

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Guard Your Heart: TRUST Must be Earned

God expects forgiveness, but He does not expect us to trust people. Trust must be earned. In a world filled with toxic behavior, we must learn to guard our hearts and put up firm boundaries. Boundaries are not only a good idea, they are God's idea. 

This video will help anyone who is having trust issues. Verbal and emotional abuse is an epidemic. The only way we can protect our peace and our mental health is to draw a line and let people know that we will not tolerate abuse. 

Guard you heart, for it determines the course of your life.

Monday, October 14, 2024

FIST of GOD... OCTOBER!! Janie Seguin, Bo Polny

The month of October holds much significance to God. Every Hebrew fall feast hits in October in 2024. Things are about to get wild. 

The past three years is known as "the time of sorrows." George Soros could be the mascot for this time of death (Covid), financial hardship, and chaos in America. Our water, food, soil and skies are being poisoned to create death and suffering. The open border is another example of democrats doing anything to destroy America and its people.

In this video, Prophet Janie Sanguin says that in spite of all that, this is the greatest time to be alive because God is about to move. The time is closing in to bring all this evil down. A red sea moment is close at hand. 

Watch for signs and wonders to unfold such as meteor showers and other signs in the sky, great sounds, earthquakes and worldwide volcanic eruptions. These signs are to wake up those who are not seeking God. 

If you are not seeking God, then you are on the side of evil because you only have two choices. Only two paths stand before you. Men who have hardened their hearts with pride and a love for this world will have to decide between good and evil.

This is a time to make sure you are on the right path. God is separating good from evil, and you will choose your own fate. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

These Are the Signs That You Have a Demon

An excellent teaching on the signs that you are being influenced by the demonic realm. There are many ways we can open doors to demons. Even a Christian can commit sins that open doors. Unrepentant habitual sin is dangerous. The Bible warns us to resist the devil, and that includes anything that the devil loves. 

Dabbling in the occult and witchcraft is dangerous. Watching pornography or listening to trashy music is dangerous. Demons can enter our minds by watching horror films. Unforgiveness can cause demonic influence. Adultery is an open door for demons to affect your mind and your actions. Intrusive, persuasive thoughts and constant nightmares or sexual dreams are another sign.

You can even have things in your home that invite demons, such as dreamcatchers, ouija boards, tarot cards, or a statue of Buddha. Anything new age or representative of other religions beside Christianity is an invitation to the demonic realm. 

Sin gives the enemy access to your life, confession closes the door and sets us free. Not every struggle is demonic. Seek the Holy Spirit's guidance in your situation. Deliverance is the only relief from demonic influence. The end of this video offers a prayer that can set you free. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington | Re... (VIDEO)

If you don't believe that our government has the ability to create and direct hurricanes, then you need to watch this video. Weather modification has been a thing since the sixties, with patents dating back to the 1800's. Weather is now being used as a weapon.

The fires burning in Wyoming are connected to the storm that hit Ashville, North Carolina, and this video explains how. Hurricane Milton is also being manipulated. Climate engineering is the biggest threat to human life right now, second only to nuclear weapons. You need to understand this. Watch the video. It's not long. 

FLOOD RELIEF UPDATE – Mike Adams gives update on the PALLETS of organic ...

The people of North Carolina still need our prayers. The way our government is handling Hurricane Helene is horrific. The only good thing about all this is the exposure of the level of evil within the current administration. Biden and Harris and many others are guilty of treason. 

In this video, Mike Adams gives an update on what is happening in North Carolina. Please watch so you know what to pray for. Children are wandering around looking for their parents. People have gone without water for days. Samaritan's Purse is a good organization to donate to if you have the means to do so. You must be careful who you give to because there is a lot of fraud going on, and your money may not get to where it belongs. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lessons From Helene: Our Government is NOT Your Friend!

True stories from victims of Hurricane Helene expose the level of evil in our government. Billions of dollars have been given to illegals, but true Americans in need receive little or no help from the government. Weather modification, land grabs and voter suppression is discussed in this eye-opening video. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Candace Owens + Alex Jones: Who Wanted To Kill Trump? | Candace Ep 27

Alex Jones has been called a conspiracy theorist for more than 20 years. But now we are seeing that the things he has been warning about are actually true. In this hour-long interview, Candace Owens talks with Jones about the attempts to kill Trump and other deep state truths. 

What God said about P Diddy!

The downfall of Diddy is just the beginning. Kamala Harris and other high-ranking officials as well as many Hollywood elites are about to be exposed and judged. These people have sold their souls to the devil and have led many into perversion and idolatry. 

The wicked are being judged. God is separating the dark from the light, and there will be no more fence sitters. It's time to pick a side. Her prophecy begins at the nine minute mark. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Why the Shipping Strike is Really Economic Terrorism

A very good explanation of the US shipping strike and why it is happening. Our enemies are working from within, and they are trying to destroy capitalism and reset our financial system. You need to stay informed and be prepared. This will be a rocky ride. 

Urgent Warning for the US: it has begun

Multiple superstorms have been forming globally. Ports from Maine to Texas have shut down due to a dockworkers strike. Iran is firing missiles into Israel. Ann Vandersteel has said that World War Three has begun. Stay informed. Stay in prayer. Do not let fear take ahold. God has not given us a spirit of fear. 

What Will They Say at Your Funeral?

This video explains the eulogy virtues from the bestselling book, "The Road to Character". What virtues are you known for? If you are a Christian, what virtues should you have as a follower of Christ? Will you be remembered as someone with a strong, moral character?

Sunday, September 29, 2024

My Urgent Warning To All Americans

A great speech by Tulsi Gabbard explains everything that has been wrong with the Obiden administration. A vote for Kamala is a vote for America's destruction, and this is why. 

With the election less than two months away, Harris decided to finally visit the border. Does she think we are stupid enough to believe that she actually cares now? It was an obvious pony show for votes. 

We are one spark away from a nuclear war, and a vote for Kamala is a vote for the war mongerers who profit from war. Gabbard calls out Dick Cheney and PA Governor Shapiro as men who celebrate death, war and destruction. 

There is only one choice in this election if you love America, if you love your freedom, if you love your children and if you want a future of peace and prosperity--Donald J. Trump.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Kari Lake: There's 'blood' on Kamala Harris' hands

Just months before the election, Kamala Harris decides to visit the border. Does she think the voters are stupid? She has already said in an interview that she doesn't see any need to visit the border. She hasn't been to Europe either she said, and then laughed. 

Kari Lake's blood is boiling in this interview. Kamala is guilty of treason, and she has blood on her hands.  People have died because of the criminals, rapists, and drug dealers that have crossed our border in the past three and a half years. 

Immigrants Are Taking Over Pennsylvania Now. Everyone Here Is Freaking Out.

This is what's coming to your town if you vote for Kamala Harris. More buses filled with migrants will show up and they will invade your way of life. They will change the entire look and feel of your neighborhood. And these migrants are breeding. They will soon outnumber the original residents. 

Residents say that the migrants are wearing new clothes, driving new cars, and their grocery carts are always full. They are receiving grants to start businesses. Many of them don't understand English, yet they are given a driver's license. They clearly don't understand the rules of the road. 

This video takes a look at a Pennsylvania town and gives voice to the people negatively affected by the open border that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are responsible for. If you love your children and grandchildren, you will vote for Donald Trump. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

High Prices, Open Borders, Cat Eaters: You've Been Warned

We are living in unprecedented times. Ten million illegals have invaded our country. People can barely pay their bills. They are eating cats in Ohio. And entire motels have been overtaken by illegal immigrants in other states. This video challenges you to do some research and learn what is actually happening to our country. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Inside the Massachusetts Nobody Talks About 🇺🇸

We are all paying for this, but it is kept in the dark. Why is our media not touching this subject? Why are You Tubers the only ones exposing this truth? The answers to these questions lead to a disturbing truth about the Obiden administration and its goals for America. 

This video is a shocking reveal at how certain parts of Massachusetts have changed in the past three years, since an influx of migrants arrived. Entire motels are no longer open to the public. They have become strictly migrant hotels. A town resident said he watched a motel get remodeled and the owner is now driving a Corvette. He suspects this is the result of government funding. 

People have been kicked out of their own homes. Illegal immigrants are treated better than those who came into the country legally. All this is the result of the chaos at our border since Trump left office. I didn't see any mention of them eating dogs and cats, but that is a different state. 

If this video disappears, you can find it on Peter Santenello's You Tube channel, which has 2 million followers. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

SKIM A BESTSELLER: The Road to Character

This video is a look at David Brooks' bestseller, "The Road to Character." Our society has shifted from a culture of humility to a culture that encourages people to see themselves as the center of the universe. Our thinking, actions and attitudes have changed since the 1940's. 

Back then, people would check themselves against pride or self-glorification. But today, we are encouraged to seek recognition and toot our own horns. In today's world, we find ourselves with a clear strategy for achieving career success and no strategy for developing a profound character. 

What are your eulogy virtues? What will people say about you at your funeral? Do you have a profound character? These stories about some of the world's greatest thinkers and inspiring leaders could inspire you to strengthen the weaknesses in your own character. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The War on the Middle Class (link to video)


A war is going on that many are not aware of. Once you understand this war, you will see why Donald Trump has been so hated and abused to the point of two assassination attempts. He is trying to save the middle class. He is trying to save America. 

First you need to understand the meaning of two words:

The establishment are the ones in control. They are our government leaders, high-ranking elected officials such as judges, influential donors, and mainstream media outlets. 

The globalists are an elite group of rich business owners and political leaders who are determined to push forward their agenda of global dominance. 

The globalists want to destroy capitalism. They want to destroy America. The middle class is a threat to them. They have attacked small businesses to gain more control over products and goods. They hate any competitor that will take profits away from them so these companies do anything they can to crush small business owners. 

Full control is what they want. They want to dominate everything globally. They don't want you to have any free thinking and no freedom of speech because these freedoms are a threat to them. 

This is why propaganda, lies and deception are used to control your minds. This is why they censor Facebook with bogus fact checkers. This is why fake news is pervasive in the media. They are trying to destroy any way of thinking that threatens their global control.

The United States and the middle class are their biggest obstacles in accomplishing their goals. And this is why they hate Donald Trump, whom God calls, "my David." 

There is no middle class in third world countries dominated by the elites. The globalists hate anyone who can make money on their own because that is money being taken away from them. 

Kamala Harris hates the middle class and that is about to be proven according to prophet Julie Green. Click on the link below to watch her full prophecy. We must prepare for more attacks against our rightful President Trump and more attacks against middle class America. 

The mainstream media is about to collapse. More companies will attack and expose one another. We must pray for our neighborhoods, our cities and our schools. Things are about to look much worse before they get better. 

We are living in unprecedented times. Our world is very dark right now. But we are the light of the world, and we have the power to destroy that darkness. Draw near to God and trust that He has a rescue plan, because He is telling us every day what His plan is through Julie Green. Follow her on Rumble. She will give you hope and encouragement to get through these dark days.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Are You Lonely? #single #alone #divorce #grief

Loneliness is a universal problem that affects all ages. This video offers biblical answers and advice from people who overcame it. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Our unexpected surprise: Lewes, Delaware

On a recent trip to Rehoboth Beach, we discovered the charming seafaring town of Lewes, Delaware. I didn't know this town even existed until I saw a pamphlet in our motel lobby. The town is so close to Rehoboth Beach that we decided to check it out, and it was the highlight of our vacation. I love unexpected surprises!

Nearly 400 years old, the colonial seaport, Lewes is known as the first town in the first state. People who live here must live higher on the happiness scale, because I was in a state of absolute joy during our day trip to this enchanting town. Unique shops, fine restaurants, gorgeous architecture, beautiful homes, scenic streets, museums and a downtown area that is perfect for walking are some of the town's attractions. 

We began our day with a stop at Lewes Bake Shoppe and Coffe Roastery for an iced caramel coffe and a raspberry pastry. An open table for two on the sidewalk provided a place to enjoy our sugar buzz before discovering everything we could see on foot. 


My husband was fascinated by the gravestones at St. Peter's Episcopal Church and the beauty and history of it.  Take time to read the many signs that explain the history of the town. 


Speaking of the town's history, you will want to see the Ryves Holt House Museum and Mercantile. The Lewes Historical Society does a fabulous job of providing a look at the town's history and a salute to one of their town heros, Jacob Jones. Jones was a naval officer and hero of the War of 1812. 


I couldn't resist checking out the bookstore, the antique store and the candy shop.

We discovered an unexpected surprise when we walked across the canal bridge and made a left turn toward the Lewes Harbour Marina. The perfect lunch spot awaited us at the Irish Eyes Pub and Restaurant. We sat at the bar, choosing to enjoy the open air and scenery of the canal rather than being seated indoors. 


Our history lesson continued with a visit to one of two fortifications mounted with cannons to protect the town of Lewes in the early 1800's. 


We ended our day at King's Homemade Ice Cream shop and did some porch sitting before reluctantly heading back to our car and saying goodbye to one of the most beautiful towns I have ever seen. 


One lesson I learned is to always check out those brochures in the motel lobby and explore the attractions and the towns nearby that might add interest and fun to your stay. Rehoboth Beach is nice, but Lewes was an unexpected gem we were delighted to discover. 

God's Opinion on Last Night's Debate


What Does God want to tell us after watching the debate last night? Kamala needed to be led and helped by the moderators. At times the moderators were debating Trump, which is not their role. As Megyn Kelly said, "It was three against one" last night at the debate. 

Kamala refused to answer so many questions and she lied repeatedly. God will expose her lies. She is a puppet being coached and helped. 

Are Americans better off than they were four years ago? She knows the answer to that question will make her look bad, so she refused to answer. 

Whatever happens in the coming months, we need to trust God, no matter how bad things look. He wants us to know that He is in control. 

Click the link below for prophet Julie Green's encouraging words from God about last night's debate.

Saturday, September 7, 2024


An event of biblical proportions is coming. We need to prepare. Joel chapter 2 speaks of this. Read it in your Bible. This is not something to fear for those who are walking with God. But God will always warn His children through His prophets. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Does God Care that I say Crap?

I was surprised to find a column on this exact topic. Should a Christian say crap? And what exactly is crap?... because the meaning has changed over the years. When we are close to God and we pray for Holy Spirit-led discernment, we will feel an immediate conviction when we say something that God does not approve. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Encourage Them...It's Powerful!

We often fail to encourage others, which is a form of love. This video explores simple ways to encourage people, based on the book, "52 Simple Ways to Encourage Others." Everyone needs encouragement, no matter their age. Even when someone seems to be on top of the world, that person needs encouragement, so never withhold this precious gift of love. The more you give, the more you will get back. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Warning! These Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick!

Both medicine and the Bible teaches about toxic, negative emotions. Anger, resentment, bitterness, envy, rejection, fear, worry and anxieties cause disease. More than 80% of all disease is caused by these emotions. Stress and unforgiveness are also big contributors to disease. 

Toxic emotions will prohibit God's healing. We need to do the work to free ourselves of these toxic emotions so we can be set free from the problems they cause. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Your “SELF-DISCIPLINE” Tells Them This…

Self-discipline is the strongest form of self-love and self-care, and it is the key to almost every success. No one can achieve greatness without it. Here is your pep talk if you are lacking this very important character trait. Since I grew closer to God, my self-discipline has grown immensely. In my opinion, there seems to be a connection between spending time with God and self-discipline. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Your Authority in the Dark

There is a whole world that we can't see, a supernatural world that acts on people for good and bad. Kenneth Hagin's bestselling book, "The Believer's Authority" teaches how to fight the powers of darkness and win. 

We as a church have authority on the earth that we are not using. Satan doesn't want you to know the truth about your authority, which Jesus talked about in Luke 10:19. Believers suffer for their lack of knowledge. We need to rise up and learn how to use our authority against every scheme of the enemy. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

CAREER and HOME: Lies We Believe

Women have been brainwashed to believe that the absence of a titled payroll occupation enslaves them to failure, boredom and imprisonment within the confines of their homes. These words are from the bestselling book, "Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free." 

In this video I share my years as a stay-at-home-mom, and the backlash I received from Christian women for doing so little with my life. The status of "homemaker" has been devalued to accusations of her being lazy and unmotivated. But the Bible is clear. God does not see these women as lazy and unmotivated. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Casting Out Demons

A spiritual war is raging for the souls of this generation. The enemy wants to deceive you, destroy your faith and disconnect you from the truth. Ask God to open your eyes to the supernatural if you doubt that demons even exist.

If you are a Christian who holds up your Bible, why are you denying and ignoring certain parts of the Bible? Ephesians 6:11-12 warns of the strategies of the devil and evil spirits of the unseen world. 

David Hernandez speaks truth about the devil, demons, praying in tongues, Holy Spirit power and other aspects of the supernatural. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

U.S. Might BAN Lucky Charms, Skittles, & Gatorade?!

Are you feeding your kids foods that are destroying their health? Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, Skittles, Doritos, M&Ms and Gatorade could soon be banned in the US due to the harmful chemicals they contain. Brominated Vegetable Oil causes thyroid disease. That's why I stopped drinking Mountain Dew, which was my favorite soda years ago. Watch this video to learn about the dyes, chemicals and foods you must avoid if you give a flying fig about your health and your children's health. 

How Grocery Stores SCAM YOU!!

A very interesting and eye-opening video about food and the tricks that grocery stores use to entice you to buy more per visit. Ultra-processed foods are terrible for you, and Dr. Berg explains why. Do you know what part of the grocery store contains the healthiest food? Watch this video and you will change the way you shop for groceries. 

Lies Women Believe About Beauty

The message of our culture tells women and girls that physical beauty matters more than inner beauty. But God's word tells us the truth. As Christian women, we are called to live above this world's system and beliefs. Television, music, movies, books and advertisements brainwash women to believe that their self-worth is tied to their physical appearance. But in God's eyes, a woman's beauty goes much deeper. Inner beauty is fierce and far more powerful than physical beauty, and it is much more needed in today's cruel, selfish world. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Big Food Lies Nobody Tells You... | Dr. Mindy Pelz

Many foods in the grocery store are basically poison that contributes to disease. Do you know how to read an ingredient label? Have you taught your children how to read labels? Do you know that the food industry puts chemicals in your food that will contribute to obesity and disease? 

If you care about your health and the health of your children and grandchildren, you must watch this video. The food industry does not deserve our trust. We must educate ourselves about food to be healthy and to maintain a healthy weight. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

The growing persecution of Christianity

Why do so many people hate Christians? Why is Christianity the most persecuted religion in the world? We are in a spiritual war, and because Christians worship the one true God, Satan hates Christians. This shocking report was probably inspired by the blatant mocking of Christianity during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic games. But this has been going on for centuries in every area of the world. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Careful What You Ask For

The meaning of the title is revealed at the end. Today I am skimming Lee Strobel's bestseller "The Case For Christ." He left no stone unturned during his two-year investigation into the accuracy of the Bible and the truth about Jesus. What finally led this atheist to faith in God was the truth that he discovered. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Cruelest Form of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is an insidious form of abuse. The first time I realized that I was a victim of gaslighting was in 2023. And I have since learned how to spot this controlling, manipulative tactic that devious people use to take the focus off of their own mistakes. They flip the script and attempt to shift blame on you. They want to confuse you and cause doubt in your mind about what actually took place. 

They want to make you feel crazy, needy, insecure or paranoid for your legitimate concern about someone's bad behavior. This is emotional and psychological manipulation and abuse. Anyone who feels enttitled to hurt you and then blame you for the hurt that they caused needs to be cut off, maybe permanently.

No one explains gaslighting better than Tamie M. Joyce. You should watch this video because gaslighting has become an epidemic in today's culture. Also, check out my video titled, "Don't Gaslight Me! I Know My Reality" under the past post category, "My You Tube Channel" down the right side of my blog. 

Get Ready for a Shift: Political, Financial, Spiritual

God can still save a nation. He's about to show up in a mighty way.

Widespread technology outages are disrupting flights, banks, media outlets, and companies around the world. In this special broadcast, Julie Green talks about the warning God gave her about coming blackouts and interruptions. God also warned that attacks against our nation would intensify. He warned about chaos and uprisings breaking out everywhere. The civil chaos in England is the latest example. 

Things will change and change quickly. God has warned about a political reset and a complete change to our financial system. This is a time to trust God regardless of what we are seeing. 

An unprecedented chain of events is on the horizon. A shift in political and spiritual power is taking place. These are the days of Haman. What our enemies intended for us is now happening to them. Their evil has boomeranged back into their own camp and is exploding in their faces. 

In this video, Julie goes over many of her prophecies that have already been fulfilled. You can't watch this and not see that she is clearly hearing from God. She has predicted too many things that have already happened. Yes, God still speaks through prophets and here is your proof. If you don't believe in prophets, you also don't read your Bible. 

Do you not find it strange that within a week of Donald Trump's assassination attempt, Biden gets Covid and now Democrats are calling for him to step down?  One political party tried to take out another political party, but all they got was Trump's ear. Since the debate, more people have turned against Biden, who is heavily drugged.

Democrats are turning on each other to save themselves from the impending doom. God's army is moving forward to remove Obama and his shadow government. Obama is more power-hungry than ever before, and his puppet Biden is about to be replaced, just as Julie prophesied in August of 2023. 

Expect these political removals to pick up speed in ways never thought of, including evil three-letter agencies. Our enemies are being replaced by God. This is the greater Exodus Julie predicted. Today's Pharoh is coming down. And God will decide who our next president will be. God has said that our last election was stolen. 

But we don't need another election to save our nation. God saved the Israelites from Pharoh and He can save America from the evil administration that is hell-bent on its destruction, so they can bring in their one-world government and have their ultimate control and power. If you don't see this, you soon will have no choice but to see it. God is exposing it all. 

Ask yourself why early photos of Biden show that he has blue eyes and now his eyes look black. Follow Monkey Werx on You Tube and ask yourself why so much activity is going on at GTMO. Watch the 1993 movie "Dave" starring Kevin Kline. Then click on the link below and watch Julie Green's video so you can be awake during this epic moment in history when we will see with our own eyes that God can still save a nation.

Healing With No Apology

We must find a way to heal when we receive no apology, no admission of wrongdoing, and we hear no regrets for the hurt they caused. This is the time to draw close to God and to lean on His strength. This is the time to find a place of forgiveness because if we don't forgive, we will destroy ourselves and block any blessings God has for us. This is a time to pour into ourselves and to be patient with ourselves. 

This video has some wise advice for both the person who is hurting and for the person who knows deep down that they should apologize.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How Do I Get Free from Strongholds for Good? | Breaking the Cycle

The unbeliever needs to be set free from demons while the believer needs to be set free from strongholds.
This is a biblically-based message about setting ourselves free of demonic influence after we have opened a door to the enemy. Many Christians do not even realize that they have a stronghold, but it can very much affect their lives in a negative way. 

David explains how to identify a stronghold in your life and how to break it for good. He identifies eight different strongholds that could be affecting your life right now or affecting the lives of people you know. 

This is a must-watch, because even if you never experience a stronghold, you will most likely come across someone who is experiencing this dark influence in their lives. You may think the problem is caused by something else, when the problem is actually a spiritual problem. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

🛑You Are Still Doing It And No One Had Your Back‼️|

If you have had a hard-knock life and you are right now pondering the latest example of that, then this video is for you. When no one else comes through for you, then you are forced to give it to God. There is nothing like adversity to draw you close to God. See your isolation and pain as an opportunity to get to know Him on a personal level. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

You Need Rest!

God designed our bodies and minds to need rest. Even God takes a break at times and since we are made in His image, we also should make rest a priority. But in today's culture, we wear our busyness like a badge of honor. 

Rest is so important to God that He made it one of the 10 commandments. Are you taking one day a week to rest your body and mind? Can you step away from everything that resembles work for one day a week? God will bless your obedience when you honor this commandment. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

FOREVER is a LONG time! #life #faith #god

What sights, sounds, aromas and feelings will we experience in Heaven? Children and adults tell their near-death experiences to help people understand that Heaven is real. What happens at the gate when you first arrive? Do our pets go to Heaven? Will we eat in Heaven? How is Jesus dressed? The glory of Heaven explained in vivid detail by six people who claim they've been there. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Let God Fix It: Don't Be a Fixer

Do you let God resolve your problems or do you try to fix things yourself? If you're trying to fix it yourself, God can't fix it because you're standing in His way. Being a fixer is a stressful thing to be. Our hands aren't big enough to fix most of our problems. God is asking you to trust Him. We must let go of the need to control a situation and trust God to work things out according to His plan.

By surrendering our problems to Him, we can have peace, comfort, and guidance in the midst of uncertainty. God is our ultimate authority and provider, so trust His goodness, love and sovereignty. Wait patiently for His timing and His guidance, knowing He is working everything out for your good. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

wake-Up Call: The Eyes Don't Lie

After witnessing two successful exorcisms, M. Scott Peck said "I now know the devil is real. I have met it," in his bestseller, People of the Lie. This video is a wake-up call to the end-time church and all Christians who scoff at the mention of Satan, demons and spiritual warfare. You are in a spiritual battle. Evil spirits are real, and they do affect even the lives of Christians. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

We Learn It Too Late - Man Almost Dies & Learns We Have It Backwards (PO...

A man who almost died in an accidental fire that burned 90% of his body lives to tell some lessons that will improve the quality of your life.

Don't lose sight of what is important:

If you knew that you were dying, your only thoughts would be of your relationships, your family and your loved ones. 

Positivity is a choice we make every day:

Choose every day to be positive as you move forward. Hang on to the positive things about your life. Allow yourself time to heal when problems arise. Don't expect instant healing or instant gratification. 

Learn how to deal with anger:

Anger is a completely normal and natural emotion that flares up when your life changes in a way you did not expect or want. It is a motivator for us to work through the problem, but it can be destructive when your anger is taken out on people. 

Keep problems in perspective:

Don't waste too much time worrying about the problems that will not matter in the future.

Don't cut corners if it puts safety at risk:

Take your time and do it right. Leave early when you need to be somewhere on time. And don't drive fast to get anywhere are some of the ways to be safe in a world where your life can change in an instant. When you ignore safety, you put yourself and others in harm's way. You will deeply regret that decision to ignore what you should have done to be safe, and you will ponder that regret for a lifetime. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Always ask God how you should respond… 

Always ask God how you should respond to every situation. Then you will avoid all the traps of the enemy. Sometimes when you say yes to something, your yes will get you hurt. God sees everything. He knows exactly how you should respond. So tap into His divine wisdom and make your life less stressful. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

They are HURTING: How Should You Respond?

The book of Job has some valuable lessons about how we should respond when someone we care about is hurting. We want to fix things, give unwanted advice, and we can end up making things worse. 

Your attempt at comforting someone actually does the opposite when you come at them with harsh advice. The Bible tells us to season our words with grace, and there is no better time to be careful with your words than when dealing with someone who is deeply hurting.  

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Lord put this on my heart to share with you

Are you using your time in the way God wants you to use your time. Are you trying to please man or are you trying to please God? 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Does Taylor Swift CAST SPELLS On Her Listeners?!

Evangelist Exposes 'Darker Turn' of Taylor Swift's Music, Sounds Alarm

Lyrics matter. We need to pay attention to the songs our children listen to. Taylor's lyrics have become darker over time and the innocent-looking girl in a below-the-knee dress and cowboy boots is now wearing much more revealing attire on stage.

Our children need help navigating this culture. We can't be salt and light in a dark world when we idolize the ones contributing to the darkness. Talk to your children about the celebrities they admire, the music they listen to, and the movies and TV shows they take an interest in. 

STOP BEING EMOTIONAL Christian Tradwife God Talk

We must learn to control our emotions so they do not hinder us from glorifying God. Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. We can't let our feelings run our lives. Letting our emotions dictate our words and actions will bring frustration, anger, irritability, and regret. 

Stopping ourselves when an emotional outburst wants to rise up within us is one of the hardest things to do. We don't need to suppress our emotions. Emotions are not bad. We can take our emotions to God and pray instead of unloading our emotions onto people and destroying relationships. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

"They Are Envious" - Robert Greene Explains "Frenemies" And The Phenomen...

Be cautious of anyone in a rush to be your friend. They could end up being a frenemy. Some people take pleasure in other people's pain. Envious people will withhold any kind of compliment. They will not congratulate you on any accomplishment. 

You will most likely get a negative vibe from these insecure people because many times they do not try to hide the way they feel about you. They will come at you with bitchy comments and sideways compliments. They will point out your flaws in any way they can and disguise it as a compliment. 

Envy is a human emotion that we all feel at some level, but not everyone acts on that emotion by mistreating those they envy. We need to be cautious around jealous people, because envy can be a very destructive emotion. Surrounding yourself with the right people is very important to your success and your happiness. Cut them off if they show any signs of envy toward you. 


Do you complain a lot? Are you talking negative about everything and everyone? Do you gossip and criticize others with an unloving spirit? Are you involved with the wrong people? Are you holding onto resentment toward someone who hurt you? Has anger, fear or anxiety become a daily mindset? Do you care too much about what people think and say about you? Do you compare yourself to others? And do you look out for yourself more than you look out for the interests of others? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this video could change your life. Being selfish can block your blessings. We must look out for the interests of others to be blessed in our relationships, our health, our finances, and our work. We can displease God in many ways. He still loves us when we mess up, but He will not bless a life of selfish ambition. 

God has given you the power and authority to move the mountains in your life. Are you speaking life or curses over your life and the lives of others? What you say and think matters very much. Everything begins with a thought. You must change the way you think and speak because thoughts and words have power. By renewing your mind with the word of God, your life will be transformed. 

God's grace is sufficient to get you through whatever you are going through. Trust Him. Pray. Hang onto His word and believe God's promises. Rise up and speak against whatever and whoever is coming against you. Write down and begin speaking these very powerful declarations. Then watch those mountains of misery move out of your life.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Forgiveness Doesn't Necessarily Mean Reconciliation (Even If They Do Cha...

Many Christians believe that forgiveness means reconciliation, and if you don't allow that person back into your life, then you have not forgiven that person. This is not true. Choosing to remain distant does not always mean that you are harboring resentment toward that person. 

Yet many people will take you on a guilt trip when you remain distant. And to avoid the shame of appearing unforgiving, that wounded person will let the betrayer back in. In many cases that decision comes with regret. 

Forgiveness is mandatory according to God, but reconciliation is not mandatory according to God. Reconciliation is completely your decision, and God will be okay with your decision to stay away. Peace with God is the only peace you need, so let them say what they want about you. 

The Spirit Realm is Real—Ignore It at Your Own Risk

The spiritual realm is very real, yet many people refuse to believe it exists. The spiritual realm controls every other realm. Demonic warfare is escalating at an unprecedented rate right now. People are under attack and they are attacking one another. 

We are not wrestling with people, we are wrestling against evil spiritual beings working through people. The Bible tells us this in Ephesians 6:12. If you don't believe in the spiritual realm, you do not know your Bible.

People are allowing themselves to be used by the enemy. This is why even family members are turning against one another. Even discouragement, anxiety, depression or an eating disorder can be a spiritual attack against you. By ignoring the spiritual realm, you are completely powerless when these attacks come. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Eating too much can be a spiritual problem, and I have experienced this myself, so I know it to be true. Stephanie offers some good advice for weight loss and shares what is working for her. 

You Will Hear God’s Voice CLEARLY When You Do This!

If you feel distant from God, you are feeding yourself with other things besides God. You can't hear God's voice when you are surrounded by so much noise. When you seek God with all of your heart, you will find Him and you will hear Him. 


Great advice from a wise woman. Take care of you, no matter what other people think.

You're Doing a Good Job! | A Message For You

Do you need to hear this? 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Skim a Bestseller: The Search for Significance #jesus #god #life

Robert McGee's book has helped millions of readers learn to stop basing their self-worth on their accomplishments or the opinions of others. Dwell on God's thoughts about you and the truth of scripture. Then you will break free from the cycle of self-doubt that robs you of joyful living. 

This is the first video under my new playlist, Skim a Bestseller, where I will explore an ongoing list of non-fiction, bestselling Christian books. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Music therapy 🌿Calms the nervous system and refreshes the soul, Relaxation

Music therapy is a thing. Are you putting it to work for you? God has given us many ways to relax. But people fail to take a moment to rest their minds and emotions. Your nervous system deserves to rest too, and it needs to rest most during the day, not while you are sleeping. Make the time. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

When Sickness Is Witchcraft, 5 Signs Will Occur

If you don't believe that sickness can be a spiritual attack, you need to read the book of Job. Maybe you need more than a doctor. Maybe you need deliverance from the demonic stronghold that has a grip on you. 

I know that spiritual attacks are real. I have experienced it. And the only way I could save myself was through powerful prayer. I actually felt that thing lift off of me.  

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Nine IDOLS Women Crave (Part 2) #idols #god #power

When you look to people and things as your source of comfort, affirmation, control or power, then you have made those people and things an idol in your life. God wants to be your everything. He wants to fill the deepest longings of your heart and meet all of your needs. This video is part two of my last video. Join me as we explore more of the idols that can creep up on women and how those idols take the place of God in our lives. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Breaking the Stronghold of Food: Conquering Food Addiction

I recently posted a You Tube video that mentioned how food can become an idol in our lives. It's called "comfort food" for a reason, and when we turn to food to calm nervousness or anxiety...when we use food as a way to relax, destress or numb ourselves, then food has become an idol. The Holy Spirit wants to be our source of comfort. 

the beauty of an ordinary life - social media and simple living

My last You Tube video mentioned how social media can become an idol in your life. Then I came across this video. Maybe more of us need to put down our phones and step away from all the noise. Are we spending more time on social media than we spend with God? He wants to be our source of comfort.

Monday, May 20, 2024

10 Examples of What Gaslighting Sounds Like

You will not get through life without encountering a gaslighter. People who gaslight will deny any responsibility for their actions. They will tell you that you are too sensitive and too emotional, and they will make you question your own reality, memory or perceptions.

I made a You Tube video about gaslighting titled, "Don't Gaslight Me! I Know My Reality." This video does a great job of giving examples of what a gaslighter will say to you. Watching this will help you to recognize this emotional abuse when it's happening to you.

A gaslighter will make you feel like you are making a big deal out of nothing. Don't allow yourself to be controlled and manipulated by a gaslighter. This is an intentional form of emotional abuse. The gaslighter knows exactly what they are doing, and you standing up to their evil tactics is the only way to defeat them. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

8 Signs of a Manipulative Personality

You will not get through life without encountering a controlling and manipulative person. They will guilt-trip you, take advantage of your kindness, and try to make you second-guess yourself. They will never take blame for anything and will never apologize. They won't remember doing anything wrong and will pretend to be ignorant of the hurt they caused. 

How to Be Free from Bitterness and Unforgiveness

This is such an important topic because we are living in a time when people are allowing themselves to be used by the enemy. Spiritual attacks are at an all-time high. Relationships are being destroyed. 

David explains the signs of someone who is hanging on to bitterness and unforgiveness. As I watched this, I thought of certain people that I know and people that I have had conversations with. Some people will display obvious signs that they are filled with bitterness. Hanging on to resentment will kill your peace, your joy and it will destroy your life. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nine IDOLS Women Crave #god #family #spirituality

An idol is an object of extreme devotion that takes the place of God. God wants to be our comfort. He wants to be our source of affirmation and approval. He wants to give us a knowing that life is under His control. But because we don't trust Him to meet those needs, we find our own way of meeting those needs. 

Women idolize their marriages, their husbands and their careers. They go to Facebook, food, shopping and friends for comfort. Women look for security and approval in people instead of in God. She makes her job her identity and the place where she feels important. Don't run to people and things to find your purpose, joy, identity, comfort or healing. Run to God.