Saturday, April 16, 2011


Today as I was organizing paper clutter, I came across an article about toxins in the products we use everyday.  Research links five of the most commonly used chemicals in the world to a host of ailments, including cancer, sexual problems, and behavioral issues.  

Did you know that plastic with a number 7 on the bottom probably contains Bisphenol A unless it explicitly says otherwise.  Bisphenol A poses a potential cancer risk and may disrupt the extremely sensitive chemical signals in your body called the endocrine system.  

Avoid shampoos, conditioners, and other personal care products that list "fragrance" as an ingredient.  This means the product contains Phthalates, chemicals that soften plastic.  They also disrupt reproductive development and are considered endocrine disruptors.  

Did you know that overheating nonstick cookware releases a toxic gas? This is why I got a headache when I used Teflon coated pans or grills.  I've since thrown them out.  Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also called C8) is used to make Teflon nonstick and stain or water-repellent products.  PFOA causes cancer and developmental problems.

Formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of pressed wood products.  It is a known human carcinogen, causing cancers of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract.  Buying furniture free of formaldehyde eliminates much of the exposure you face from this checmical.

Then we have PBDE's a group of chemicals used as flame retardants. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers may damage your liver and kidneys and affect your brain and behavior.  Look for products made without PBDE flame retardants.  

Below is the second article I came across today about toxins.  Someone must be trying to tell me something.  Or maybe it's you that needs to start reading labels.  This stuff could be making you or someone you know sick.  Read on.

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