Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Forgiveness has great power. And healing is connected to forgiveness. We should regularly check our hearts for any offense that might be causing resentment or bitterness. 

Although people are responsible for their actions, people are not the enemy. Satan works through people to cause strife, conflict and division. When someone displays hostility toward you, that person is being led by Satan. 

In Ephesians 6:12 we are told that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the powers in this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil. We need to remember who the real enemy is when people come against us. 

Social Media has greatly contributed to stirring up anger and resentment. It's so easy to blast someone with a hostile text. Also, I'm seeing so many people walking around  in a state of oppression. I can see it on their faces and in their tone of voice and body language. The world has never been more filled with hostility, depression, stress and anxiety. 

All these negative emotions can cause physical sickness and physical pain if we allow them to continue. We must remember who we are in Christ so we are not emotionally affected  and scarred by the hostility of others. We must learn to let God be our avenger instead of seeking revenge for ourselves. And we must forgive every offense as soon as it happens. If we don't forgive, we hurt ourselves even more by stressing our minds and bodies with energy-draining resentment. 

Just remember that forgiveness is not about becoming a doormat and allowing people to abuse you again and again. You do have the right to protect yourself from hostility. Forgiveness is an act of your will that says, " I choose not to remain bitter and resentful toward the person who hurt me. But instead, I will pray for them and wish the best for them."

In the past year, I have had to work through forgiving several people. Some of those issues haven't been resolved, but I have let go of the resentment. However, I am allowing myself the time I need to feel comfortable in their presence. 

People should always respect someone's need for distance after they've been hurt. Forgiveness can happen the same day, but sometimes trust must be restored before relationships can be mended.
Jesus often walked away from people to preserve his mind and emotions. 

If you need to forgive someone, do it for yourself and because it is what God calls us to do. Then take the time you need to recover.  

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