Saturday, June 24, 2023

4 Doors You May Have Opened to Demons

This video explains something I have said in past posts about opening doors to demonic activity in your life. Some things that people do will make them vulnerable to demonic attack. Yes, even born-again believers can be influenced by the deception, torment, temptation and harassment of evil spirits.

Here are the four major areas of vulnerability that will make you more susceptible to demonic attack:

Your Connections- 
Bad company corrupts good character. Sometimes we must engage with unbelievers, but we don't have to be influenced by them. A Christian should always be a positive influence on a non-believer and not the other way around. Is someone you spend time with leading you to do and say things that are not godly? Listening to worldly people will program the way you think.

Your eyes and ears-
What you look at and listen to affects your mind and emotions. Some music has evil lyrics. Violent or sexual and disturbing images will affect your mind in a negative way. Be careful what you set before your eyes and ears. 

Your Mouth-
The way you speak affects the way you think and feel. Let no unwholesome speech come out of your mouth is what the Bible tells us. What comes out of your mouth matters and so does what you put into your mouth. Drunkedness, gluttony, drugs and other substances can invite demonic activity. What you consume can affect the way you think and feel and make you vulnerable. 

States of Being-
Fear, anger, exhaustion, hunger and confusion are examples of states of being that can also make you vulnerable. When you find yourself in a negative state of being, you should go to a place of worship to escape from it. That place could be your own bedroom, not necessarily a church. 

David stresses in the video that anger is not a sin. The Bible says, be angry and sin not. There is a distinction between sin and anger. It is possible to be angry without sinning. But what you do in that anger can become sin. So be careful when you are feeling angry. 

Unforgiveness is also a state of being that you must watch out for. It is possible to forgive someone yet choose to break contact with the person because your trust has been broken. Our culture has a liberal mind-set that teaches we must be tolerant of everyone and we should never step away from a relationship or cut off contact with anyone. That is not what the Bible teaches. Jesus walked away from people all the time. You do have the right to do the same without feeling guilty. 

Stay away from these four doors and do not open them even a crack. Life is hard enough without inviting the darkness in. Stay in the light of God's word, watch your speech and behavior, and pray away any dark influence on your life and the lives of others. 

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