Sunday, April 24, 2011


Many people who call themselves Christians know little or nothing about what Christ said.  Many Christians who are supposed to be filled with the blessed hope of the rapture of the church refuse to believe that event may be near (the bible calls them scoffers).  The book of Hebrews says that the hope we have is an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.

Why would anyone who calls himself a Christian want to crush another Christian's hope?  Yet this happens every day when Christians refuse to see the warnings Jesus gave us about the last days.  They say everything is the same as it always was and they refuse to see the signs Jesus warned about, signs that are increasing in both frequency and intensity, just like labor pains before a baby is born.

Not believing doesn't make anything untrue.  Truth will come to pass no matter what a scoffer believes.  Christ predicted there would be scoffers in the last days.  What's amazing is that many of these scoffers call themselves Christians.  And they crush the hope of other Christians who take the Bible literally.

As In The Days Of Noah
From Now The End Begins blog

What does it mean to say we are in the “days of Noah?” This phrase means one thing to you, and something else to others. The truth is, it means many things. One large portion of comparing today to the days of Noah is the old phrase, “eat drink and be merry.” Try for a moment to name one other person in the Bible story that was preparing along with Noah for that flood…… one? You can’t name any person outside of Noah’s family that took his warnings seriously.

When Jesus returns, on which side of the boat will you be on?
They were all going about their lives, not concerned in the least of the coming flood. Noah continuously warned the people, and they continuously ignored. Maybe in your own life you’ve experienced the deaf ears your warnings fall on. Those without faith in God do not take these warnings seriously…nor the people God uses to warn them.  Does this sound familiar? Recent? This leads to the next point about Noah. Scoffers.
Noah trusted God, and knew the flood was coming. People, get ready, it’s about to rain.
When Noah did warn others, they “scoffed” at him. They made fun of him, made him the butt of their jokes and did nothing to prepare themselves for the coming disaster. They went about their lives, laughing at Noah the whole time. This is why only Noah and his family were saved. For Christians, we are the “Noah’s family” in our current scenario…but the coming rapture is no disaster. It will be horrendous, however, for those left behind. This leads to another point in describing the current days of Noah, the state of the world.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
This world has pushed God out of everything. He is not allowed in schools, courts, TV, books, radio…In the days of Noah, the book of Genesis tells us, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Again, sound familiar? Abortion kills approximately 3000 babies PER DAY. The institution of marriage is under attack. Violence is extremely high. Pornography is one of the highest money makers of any entertainment field. Pedophiles are luring children in on the internet so much that TV shows showcase it on a weekly basis….this could go on, but you probably get the point. We are a wicked world, and each day, we make the wrong things into totally acceptable behavior. Tolerance is starting to really mean allowance. To speak against Biblically unacceptable behavior means you are filled with hate. This is exactly what God saw during the days of Noah.

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