

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Ripple Effect: Your Daily Choices Impact the World

God designed you for the purpose of making this world a better place. To realize the difference you make, you can't compare your contributions to anyone else's. You can make a difference anywhere and in so many ways, as long as love guides you. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Protect Your Relationships with Boundaries

The best talk I ever heard about setting boundaries in our relationships. People I know let others walk all over them and it brings so much stress into their lives. God does not want us to live like that. Boundaries are biblical. We don't need to feel guilty for distancing ourselves from toxic people. 

12 Ways RFK Jr. Will Make America Healthy Again

Dr Axe breaks down the changes that RFK Jr. is planning to bring that will positively affect the health of Americans. This is a long overdue improvement that you should be excited about. Americans have been poisoned for decades through our food, water, prescription drugs, vaccines, chemtrails, and every other way possible. 


Great advice from someone who has been through it. She was addicted, depressed and suicidal, among other things. We can open the door to a cycle of negative talk and toxic actions and emotions. We need to speak to the mountains in our lives and let go of the things that are not good for us. 

Give your life to God and ask him for help. Then watch what He can do. The places people look for comfort, help and love often get them into deeper despair. Stay in the word of God. Choose to let God be your comfort. 

Renewing your mind will renew your life. You have a choice to give power to the enemy or let God be your refuge. You must let go of  negative emotions like anger and unforgivness. Apologize to those you have hurt. Wipe your slate clean and start fresh. 

You have the power to change your life if you want to. 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

God Promised You Everything: Part 2

Declaring the promises of God over your life is one of the most life-changing things you can do. Knowing God's promises in the Bible is key to living-out your potential and being happily content. When you claim God's promises, you begin to see the hand of God directing your path, and the way that He does this will truly amaze you. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

God Promised You Everything

There are more than 3,000 places in the Bible where God promises something to those who seek Him. Declaring these promises over our lives is a life-changing decision. This video explores these promises according to different stages in our lives. We can depend on God's promises with absolute certainty because God is not capable of lying. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Warning: A Shocking Global Event is Near



God is warning of a shocking display of His power, which I hesitated to share because it sounds so unbelievable. 

A display of power and rescue is about to be released from Heaven. Every prophet we follow is on the same page right now. A global event is coming. A worldwide exodus out of the slavery and bondage we've been under is about to be seen. 

God is about to do something miraculous. This event will affect people of all walks of life in every town, every country and every family. Some people will be frightened and others will find it unbelievable. God is telling us not to fear anything we see in the coming days. 

God loves his people, and he is about to wipe out our enemies in a way never seen before. The oppression and deception we have lived under is being exposed. The smug looks on the faces of the arrogant elite are about to be wiped away forever. They will never again mistreat anyone. The proud are being brought low.

This is a time to draw close to God and totally trust Him, no matter what you see. This is a time to pray for anyone who is lost and needs to repent. Pray for the salvation of family and friends.This is God's final attempt to bring the stubborn and the wicked to Him. If you haven't made a decision for Christ, the clock is ticking. You are running out of time, and your decision will last for eternity. You won't get a re-do. 

The scripture to read right now is Joel 2:1-3 and Matthew 24: 39-44. And the prophets to follow right now are Julie Green Ministries on Rumble, Declaring Your Destiny on You Tube, and A Watchman's Journal on You Tube. These prophets will give you peace and comfort in the shocking days ahead. 

Speaking In Tongues Activates God's Power | Pray In Tongues Episode 03

Praying in tongues is one of the most misunderstood gifts in the Christian community. Some even consider it the works of the devil. The truth is that praying in the spirit is powerful, and Satan loves that we fear this gift and he loves that we shy away from it. 

God has given us the power of the Holy Spirit, but many Christians fail to activate this gift. It is our responsibility to put this power to work. Do you want to be filled with God's divine strength or don't you?

Monday, January 13, 2025

They Want Devastation: God Wants Restoration


The whole wicked system is being extinguished in ways never seen before.

We must stay on high alert right now. God has been warning about a 9-11 style attack and plans to sabotage our electrical grid across the country. Many of our government leaders have been blackmailed. They are bought-out and controlled by China. Biden is at the top of the list. 

China had plans to take us over this year. We have been living under a system that is against humanity, and they thought this was their year of total devastation. Rogue leaders in the US and China want death on a massive scale. They want Marshall law and full world-dominance. They want to destroy the church and start World War Three.

But God has other plans. We are about to see unprecedented events in China and Canada. The Chinese government will start to collapse. God is exposing everything that has been coming against us through this whole wicked system. 

The mysterious explosions in food-processing plants, meat plants and chicken farms were not an accident. They want our food to be scarce. Attacks on our food supply is part of their depopulation agenda. They are also poisoning our food at a rate never done before. 

You will see video exposure of our food being injected with viruses. They are forcing bird flu virus into the cattle, poultry and pork industries. God is also exposing the poisoning they've done to our air, water, and soil. Tap water, rivers and lakes have been poisoned to sicken us. The FDA is just another arm of this wicked establishment, and is part of the poisoning. 

God is exposing the biological warfare used against us. Bio Labs in Ukraine and China will be exposed and extinguished. Do you think Covid was just a random virus? They couldn't wait to muzzle us with their masks and watch people die. 

God will restore all the damage done to our bodies. My hair and my sense of smell and taste have not been the same since I got Covid in the fall of 2021. This will be a year of glorious restoration, so hang on a while longer. Our enemies are about to be cut off and removed in ways never seen before. 

This is not a time for fear and panic. It's a time to stay alert, be watchful, stay aware of your surroundings and be careful. Satan wants us in a state of fear, panic and confusion. Don't give him what he wants. Meditate on God's promises in  Isaiah 43:2, Psalm 23:4 and Isaiah 40:29. Stand on God's word and trust His promises.

Also, pray for President Trump. He has people around him that want to sabotage him. Pray that these infiltrators will be exposed. 

Watch Julie Green's word of warning and hope posted today on Rumble at Julie Green Ministries. I couldn't post the link because I kept getting an error message. 

The year that they planned for harm will actually be a year of restoration. God is our protector and He will not fail.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Change The World: Get Radical

You were created for a purpose much greater than yourself, your next vacation and your 401K. Many of us have replaced seeking God with the American dream of pursuing success, buying stuff and having fun. But God has designed our lives for a collision course with the needs around us and to make the gospel known to unreached people. 

How many Christians are willing to leave their familiar comforts to follow Christ? The American dream is all about self and materialism. It's all about trusting in our own abilities instead of trusting in the power of God. It's about gaining wealth and achieving things in our own power. 

David Platt, in the bestselling book, "Radical" is calling us to return to a biblical gospel instead of embracing the ideas and values that are common in our culture. He's asking us to choose the lasting things over the temporary. We were created to accomplish things for God's glory, not our own. 

Prepare Your Hearts and Homes: Rough Patch Ahead


Good times are ahead, but we're not out of the woods yet.

The destructive fires in Hawaii, the hurricanes in Florida and North Carolina, and now more fires in something sinister behind this? Do you think the explosion in Studio City last night was an accident? Do you think the fires in LA County were not deliberately set? What about the planned attack on Bourbon Street recently? Do you know what's behind the drone sightings and the strange fog being reported?

God has been warning us that 2025 will start out with a bang. He is warning us to batten down the hatches and prepare our hearts and homes for the rough patch ahead. Keep your supplies well-stocked in case they get what they want...another lockdown. Anything is possible. What happened before can happen again. 

There are frauds in our government who are trying to sabotage Trump. They want to shut down the world to stop his inauguration. They are signaling one another and working with China, Hamas, Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah to bring one attack after another. 

They are planning something that will make 9-11 look like a walk in the park. They want a financial collapse and another pandemic we can't recover from. They are paving the way for another world war. 

The good news is that God also wants us to prepare for living a whole new way after we watch our enemies fall on their faces. The rhinos and rats are about to be extinguished. God is freeing us from the ones who have enslaved us. He will defend, protect and save this nation.

The Silicon Valley, the Washington establishment, Corporate America, Big Banks, Hollywood, Big Pharma, the old guard church and the lying media are among those marked for destruction. Don't fear the chaos that you see. It must happen to bring them to total collapse. 

We will see them fall right in front of our eyes, just like Pharaoh in Egypt and the walls of Jericho. Bible history proves that God always delivers his people. We are one nation under God, and God always wins. 

Trump wants Canada as the 51st state, and he wants to buy Greenland. Don jr. was just in Greenland and he was warmly welcomed. The people of Greenland are tired of living under the oppression of Denmark. They are treated as second-class citizens and they want their freedom back. 

Canada and Greenland are mineral-rich nations. I wouldn't be surprised if taxes are completely eliminated when America becomes an abundant land of rich resources. Could this be part of the new way we will be living? Time will tell. 

Good times are ahead, but we are not out of the woods yet. Stay in prayer. Trust God no matter what you see.They want us in fear right now. Fearful people are easier to control. Don't fall for it. Truth always prevails and God always wins. 

Click the link below for Julie's amazing prophetic voice and her uplifting teaching about the times we are living in and how God wants us to stand strong.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Prepare For A Global Turnaround (VIDEO)


Justin Trudeau stepped down on the same day that Trump was officially certified as the winner of the 2024 election. Biden recently released 11 terrorists from Guantanamo Bay while even more innocent Americans are being charged for the bogus January 6 "insurrection." If this doesn't open your eyes to what is actually happening in the world, then I will continue to pray for you. 

Our current leaders are China-controlled, bribed and blackmailed puppets who welcomed communism and socialism into our country. They want to destroy America and Israel...God's chosen nations. Prepare to hear China making threats against the US. 

We will also hear "shelter in place." They want another global lockdown, Marshall law, and an economic collapse. They want more destructive weather and to release more bio-weapons. They want a one-world government, total surveillance, and no form of privacy, so they can destroy you at any time if you are a threat to them. 

This all sounds like a science fiction horror film or something from the book 1984, but this is the world we live in, and God is warning us through His prophets. He is telling us not to fear. He is about to destroy China's control and power over our nation. And don't be surprised if Trump takes office sooner than expected. 

China has been sneaking toxic chemicals into our products for years. Remember the lead in children's lunch boxes? I know people who buy vitamins and supplements that are made in China. It's written clearly on the label where it came from. 

Products brought here from China have done more damage than we realize. They have put things into these imported products to spy on us and make us sick. God is about to cut off all our ties to China and to collapse the leadership in this wicked country.

Part of our national debt is the result of our government paying China to spy on us and destroy us in a variety of ways. Our tax dollars were spent to destroy us. Our government allowed Chinese hackers into many of our servers, computer systems and programs. 

God is about to show every country how our government paid other nations to destroy American citizens. China has been spying on us for years. Remember the Chinese spy balloons?

China Joe and all the Bidens are being brought down, along with Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. They are all in bed with China. We must prepare for the shakings and the shocking truth that is about to pour out worldwide. 

China's financial control over us and their latest bio-weapons will be destroyed. All government ties to China will be cut off. All this evil corruption is about to end,

So hold tight to God. We are in a global turnaround, and God is about to fill the earth with His glory. What a great time to be alive and witness this incredible time in history. 

Click the link below for Julie Green's encouraging prophecy:

Monday, January 6, 2025

Day 1 - Fast Forward Challenge - How Prayer & Fasting Transform Your Life

Do you need a radical transformation in your life? Prayer and fasting will transform your life, and I am putting that claim to the test. Shannon Wells on You Tube began a 21-day fast yesterday. I decided to join her. She eats one meal a day at 5:00 and fasts the rest of the time with only liquids. I decided to only eat within a 6-hour window from 3 to 9 pm. 

Some people might do a Daniel fast of only fruits and vegetables. Your fast should be a challenge to you. Don't make it easy. And if you have medical reasons to be careful about fasting, ask God for guidance. 

I'm looking forward to seeing the breakthroughs that come as a result of my fast. You should also watch Shannon's video titled, "Going All In With God" at Shannon Wells Ministries on You Tube. She explains the amazing things that can happen when we fast and pray for days. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

You Will Soon Know That You've Been A Slave: Freedom is Coming


Part of our nation's capitol was shut down yesterday due to a suspicious vehicle parked nearby. We recently saw two terrorist attacks: one in New Orleans that killed 15 people, and another attack in Las Vegas. It's reported that the men responsible served together at Fort Bragg. 

At the beginning of the new year, lightening struck four places in the same night: the Empire State building, the One World Trade Center, the Capitol in D.C. and the Washington monument. God has been telling us that He is bringing down certain corporations and monuments. The Empire State building houses Microsoft.

God is trying to get our attention, but many are still oblivious. If you don't realize by now that we are living under an evil, manipulative, corrupted system of government, then I pray that God opens your eyes. 

America has been enslaved to other nations. China has invested billions in our land, businesses, and other resources. Government leaders are in bed with China. This is why Trump calls Biden, "China Joe." 

Our tax system is a lie and God is bringing it down. Our economy has been manipulated by elites who line their pockets while making you struggle financially. Our credit system imposes corrupt interest rates designed to keep you in debt. God is ripping Wall Street apart, and you will see the biggest Ponzi scheme ever being exposed. 

The system we have been living under is not what God intended for us. God always removes the enemies against Him and His people. Bible history proves this. This is not the first time He dealt with a godless system. He calls our wicked leaders "the Pharaohs of today."

A great shaking is coming to the church. God is ripping religious leaders from their positions. We are seeing church organizations caught up in scandals. Even some local churches near me are falling apart after accepting the woke agenda. 

God is telling us that the more our enemies attack us, the more they will be destroyed. So when you see more viruses, blackouts, drones, weird fog, and more terrorist attacks, do not fear. Spend time with God, continue to pray and stay in His word. God protects His people, and we need to trust that. 

God says prepare for the best Fourth of July celebration of your lifetime. As in the book of Exodus, God is leading us out of bondage. Our wicked leaders and this wicked system is crumbling down. Something is coming that will shake this world to its core, and everyone will know that it was God who saved us. 

Click the link below for Julie Green's prophecy and her excellent teaching that will give you hope. The prophecy starts at the 15-minute mark if that is all you have time for.