Saturday, July 24, 2021

Thousands protest COVID-19 lockdown in Sydney

If you still don't believe that something bigger than a virus is at work here, you are delusional and you need to open your eyes. Your freedoms are being stripped away in the guise of a medical emergency. Did it ever occur to you that the medical emergency was purposely put in place as an excuse to take your freedoms and control you? 

And wasn't the timing of this virus so convenient? Using Covid as an excuse, they were able to change election procedures, making it easier to steal an election. I know many people, even family members who are so naive about this PLANdemic, SCAMdemic. They follow the rules and don't put up any kind of a fight because they actually believe all this bullshit is for real. 

"Oh my God, we're going to die from a virus with a less than 1% kill rate! This is terrible. Put your mask on so my grandma doesn't die! Meanwhile, your own Governor is killing Grandma by sending Covid positive patients back into nursing homes. 

I guess the people with their heads in the sand don't want to admit to the evil that exists in the world... I guess that is the reason for their refusal to see the truth. I can't come up with any other reason. But they will get the shock of their lives when the truth finally sinks in. 

The virus might be real, but the reason to fear it is not real. Like I said, if you get covid, you have a less than 1% chance of dying from it. It is a very survivable virus. If you know someone in that 1% who died, I am sorry. Just as you would be sorry for me if I had lost someone to the seasonal flu back in 2019. 

Viruses have been killing people for centuries, but when did we ever wear masks and shut down the country for months? The only difference between the flu and covid is the big bad badge of fear that was purposely attached to covid. You were told to be afraid of it. Fear is a powerful thing. And it's a great way to control people. 

Covid was created in a lab as a bioweapon, and it was either accidentally or intentionally released. The virus killed people. The lockdowns killed people and destroyed their businesses. And now the vaccines are killing people. Then, after a stolen election, the evil continues by inviting more sickness and disease into our country through open borders. And have you noticed the higher prices on everything since babbling Biden took over?

Are you seeing the theme here? The theme is death, destruction and human suffering. And you think this is about a highly survivable virus? I am completely baffled by people who don't see what's really happening. We are in a battle between good and evil, and we can't win if people refuse to acknowledge that. 

I know I need to pray more and be frustrated with people less. God help me to do that. My generation was part of the problem. We let this happen by refusing to get involved in schools, government and politics. While good people did nothing, evil people were patiently plotting. And now we can't get anything changed because people in positions of authority are compromised, from local governments straight up to the Supreme court.

It looks like it will take an act of God for our children to have any kind of a future. And that is what we need to pray for. 

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