Monday, January 3, 2022


It's very hard for me to understand how anyone can feel good about getting the Covid-19 vaccine. And encouraging others to go ahead and get it seems crazy, almost like telling someone to jump off a high cliff. How can you ignore the reputable doctors who are speaking out against this dangerous experimental therapy? How can you ignore the number of deaths and health injuries in people shortly after receiving the jab? How can you ignore the VAERS website where vaccine injuries are reported? The numbers are through the roof since this vaccine came out. And how can you be so complacent and refuse to stand up for your constitutional rights?

30,000 men and women will be purged from our military because they refused to get this shot. What sane nation would deliberately weaken its military this way? Think about it. If you don't think there is evil behind this vaccine, just look at the way they are using it to destroy people--their health , their jobs, their freedoms, and now destroying our country by weakening our military. People need to wake up. Perhaps the link below will open your eyes. 

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