Monday, December 31, 2012



Each year at this time we look back on all that we did since January and we make resolutions to improve our lives in the coming year. On Christmas Day, my brother Ed, asked me what my New Year's Resolution was. I didn't hesitate. "To appreciate life more," was my answer. 

It's always best to have a plan when you make such a resolution. Otherwise your good intentions will have no direction. Most people who make New Year's resolutions give up on them before the end of January. So I decided to write out how I plan to fulfill this new appreciation for the life God gave me. 

Take better care of myself
We could all appreciate our health more. The best way to start is to pray for the desire to eat healthy food, exercise and drink plenty of water. I've learned that the best way to accomplish anything is to get God on my side. Sometimes overeating and making poor food choices is a spiritual battle. The closer I am to God, the more willpower I have. The more I pray, the less I want to eat junk food.

Overeating is a sin (gluttony). And God promises in the Bible that He gives us strength to overcome any sin. So why not take advantage of that promise and ask for help from the one who created my body in the first place. Most people don't think of inviting God into their eating habits, but they should. God will give you the "want to" when it comes to eating healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. 

The best book about overcoming emotional eating from a biblical perspective is Made To Crave by Lisa Terkeurst.

Take better care of my home   
I've never been up for any housekeeping awards. But I wouldn't call myself sloppy. My house is probably cleaner than most. But I know I could do better. The environment we live in has the power to inspire us or depress us. Living in a sloppy unorganized house inspires a sloppy, unorganized life. Our laziness creeps into every part of life. And we feel like a mess. 

I really hate feeling like a mess. The effort it takes to keep a clean house is so worth the feeling it gives me. I've lived in some humble apartments, but there was always something charming about them. My apartment in Millersburg had a living room surrounded by windows that let in lots of light. I spent most of my time there. In the summer I spent a lot of time on the balcony that led out from the kitchen.
I made the most of these areas of refuge. I put my coziest chairs there and I kept those areas looking neat and organized. The entire place doesn't have to be spotless, but the rooms where we spend the most time should be clean and well organized, especially the kitchen. 
Make an effort to help people
We can't appreciate life without offering assistance to others. Our world would be a different place if everyone made helping others a priority. But how often do we take time for people in need?

I believe that every time I do something to help someone, God blesses me for it. The blessing might be a better job, an unexpected money gift, or the chance to go somewhere fun. I don't always make the connection between my own generosity and the blessing that follows, but God knows what blessings will mean the most to me and He moves other people to bring those blessings to me. If I'm not willing to be the one who blesses, I can't expect to be blessed.

Focus on the good in others and compliment them
We can't appreciate life without appreciating the people around us.
But this one can be tough. Let's face it, some people can make our lives miserable. To focus on the good in someone who is selfish, mean, and hateful is nearly impossible. But we are instructed to love others. And sometimes the demonstration of love toward hateful people can melt their cold hearts. 

When I find myself disliking someone, I pray for them and do what I can to fix any wrong doing on my part that might have contributed to the situation. After that, if I still feel that something isn't right, I consider that perhaps this person is someone I should avoid. 

God does give us Holy Spirit-led discernment about people when we are living right. And when other Christians feel the same uneasiness about that person, it's a good indication that our discernment has kicked in. God is telling us to watch out, beware, don't trust this person.

But it is possible to love people even when they are phony, mean, or untrustworthy. If we can't stand to be around them, we can still pray for them. And when we are forced to be in their prescence we can choose to be kind.

Be Thankful and say it to God and others
This year I want to make a greater effort to say, "Thank You."
I want to take a greater notice to the blessings in my life. We pass through life each day so busy that we can't even appreciate the beauty and wonder of God's creation. I want to look at the vivid colors of pink and orange in a sunset and thank God for painting the sky so beautifully

If I had painted something beautiful, I would want people to notice. Imagine how God feels when a glorious turquoise butterfly flutters past you and you don't think anything of it. Or when a hummingbird thinks the red in your shirt is a flower, so it hovers for a few seconds right above your head, wings whizzing so unbelievably fast that they make music on air.

Those moments are reminders from God that He created this world for us. They are proof of His existence. You'll never convince me that a butterfly just flew together by accident in some cosmic big bang explosion. How foolish to believe such a thing. 

We need to be more thankful to God and more thankful to the people he put in our lives. If you need inspiration, read One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.   

16 Things About 2013 That Are Really Going To Stink

It's not good news and most people don't want to think about it, but it's true and truth should be known
 16 Things About 2013 That Are Really Going To Stink

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Click on the Slow Cooker Lasagna box at the bottom of this skillet lasagna recipe for an easy way to make lasagna.!Wf9/

Top 10 Packaged Foods You Shouldn't Buy

I have many of these items in my pantry and refrigerator. I believe this article is 100% true. We buy many foods for convenience, but we pay a big price for it. MSG is a brain toxin, but most people don't seem too concerned about it Also most people don't care if their food is genetically modified and they don't know the dangers of GMO food. We also don't seem concerned about the chemicals that leach out of the linings of canned food.

We would have to completely change the way we eat to avoid the toxins that are hiding in our food and drinks. That's not easy to do. But I also think it's foolish to just eat anything we want without concern for what's actually in the food. If we care about avoiding sickness and disease, we should care about what we eat. At the very least, we should take time to educate ourselves on the subject.

Top 10 Packaged Foods You Shouldn't Buy


Dec 24, 2012
from Rapture Ready blog 
Someday They Will Have All Your Guns
It has long been my policy never to rush into stating my reaction to a news event. I find it's important to allow the dust to settle before making any prophetic commentary. This is the case concerning the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
I can't recall a time when the facts on a news story have changed so frequently. The day of the attack, the liberal media went absolutely bonkers. The gunman's name was Ryan, then it was changed to Adam. The mother was shot at home, then at school, and then back at home. First, there were two shooters and then there was one.
The reason the liberal media was spitting out constantly-changing data was because they were manifesting their excitement at the opportunity to use another mass murder event to advance their agenda. You certainly didn't see the same level of caution in reporting that was used with the September 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. In that attack, the mainstream media was steadfast in waiting to make sure all the facts were straight.
The press has been doing its best to set the tone on the debate. They have been very aggressive in portraying gun rights activists as villains. CNN's Piers Morgan tore into guest Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, calling him "an unbelievably stupid man" who's "dangerous," concluding the interview by saying, "You shame your country." ABC News saw a few protests outside the NRA's Fairfax, Virginia, headquarters as a growing, "angry crowd."
I seriously doubt the Sandy Hook shooting will provide enough momentum for any immediate ban on major categories of weapons. The NRA and other supporters of the second amendment are a very powerful force in American politics. President Obama gave the best indication that little will happen in the short run when he appointed VP Joe Biden to head a committee that would study the issue.
The gun rights lobby needs to be more worried about a progressive effort to make it harder to own and access a gun. This has already been the preferred method of attacking all our other civil liberties.
I think the greatest factor that puts gun ownership at risk is the decline in morality. If we don't have a moral foundation in this nation, I don't see how we can expect to maintain our Second-Amendment rights. If we become a land of lawless, the feds will be forced to clamp down. We still do quite well for a nation that has more outlets that sell firearms than franchises of the McDonald's Corp.
You don't see gun stores in the Middle East because Arab society would disintegrate if the average person could buy an assault rifle at the local market. When Iraq was liberated from the iron rule of Saddam Hussein, the Sunni and Shiite population instantly began killing each other with weapons they smuggled into the country.
We are steadily becoming a society that needs Big Brother to protect us from ourselves. One of the best indications of creeping oversight is the reduced access to explosives. There was once a time when you could go to local hardware store and buy a case of dynamite. Today, you can't even buy a large stock of fertilizer, the key ingredient in a homemade explosive, without getting the attention of Homeland Security.
The liberal media brought up all kinds of options for dealing with the problem of gun violence. I don't recall reading any article that addresses the declining moral values of our nation. When you find yourself walking into a swamp, with every step forward causing you to sink deeper into the muck, the best thing to do is to turn around and retrace your steps. Liberals don't want to go back to the old morality because they still have faith in the one they helped author.
Mike Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, in an appearance Fox News' Neil Cavuto show, suggested we try God's way: "It's an interesting thing. We ask why there's violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? Because we've made it a place where we don't want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability — that we're not just going to have be accountable to the police if they catch us, but one day we stand before a holy God in judgment."
In the past week, I've had several conversations with friends over the possibility of new restrictions on gun ownership, and several times the "from my cold, dead hands" slogan popularized by Charlton Heston was invoked. One way or another, I'm afraid the government is going to take away everyone's guns. If they need to pry them away from your dead hand, then "so be it" would be the reaction of the coming authoritarian world government. We Christians have a much better option: the government will be able to take our guns because someday soon we will no longer need them.
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" (1 Peter 1:3-5).

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: An Unholy Alliance--Islamists and the Left

It's later than you think. We can't remain complacent. What you don't know about Islam can hurt you. Watch this video. Be informed and empowered. 

Stakelbeck on Terror Show: An Unholy Alliance--Islamists and the Left

Friday, December 21, 2012


For the past year, I've been searching for winning skin and home care recipes. All my Christmas gifts this year are homemade including beeswax lotion that rivals Burt's Bees, natural household cleaners, body wash, shave gel, chocolate soap,  spoon oil, peach jam, applesauce, and homemade vanilla. The spoon oil is used to preserve wooden spoons, cutting boards, and wooden rolling pins. I also use it as a non toxic alternative to furniture polish. 

Some of my attempts didn't turn out, but overall it's been fun experimenting and creating products at home at a fraction of the cost and with none of the toxic ingredients. My husband says my "Triple Threat" cleaner, degreaser and spot remover works better than Resolve carpet cleaner. Maybe there could be some money in this venture. Hmmm. 

Click on the link below for some easy ideas and recipes to make your own homemade gifts. It's not too late to add a homemade touch to Christmas.


This is a good site to explore. Great craft ideas and wonderful recipes.


Cameron Russell, the catwalk superstar and lingerie model for Victoria's Secret has taken to the stage at a TED event in Washington DC. The 25-year-old model advised young girls against following her path.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Controlling Our Tongues

  • What comes out of your mouth is merely the evidence of what is in your heart (Matthew 12:34). 
One thing a true Christian should have is a bad feeling after using profane language. That bad feeling is evidence that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. It's proof that you are saved and on your way to Heaven. If you can talk trashy without any remorse or regret then your heart isn't right with God. 

People think that all they have to do to be sure of a place in Heaven is to say a little prayer and confess sin, then ask Jesus to save them. But if there is no change in behavior, can they really be sure of their salvation?

 A true conversion will be visible. We'll be able to see and hear a change in behavior. A true conversion happens when God is invited to live inside you. If God is truly there, he will be very uncomfortable when your mouth goes to the potty. And that will make you feel uncomfortable.

I'm not perfect. My mouth gets me in trouble at times too. But every time I use unclean language, I instantly feel like a phony. I just feel bad and my heart becomes heavy with regret. 

So for everyone who claims to be a Christian, ask yourself if you can talk trashy with no remorse or regret. Do you think nothing of swearing on Facebook? If so, then I don't want to read your posts that glorify God. Your God is not my God.
 Controlling Our Tongues

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Charlie Brown Christmas - Christmas Time is Here Song

Tonight at 8:00. One of the greatest things about being a kid in the sixties and seventies was Charlie Brown at Christmas Time. This song takes me back.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


" The wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the nations that forget God." - Psalm 9:17

When abortion became legal in America the courts declared that human life has no value. Then we wonder why people don't value human life. 

In 1963, when Bible reading and prayer were removed from our schools, we told God that He's not welcome there. And then we wonder why God doesn't protect our children in school. 

When we vote for a president that is pro abortion, we are guilty of promoting murder. Let's stop blaming God and look at our own lives, our own decisions, our own lack of morals.

Our nation has forgotten God and that is why it is turning into Hell.


 With the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we are appreciating our children a little more, but will that appreciation last much longer than next week? Our culture views children more as an annoyance than a blessing. Women don't want to give up their dreams to raise children. They aren't willing to sacrifice for the sake of another precious life. We are selfish. Too into ourselves and our own needs to even consider what someone else needs. 

When I think of what Jesus did for me on the cross, I ask myself how much I'm willing to sacrifice. How often do I shove aside my aches and pains, my tiredness, my convenience, and my wants for the sake of another? How willing am I to go to the cross? Even for my own children?

Friday, December 14, 2012

This is why there are no shootings in Israeli schools.  Think about it.

Friday, November 30, 2012


"Whatever you hold on to will hold on to you" I read that quote today on one of my favorite blogs. I know this to be true because I have made the mistake of holding on to ugly things for far too long. And I don't mean my clogs from the eighties. I mean negative energy that brings sickness on the body. Unforgiveness, anger, ongoing frustration, and hurt feelings actually cause our bodies to become acidic, which is the perfect environment for diseases to thrive. This year has been one of the worst of my life. Perhaps the worst year ever. I will be so happy to see it go and to have a fresh start in January.

I guess I think that because I try so hard to glorify God that maybe I should have some special favor upon me. My children shouldn't get so sick that we consider a midnight visit to the emergency room. I shouldn't wake up to a swollen infected eye that looks so hideous I wonder if my eye and skin will be permanently damaged. I shouldn't have to deal with arthritis and all its unpleasant symptoms. I shouldn't have insomnia. I shouldn't have back pain. I shouldn't have dental problems since I take excellent care of my teeth.  And I shouldn't have to deal with thoughtless people. That's an incomplete list of the ugly things that came my way this year.

But life doesn't hold back pain for people who are good. And sometimes the ugly things are a result of our own doing. For example, several years ago I fell while skating backwards. That decision to go roller skating in my late forties led to my back problems. That was my doing. Also, I believe my insomnia is the result of my taking a prescription drug that should not be on the market. Drugs can cause permanent neurological damage and sometimes death. But I trusted my doctor and paid the price. That was my own doing. I should have researched the side effects.

I could blame God for letting these things happen, but what would that get me?  If I hold on to resentment, then I can add one more thing to my list of ailments. Because anger and resentment have been proven to make people physically sick. Whatever I hold on to will hold on to me. So I have to let it go. I have to make amends with those who hurt me. I have to forgive. I can't go on rehearsing things I should have said that really would have stuck it to them. I have to lay it all down and walk away from it. Only God is big enough to deal with hurt that big. If I hang on to it, it will destroy me.

I can tell when someone is holding on to resentment. Their body language gives them away. They are impatient and often sarcastic. Their words come out like bullets, with the intention of harming others. When they speak, you can see the annoyance on their faces. They are hanging on to past hurts and that hurt is hanging on to them. That hurt has changed the way they relate to others and it's changed the way they view life. They are angry people walking around spreading their anger everywhere they go. And because of this, they can't attract anything good into their lives. That wall of resentment keeps the good things out and they remain imprisoned in a mud hole of their own making.

I've learned that the quickest way to get rid of resentment is to start praying for those who hurt you. Do anything you can to restore the relationship. Make a phone call, write a letter, go see the person and let him or her know that you want to let it go. For your own peace of mind, speak your mind and put it to rest. I did this recently and after talking to the person, I realized that the relationship can't be restored because I simply can't trust her. When I can't trust people, I don't want to be around them. It's okay to distance yourself from people who don't bring anything good into your life. That's not resentment that's self-preservation.

With a new year right around the corner, it might be a good idea to ask yourself if you're hanging on to any past hurts. If you are, don't take them with you into the next year. Set yourself free from the ugliness you've wrapped yourself in and see the difference it will make in your life. I can tell you from experience, it's like walking out of a dark cave into the bright abundant life God intended for you. You will begin to attract blessings again. People will notice that you talk differently and you are pleasant to be around. The energy you give to the world will always reflect back on you, positive or negative. So the one who benefits most from letting go of past hurts is you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

I Leave You With This Thought: Are You Ready?

Nov 5, 2012
Hurricane Sandy: Yet Another "100-Year-Event"
from Rapture Ready 
Once again, the U.S. has been hit by a disaster being described as a record or 100-year event. Hurricane Sandy caused wide-scale destruction as it slammed into the East Coast of the U.S. It will take weeks to add up the cost of all the damage, but we already have enough raw data to make the storm one for the history books. Here is a rundown of seven historic milestones:
  • The NYC Subway System has suffered the worst disruption in its 108 years of operation.
  • New York City experienced the highest surge ever. A record high water level of 13.88 feet was set at the Battery Park point, breaking the oldest official record of 10.02 feet.
  • Sandy’s central pressure bottomed out at 940 millibars, setting a record for the lowest pressure of an Atlantic storm north of Cape Hatteras, NC.
  • According to the National Hurricane Center, Sandy is the largest land-falling Atlantic tropical cyclone, which had tropical storm force winds extending out to 600 miles.
  • The New York Stock Exchange closed for two days — the first time it's been closed for two consecutive days due to weather since 1888, when a blizzard struck the city.
  • The storm cut power to over 8 million customers. This is the largest storm-related outage in the history of Con Edison.
  • New York Harbor's surf also reached a record level when a buoy measured a 32.5-foot wave Monday. That wave was 6.5 feet taller than a 25-foot wave churned up by Hurricane Irene in 2011.
The current cost of damages from Sandy stands at $50 billion, which would rank behind Katrina ($108 billion in present-day dollars). Because most insurance policies don't cover flood damage, a large portion of the damage will not be covered.

The press has been trying to find a silver lining in the storm by promoting the idea that the economy will receive a shot in the arm by all the government spending and rebuilding that will take place in the coming months. There is nothing financially positive about a disaster that destroys property. Once we rebuild, we are only back to where we were before the hurricane. Thousands of small businesses will probably fail because of the economic stress that Sandy will place on them. The relief effort and lost taxes will eventually add another $100 billion to our ballooning nation debt.

Terry and I were recently talking about the possibility of a storm like Sandy occurring. We had noticed that the cycle for natural disasters was speeding up, and it looked about time for another birth pang. Jesus gave us the pattern for the last days when He told His disciples that warning signs would come like birth pains.

"As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. 'Tell us,' they said, 'when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?' Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, "I am the Messiah," and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains'" (Matthew 24:3-8 NIV).

I firmly believe the birth pains factor is the reason we are seeing so many events with 100-year label. This year was already pegged as an historic year for drought and massive heat. Now we can add Hurricane Sandy to the mix.

Last year was marked by record tornadoes and flooding. There were so many tornadoes, we set a record for setting records in the variety of this type of disaster.

The year 2010 was a grab bag of natural disasters. That year was the deadliest in more than a generation. Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards, landslides, and droughts killed more than 260,000 people.

It is amazing how quickly we become accustomed to the increased frequency of disasters. Do you remember way, way back in March of 2011 when Japan suffered its worst recorded earthquake in its history? And do you remember way, way, way, way back in January of 2010 when 250,000 people were killed by another quake that struck Haiti? In many times in the past century, you could go a decade without seeing an earthquake of any great significance.

We are now at a point where disasters have become so frequent and massive is scale, the news life cycle of an single event is very brief. Tropical Storm Irene was a bad storm, but it has been wiped from everyone's memory by Hurricane Sandy.

God is clearly trying to get man's attention with all these calamities. The Lord is very patient, but He is no fool. Eventually, the warnings will end and the final judgment will begin. "Am I truly ready?" is the question everyone needs to ask themselves.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21: 8-11, 25-28). --Todd

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I spent the past four days caring for a sick child. Caretaking  is probably the most exhausting job there is, especially when caring for someone you really love. Emotions get involved with the constant demand for bed sheet changes, food, water, tissues, help getting out of bed, pain meds, antibiotics, throat spray, cool washcloths, back rubs, changing the vaporizer water, taking covers off, putting them back on, nasal spray, vapor rub, checking the fever temp, praying, crying and running to the pharmacy for the next thing that might help her feel better.

This is what I've been doing since Wednesday. Between the work and the emotional drain, a person can become exhausted. The absolute worst thing about being a mom is watching your children suffer. Today I feel that my priorities have shifted drastically. My heart just isn't into blogging. So I'm taking a break. If it's possible for you to slow down and spend more time loving someone today, don't miss the chance.



Do you know that the Bible tells us how God feels about flirting? Yet many Christian girls take part in this believed-to-be harmless habit. They attend church on Sundays and claim to love the Lord, but in the company of boys, you see them tossing their hair around and being seductive with their bodies and their facial expressions. 

This behavior has become more and more accepted as overall morals decline. We talk about modesty in the way we dress, but are we being modest in our body language?

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Many women who seem to have perfect lives really don't. From the outside looking in, we think that they have everything a woman could ask for, but if we catch these women being very honest, they confess to moments of insecurity, doubts, fears, and wondering if they are really any good at anything. They feel like everything they do is only half good enough. They doubt the direction that their lives have taken and they wonder if perhaps they should give up and start over.

All my life I have felt that my efforts were never as good as they could be. If I write one story in a week, I think that I should have written two. If I create a piece of artwork, I question why I haven't created more. If I accept a job or start a business, I wonder if I'm doing enough. Each day I question if I've accomplished what I'm capable of doing. And should I be doing more?

Where do these feelings come from? What causes us to doubt ourselves and feel like we should be more than we are? Is it the culture we live in that tells us we're not good enough? Do we forget that our identity is in Christ and fall into the cultural trap of comparing and competing? We see someone who is doing so much more and we put pressure on ourselves to step up our game.

Or maybe these feelings are just normal for every woman. Just like the days we live in, which are sometimes sunny and sometimes gloomy, we ourselves have ups and downs. Perhaps God made us that way so that when we feel depressed, inadequate, or fearful, we will draw closer to Him. 

Our culture tells us that if we're feeling down we should pop a pill, get a new job, have a lifestyle lift or maybe lose a little weight and everything will be fine. No one ever tells us that we need to go to God in prayer, praise and worship. No one ever suggests that it's a spiritual issue. 

The answer to life's problems can always be found when we fall on our knees. I've learned to use those gloomy feelings as an indication that it's time to check in with my Lord. Maybe I've been too busy to pray. The further I get from God, the darker my days become. Because God is my source of strength. He's my source of light, my source of joy, and my source of peace. 

Without Him, my mind will not rest and my fears will take over. 
Without Him I'm never good enough. But with Him I'm everything I need to be. Read the blog entry below written by someone who seems to have it all together but who doesn't always feel that way.

The Country Cook: 7Up Cake

The Country Cook: 7Up Cake: Whenever I make any type of bundt cake, I always think of the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I just love that movie. "What do you ...

The Country Cook: Coca Cola Cake

The Country Cook: Coca Cola Cake:   Here I go with yet another cake recipe . Please forgive me, I just love cake. It's in my genetic make-up. I'm predisposed to lovin...

Monday, October 29, 2012

SaltTree: The Perfect Sandwich Loaf

I made bread a few days ago and although it was good, it wasn't the ultimate recipe that I would use again and again. This recipe might be the one. There's something very satisfying about bread making. The way the kitchen smells. The way the butter melts over a warm slice. And the memories of my mom baking braided loaves of  crusty bread. It's the one thing that comes out of the oven that feels most like home. When the weather turns cold or rainy, I want to bake bread. 
 SaltTree: The Perfect Sandwich Loaf: Since I got that wicked birthday present known as 'present of awesomeness' aka, Kitchen Aid stand mixer, I've been using it for everyth...

The Safety and Effectiveness of the HPV Vaccine is Unproven!

Were it to be discovered that the HPV vaccine, in fact, does not effectively prevent cancer, then young women (and now boys) are being exposed to clearly unacceptable health risks. And that's precisely what a recent study has concluded...
 The Safety and Effectiveness of the HPV Vaccine is Unproven!


I believe God is reminding us that America’s fate lies not in the hands of the politicians, but in His hands. Will America listen? Will we realize how fragile our existence is, how desperately we need the Lord’s divine love and protection?Please pray for the Lord God Almighty to dissipate the intensity of the storm and to protect the lives of people and property. Pray, too, that the Lord uses this moment to motivate Americans to repent of our sins and turn to faith in Jesus Christ as our only hope of personal and national salvation and rescue. “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) 

Why would God Judge America? | Informed Christians

Do you think a people can ignore murder in their country, condone by silence its practice, permit its teachings in its schools, and fund the butchering with public money and yet remain unpunished?
Why would God Judge America? | Informed Christians


"If you add the area of the drought and now the hurricane together, it would be about 80 percent of the country! As I said, the Holy God of Israel is systematically destroying America right before our eyes." - John McTernan

Thursday, October 25, 2012

God's Girl Living on His Purpose: How Does A Woman of God Conduct Herself

God's Girl Living on His Purpose: How Does A Woman of God Conduct Herself: “ All the city . . . doth know that thou art a virtuous woman ” Ruth 3:11 Do I have a reputation for being a woman of virtue and godly c...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


In the Bible, God tells us that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  Why believe a doctor who tells you otherwise?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


If you appreciate photography, you'll love exploring this site.


If you appreciate art, you'll love these paintings created with a palette knife instead of a brush!g0:Y!B1VxGx/


I had a children's book about brothers and sisters who packed their bags with sweaters and socks and scarves and mittens and woolen caps and moved to a tree. "We liked our tree," the book said. "There was always a breeze in the afternoon that...." I don't remember the rest, but I had that book memorized as a child. 

I spent a lot of time in trees when I was growing up in the small town of Pillow PA in the sixties and seventies. These photos brought back those memories. Who wouldn't want to spend time in a tree if it meant living in a place like this?!:XeYJvbS+/

Monday, October 22, 2012


I recently posted some information about Halloween. If you scroll down you can find the article and videos. After reading about the satanic origin of Halloween, I feel uneasy about it. But I haven't yet forbid my daughter from participating in all Halloween activities. Although this is the year that we said it's time for her to stop getting dressed up and going trick or treating, she is participating in Halloween parades this week.

What is a parent to do when the school band is in the Halloween parade and your daughter is in the school band?

What is a parent to do when the dance class your daughter just joined is performing in front of the judges at the Halloween parade? 

What's a parent to do when the school club your daughter has been a part of for years is preparing a float for the Halloween parade and club members are expected to be on the float?

These may seem like trivial problems, but to a teenage girl they aren't trivial. She worked hard at these activities and of course she wants to take part in the accolades. If we forbid her from taking part in these events, then we discourage the very activities that we have encouraged her to do in the first place.

What I really wish is that we would stop using the word Halloween and start calling the parade a Fall Parade. I wish we would stop glamorizing witches and vampires and all the satanic symbols that we relate to Halloween. I wish that these events wouldn't take place at the end of October as the satanic customs did (and still do in the occult world.)

Some people are thinking right now, Oh just relax. What's the big deal. It's all just harmless fun. But I can't relax about a Holiday that has satanic origins. To participate in these things is to accept them as being okay.
So I'm having a hard time with this. The link below is another example of the things I read that make me uneasy about Halloween.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Have you ever come home from a gathering of family and friends and then spent the next day worrying about the things you said? Did I sound prideful? Did she take what I said the wrong way? Was I talking too much? Was I too passionate about the subject? Did I offend anyone?

To an extent, all of us worry about what other people think. We wonder how we are perceived. We wish we could get inside their heads and know what people truly think of us. It all comes down to needing the approval of others. We base our identity on the judgement of others. We think part of our identity is how people view us. 

Worrying what people think is a subject that many people fret over, sometimes on a daily basis. Just Google the subject and you will have enough reading material for a month. On, the world's largest goal setting community, 4,000 people said that they wish they could stop caring what other people think.  And on Wiki How, you can learn the seven steps to not care what others think of you.  

As a representative of Christ, I do care what others think of me. But I have to remind myself that not everyone is going to like what I have to say. Some people might think that I am prideful. Some might think I'm too harsh. They might disagree with me. They might even think that I've gone bonkers. And I could go bonkers if I allowed myself to worry about these things. 

Even Jesus wanted men to admire Him and trust Him, but He didn't change who He was to win their approval. And neither should we. The best way to stop caring so much what others think is to start caring about what God thinks. Start caring about what others think of Christ. Analyze everything you say and do in light of His approval. 

We worry so much about our reputations, but what can mere men do to us? Do we really need to fear what others think? Isn't all that fretting just wasted time? Are we seeking the favor of men or the favor of God? Eternity is a long time to think about the opportunities we had and the opportunities we stubbornly rejected.

The links below are some of many articles written on this subject. The last two links are written from a Christian world view and one includes a book on the subject.

Friday, October 19, 2012


The video above is a shocking message you won't hear in any nearby church. American Christianity is based more upon a godless culture than it is upon the word of God. This is exactly what my current speech, "Cultural Lies or Biblical Truth" is about. 

We compare our lives to each others' instead of comparing our lives to scripture. Most of what we believe is dictated to us by our culture, not by the word of God. The Bible teaches that "you will know them by their fruit". In other words, you will know Christians by the change in their lives. 

There's no such thing as a carnal Christian. If you are truly saved, you will walk in the way of righteousness. You'll talk differently, You'll dress differently. You will act differently.. Salvation will have made a noticeable difference in your life.

Watch the video above and then test yourself in light of scripture to see if you are truly in the faith. If you said the salvation prayer and are now living like the rest of the world, then there's a chance that you're really not saved at all.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Haven't we all done something we regret? Haven't we all made a foolish choice or two, probably many foolish choices. Don't we all have skeletons in our closet? Haven't we all done things that we wouldn't want the world to know?

Especially when we are young, we do stupid things without thinking. Imagine being haunted for years over one stupid mistake. Imagine being put through Hell because of one bad decision. Imagine never being forgiven for your mistake but instead being tormented day after day Never able to escape your tormentors.

This is what happened to a 15-year-old girl. She could easily be your daughter. Scroll down for more on this story.


Last weekend, a 15-year-old girl named Amanda Todd committed suicide, five weeks after the Canadian teen uploaded a video to YouTube describing years of cyber bullying. Saddened and inspired by the this story, cause leader Amanda Saracen created a petition demanding that Canadian authorities find and arrest those responsible for Amanda Todd's death. Click here to see why almost 200,000 people have already signed.

The Great American RoadTrip Forum - Museum of Bad Art - Dedham Square, Massachusetts

I have a few early pieces of artwork that might qualify for placement in this museum. Looks like a fun place to visit and a fun website to explore.
 The Great American RoadTrip Forum - Museum of Bad Art - Dedham Square, Massachusetts

Monday, October 15, 2012


The vaccine industry is just another money-making, good-ol’-boy network of “Crony Capitalism”. It isn’t about your health or the “preparedness” of the nation for an outbreak. It’s about money. It’s about lining the pockets of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry at any cost—including if that cost is your life or that of your child.