Women are hard on themselves. They put other women on pedestals and think they don't come close to the talent that she has, the beauty that she has, the amazing abilities that she has. They think she has it all together. Compared to her, they fall short.
Why can't I do that? Why can't I be like her? Why doesn't God bless me with such talent?
It's hard to attend a gathering of women and not feel the tension in the air. Women compare. They watch. Their eyes go up and down. They long to be fabulous, like her. But what they don't realize is that they are fabulous, just in a different way than she is.
Why doesn't a mother who takes care of her family think she's doing something worthwhile? Why isn't it enough? Why does she need to be more? Because the voices of our culture tell her that if she wants to be somebody, she must forget what's at home and make her mark on the world. Those voices need to be silenced. Yet every time someone asks her, "What do you do?" she hears faint whispers that she's not enough. So she strives to be more. She needs to prove herself.
Perhaps there is a calling in her heart to do more, but maybe it's not the right season. Why is it so hard for her to focus on being a wife and mother and be satisfied with that? Why does she compare herself to others and feel she doesn't measure up?
Because she doesn't realize she's an artist. Everything she does at home requires strength, creativity, and talent. But who notices her efforts? God does. But because the world isn't praising her, she feels insignificant. So she vows to do more. She wants to be amazing beyond her home. She wants to be seen as fabulous in the world.
I wrote a speech about finding our identity in Christ instead of seeking acceptance in today's culture. It's titled, Worldy Woman, Godly Woman: Which One Are You? Whether you're a career woman or a stay-at-home mom, you'll be inspired to find your security in the only One who can make you feel secure.
I'll be sharing this speech on Saturday May 21 at Grace Community Church, Herndon, PA, below Line Mountain High School. If you'll be in the area on that day, please plan to attend. Call Dianne Smeltz at 570-758-8404 and make reservations by Saturday, May 14.
And if you can't attend, please check out the blog below called Chatting At the Sky: A Place For Your Soul to Breathe. Here you'll be convinced that you are an artist and what you do has purpose, importance and meaning. It's time to stop comparing and see yourself as fabulous. Because you are in so many ways.
What a great encouraging post! We are so like that and this is a great reminder that we are beautifully made by God.