravity of the spiritual battle we are in, and the weight of it all feels like too much to shoulder.

Please know that you are not alone. There are so many people, good, honest, people, fighting this fight. There are doctors, scientists, lawyers, religious leaders and professionals in every field speaking out and trying to keep this evil at bay, and there are everyday people all around us doing whatever they can to stand up for what is right. There are heroes all around us, heroes willing to sacrifice everything in the name of truth. We are stronger when we stand together, supporting one another as we each offer our own unique voice.

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