Saturday, August 26, 2023


By Danelle Carvell



This position is out of my comfort zone today. But in the seventies, gymnastics shows during half-time at basketball games were some of the most fun times in high school. I made new friends, and I pushed through the fear of solo performance. 

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new, maybe something you were afraid to do, and then found the experience to be frustrating? This is where I find myself right now. But I don't want to discourage anyone from trying something new because good things always come from pushing through your fears and trying something different. 

For years, I tossed around the idea of making videos, rather than just writing posts. But I didn't feel confident about it, so I didn't try it. This summer I managed to push through all my doubts and fears and I recorded some videos on my phone. They started out as cooking and baking videos and then I did a series of videos titled, Detox Your Home. 

I posted about eight videos on my blog, and everything seemed to be moving along fine until I wasn't able to post the link to my last video. Then I discovered that all the prior videos I had posted were no longer there. I believe the problem is that the overall content on my blog is not suitable to Google's guidelines. In fact, they told me so.

So my videos on this blog are no longer accessible. I posted all but one on Instagram, and those are still there, except for one, which was too long for Instagram, so that one is lost. 

So at this point, if you want to watch the other seven videos, you will have to follow me on Instagram. They are there for now anyway. 

I don't regret making the videos. I learned that I do have the confidence to stand in front of a camera and share things. And it was fun to see new people follow me on Instagram because of those videos. Liam Neeson, the actor was the most shocking follower. Maybe he wants to detox his home, I don't know, but I got a kick out of that. 

So if there's something new you've been thinking of trying, I want to encourage you to go for it. Yes, there is a chance you will fail and there is a chance that the experience will be disappointing, but something good will come of it, I promise. 

Maybe you will meet someone that you would not have met if you hadn't stepped out and tried this new thing. Maybe an opportunity will come your way that would not have come if you had let fear stop you. Maybe you will learn something valuable. Maybe you will build confidence that you can use to pursue future goals. Something positive always happens when you step out of your comfort zone and try something new. 

So whatever it is that you've been pondering trying. Take a step toward it, and see where it takes you. Life is so much more rewarding and adventurous when you venture out of your comfort zone. 

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