Happy Easter! And congratulations to Kim Hawkins of San Antonio Texas for winning the Easter Giveaway. She'll be receiving my print Summer Harvest. Kim said her favorite flower is a daisy.
My tulips opened up today and with the warm weather, I'm feeling like the gloomy cold winter is finally behind us. I spent the day with my family yesterday and enjoyed chatting with the women in our family, My mom, my sister, my sister-in-law and my brother's girlfriend who just got engaged, so she'll be my sister-in-law some day. We decided that we need to have these chats more often.
"This is what women did years ago," my sister said. And I replied that this is what's missing from many women's lives. They have no connection to other women and no one to talk to about their lives and daily struggles. Many women are isolated and living without the safety net of a circle of friends and family. I"m grateful that I have caring women in my family. They've helped me and encouraged me in so many ways.
Women need to talk and they need to do it face to face. Without that real physical connection to other women, I feel like something is missing from my life. There's an emptiness. No amount of chatting on facebook can fill the void. I believe God created women to need each other. It's too bad that women aren't more sociable and supportive of one another as a whole. Maybe we need to start up quilting parties again.
I remember sitting under the quilt frame as a child and listening to the conversations of the older women. Those women were my mother, my grandmother, as well as relatives and friends of the family. There was a comfort in that room when those women got together. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world to do. Yet how many women today actually schedule time to have a good conversation and enjoy each other's company?
As I sat around that table yesterday, sharing the joys and sorrows of life with the women in my family, I felt so grateful to be blessed with their company. I thanked God for the gift of them.
I count my Sister as one of lifes greatest blessings.