This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Planned Parenthood official defends post-birth abortions |
This woman is basically saying that it should up to the mother and her doctor whether or not a baby that survived an abortion should be killed or saved. Yet she has no idea what exactly is done to the baby to kill it. So she's advocating something that she knows no details about. Then she's really stumped when someone points out that the patient is actually the baby, not the mother who wanted to kill the baby.Watch this video. It is the ultimate example of someone who can look evil right in the face and feel absolutely nothing for an innocent life.
Planned Parenthood official defends post-birth abortions |
Planned Parenthood official defends post-birth abortions |
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tim Hawkins is a Christian comedian who makes me laugh. Laughter is a good thing. Christians are often accused of being too serious. I love humor. We should be able to laugh at ourselves as Tim points out the funny things we do for God.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
This article contains several links that focus on the strange weather we've been seeing and the strange happenings such as sinkholes and fireballs in the sky.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
"What is so difficult about understanding the free exercise clause in the First Amendment, which says governing authorities "shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise" of religion...
It is everyone's individual right (first freedom) to express his faith as he wishes and where he wishes. During this Holy Week, my wife, Gena, and I profess our belief in Jesus Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection, and his free offer of salvation to the whole world — his steps to peace with God. (See for more information.)
It's high time for teachers, leaders, politicians and clergy (the black robe regiment), as well as every other American citizen, to start standing up and pushing back against these assaults on religious liberty." - Chuck Norris
"If this is the first time you are hearing about the Great Louisiana
Sinkhole, you can thank the mainstream media for keeping the general
public in the dark about its existence, and the very serious threat it
poses not only to Louisianans but to all of humanity. An apparent
product of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster of 2010, this anomalous
sinkhole appears to be connected to underground salt domes that are
collapsing, releasing toxic gases, oil, and possibly other materials."
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
If you're going to make homemade laundry detergent, you may as well do it right and make a lot right from the start. Here's a great easy recipe that makes a five gallon bucket of liquid laundry detergent at a huge savings.
Even with the cost of the bucket and lid (think Lowes or Home Depot) you're saving a lot of money compared to five gallons of store bought laundry detergent. You can add your own essential oils for fragrance. My favorite fragrance right now is grapefruit and bergamot (orange). I'm also a big fan of lavender and lemon combination.
Even with the cost of the bucket and lid (think Lowes or Home Depot) you're saving a lot of money compared to five gallons of store bought laundry detergent. You can add your own essential oils for fragrance. My favorite fragrance right now is grapefruit and bergamot (orange). I'm also a big fan of lavender and lemon combination.
Homestead Revival: Dear Daughter: The Heart of Modesty
Homestead Revival: Dear Daughter: The Heart of Modesty: This post in part of a continuing series addressed to my daughters, but also for the benefit of younger women everywhere. While this part...
Montana Senate Backs Bill To Allow People To Salvage Roadkill For Food « CBS Seattle
I think anyone who kills a deer while driving should be able to take the meat home. Not everyone knows how to skin and gut a deer and cut it up to freeze, but after banging up your car, you should get some kind of compensation.
Montana Senate Backs Bill To Allow People To Salvage Roadkill For Food « CBS Seattle
Montana Senate Backs Bill To Allow People To Salvage Roadkill For Food « CBS Seattle
The article below was taken from Frank Dimora's website at The link is listed on the right side of my blog under World Events and Prophecy.
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).
“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).
“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3).
Our Lord gave us specific warning of what not to do to Israel. In the three scriptures above, it was made clear to us that anyone who comes against Israel will be destroyed! Any nation who comes against the Jews will be cursed and part of the curse come via natural disasters such as flooding, droughts, earthquakes or pestilences of one form or another.
In my book I show you what has happened to leaders who come against Israel or for that matter work to divide up the land of Israel in order to give the PLO their own State. Last week in my posts I asked you to watch and see what happens as Obama goes to Israel to work out details to bring a Middle East peace by dividing up the land of Israel. We have already seen some strange things begin to happen with Obama. So far Obama's Limo died out on him and now His helicopter was also shut down!
Headline: Obama’s Limo Breaks Down
A limo shipped from Washington, D.C. to taxi President Obama around Israel failed and had to be towed in Jerusalem. The president hadn’t yet arrived in the country when the malfunction occurred. He arrived in Tel Aviv Tuesday.
Headline: Obama Helicopter Grounded Over Wind and Dust
President Barack Obama’s helicopter was grounded in Israel on Friday after a bout of strong winds blowing dust. Israeli police told Reuters that Obama was forced to make the journey between Jerusalem to Bethlehem via motorcade instead of by helicopter. The route will go through Israel’s barrier with the West Bank, according to security sources.
Something to the law of averages, coincidences are rare and random events that occur in nature. We have already had far too many supposed "coincidences" for this event to have been one. It was definitely not a coincidence.
When a person starts kicking up dust and knocking things over it is
a pretty good sign that he is very, very, very mad about something.
As our President was getting ready to leave Israel a huge dust storm
came up that knocked over the tent for his farewell ceremony,
apparently grounded air traffic, and even uprooted an olive tree. Of
course, the olive tree is symbolic here. In the Bible the olive tree
is the symbol of Israel and it is also a symbol of peace.
I am not a physic and I am not a prophet, but I would be willing
to make an educated guess here that God is not pleased with the
message that Obama brought to Netanyhu, and He is not pleased with the
message that Obama brought to the people of Israel.
I believe God used nature to send Obama a message: GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CITY (JERUSALEM) AND MY NATION (ISRAEL).
Bethlehem on Friday, awaiting a belated President Obama
amid a sandstorm (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)
Obama's helicopter grounded - Photo/Ben Hartman
Ben Gurion olive tree uprooted by wind - Photo/Tomar Appelbaum
Obama farewell tent blown over - Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg
Air Force One at Ben Gurion Airport - Photo/Reuters
March 21, 2013 Hail as big as baseballs pounded some spots in Jackson Mississippi and its suburbs. Hundreds of Americans tries to get relief from Insurers.
Romans 8:22-23 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.
Another sink hole
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The first part of this video examines the Cyprus bank crisis and then it covers our own crumbling economy. You will learn a lot from this video. I suggest watching it all the way through. It gets very interesting at about the half way point, but the beginning contains valuable info too. It's a lot to take in but it's an excellent explanation of our economy, how it works, and who pulls the strings.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Soldier’s Warning: Obama’s Modern 'Munich 1938' - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Bronco Bama is in Israel stirring things up. For this, God will probably bring judgment on America just as He has every time one of our leaders tries to give away Israeli land for peace. God said in the Bible that He will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.
Click on the link below to read about what our president is doing in Israel. And then click on the second link to read about the coming super storm that could be God's judgment on America.
For more about the history of God sending major storms and destruction to America every time our leaders mess with Israel, scroll down several posts on this blog and read, Don't Mess With Israel by Donna Wasson. She's the one who gave our president the nickname Bronco Bama.
Obama: ‘Palestinians Deserve A State Of Their Own’ « CBS DC
Click on the link below to read about what our president is doing in Israel. And then click on the second link to read about the coming super storm that could be God's judgment on America.
For more about the history of God sending major storms and destruction to America every time our leaders mess with Israel, scroll down several posts on this blog and read, Don't Mess With Israel by Donna Wasson. She's the one who gave our president the nickname Bronco Bama.
Obama: ‘Palestinians Deserve A State Of Their Own’ « CBS DC
"The banks and world economy are all intertwined, so if the Euro starts to melt down it could bring America down with it.
This is a great example to trust in the
Lord and not the banks. This is why I have said over and over to grow in
faith and trust God for your finances and not the corrupt and dying
economic system."
- John McTernan
For more about Agenda 21 and how it will affect you, go to the search box on the right side of my blog and type in Agenda 21.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
More than a year ago I wrote an article titled, America Is a Police State. I have no doubt that some people who read it thought I was a looney bird. Well things have become more obvious since then. Our country is still on the same path toward becoming a full blown police state.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Talk to Strangers: God Puts People in Our Path for a Purpose
"Dear God, please show me the spiritual need of those I come in contact
with. Give me a courageous, sensitive, and loving heart that will see
people as You see them and love them according to their need."
The article below is something I can relate to because so many times I have regretted not talking to people that I walk by every day. I don't always have it on my mind to at least smile at a passerby. I'm also guilty of retreating into my own little world when I'm out among people. And sometimes I'm just plain tired. I don't want to exert the energy required to talk.
I'm not naturally an extrovert. I don't talk to strangers easily. And with all the scary happenings these days, can I always assume that the man waiting in line behind me is harmless. If I smile at him and make conversation, can I be sure he won't follow me to my car and want to continue the conversation beyond my comfort level.
It's hard to trust people today, so I guess it's just easier to play with my cell phone at times than it is to talk to the people that walk past me, the people that stand or sit beside me as I wait, the people I share my part of the world with.
But I often wonder how many opportunities I've missed to connect with people that God put in my path. How many times have I missed the chance to encourage someone that needed it? God help me to be more mindful of the people around me and to know when the person next to me is someone you put in my path for a reason.
Talk to Strangers: God Puts People in Our Path for a Purpose
The article below is something I can relate to because so many times I have regretted not talking to people that I walk by every day. I don't always have it on my mind to at least smile at a passerby. I'm also guilty of retreating into my own little world when I'm out among people. And sometimes I'm just plain tired. I don't want to exert the energy required to talk.
I'm not naturally an extrovert. I don't talk to strangers easily. And with all the scary happenings these days, can I always assume that the man waiting in line behind me is harmless. If I smile at him and make conversation, can I be sure he won't follow me to my car and want to continue the conversation beyond my comfort level.
It's hard to trust people today, so I guess it's just easier to play with my cell phone at times than it is to talk to the people that walk past me, the people that stand or sit beside me as I wait, the people I share my part of the world with.
But I often wonder how many opportunities I've missed to connect with people that God put in my path. How many times have I missed the chance to encourage someone that needed it? God help me to be more mindful of the people around me and to know when the person next to me is someone you put in my path for a reason.
Talk to Strangers: God Puts People in Our Path for a Purpose
Sunday, March 17, 2013
"The only safe government is small government. The only lawful government
is a humble government that respects limits of power and understands it
serves the people. Today’s federal government is none of these things:
It is arrogant, spiteful, violent and dangerous. And like all
government, it seeks the endless expansion of power until it controls
everything: the entire economy, the entire medical system, all websites,
all media, all institutions of learning and all powers that once
belonged to the People. As Lew Rockwell
correctly explains, no government is satisfied with its current level
of power… it always seeks MORE power, meaning it incessantly seeks to
take that power from the people."
Batten Down the Hatches!
By Donna Wasson
from the Rapture Ready blog
from the Rapture Ready blog
"OK. It’s obvious
that messing
with Israel, the
apple of God’s
eye, is NOT a
bright idea. Has
America learned
her lesson? Oh,
heck no! Our
beloved leader
is headed over
to the Holy
Land, hell-bent
on achieving
what no one has
been able to do
in over 4000
years; getting
the descendants
of Isaac and
Ishmael to live
peacefully, side
by side."
I’ve been troubled by the spiritual storm clouds gathering in response to the upcoming world events, scheduled to take place this month, March, 2013. After reading some of the excellent articles on Rapture Ready, it appears I’m not the only one feeling uneasy these days.
These are some freaky days we’re living in! You know how a cat’s tail will wag back and forth when it’s in conflict? For instance, there’s a bird on the windowsill, but kitty’s dinner was just served. The cat wants both at the same time so it seems to freeze, swishing its tail as he weighs his options.
That’s kind of how I feel right now. If I had a tail, it would be swishing because I see danger on the horizon which scares me but then again, that danger brings us so much closer to the rapture. I really want something to break on the world scene to move us closer to being called home, but it’s only natural to be frightened at the same time.
A new Pope is about to be elected, who is widely thought to become the False Prophet, who will help usher in the Antichrist. Will he actually take the name, Petrus Romanus, as predicted centuries ago? Time will shortly tell.
Then, BO will travel to Israel on March 20-21, which on the Hebrew calendar is Nisan 10, the very same day our REAL Messiah rode a donkey into Jerusalem as King. Gee. What a coincidence. You reckon anyone in the White House noticed the hypnotic suggestion THAT would give, when they scheduled the trip? *GAG!* If I see ONE palm branch waving or hear even ONE ‘hosanna’ while he’s there, somebody had better lock me in the house so I can’t get to the airport, because so help me…! What blasphemy.
His trip of intrusive arrogance does NOT portend well for America. There is a long history between the abuse America has shown toward Israel, and subsequent natural disasters that “mysteriously” seem to strike this country. Others have written on this in times past, but I’m just waking up to the correlation now. Hey, I never said I was the sharpest tool in the shed!
In case you don’t know what I’m referring to, I’ll give you a little history lesson on how this whole thing seems to work. Our leaders pressure Israel to give up land for peace, then within days, America is hit with a major storm or earthquake. Don’t believe me? Take a look.
Back in 1938, before America had entered WWII, President Roosevelt formed a German/American alliance called the Bund. Basically, Roosevelt told Hitler America wouldn’t interfere with his plan to invade Czechoslovakia. Hitler was steadily taking over more and more European countries, kind of like the cancerous spread of Islam today.
Although completely aware of what was happening, Roosevelt turned a blind eye as the German Jews were being harassed by SS guards, and did nothing to defend them after Kristallnacht, the ‘Night of Broken Glass’ in which a coordinated Nazi attack against Jewish owned businesses, synagogues and homes left their property in ruins. Thirty thousand Jews were rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Again, America did nothing to help God’s Chosen People. Apparently, God didn’t appreciate our complicity.
During the time the Jews were being persecuted, a massive hurricane nicknamed, The Long Island Express, hit New England. Most hurricanes travel about 20 miles per hour. This one slammed the coast at 70mph! The eye of the storm was 50 miles wide with sustained winds of 121mph, and gusts reaching 185mph. Needless to say, it was an extremely destructive, deadly storm. Hmmm. Must have been a coincidence.
After the war, the world settled back down and in 1948, the nation of Israel was born. They were immediately attacked by their Arab neighbors, and endured armed conflict in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1968-1970, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2006 and on until today. Despite overwhelming odds, Israel has never been defeated.
Much to the consternation of the surrounding Arab nations, they are STILL on the map! However, you’ll notice most Arabs live in abject poverty and ignorance, and most haven’t even mastered indoor plumbing yet. So much for fighting Israel.
When terrorist Yasser Arafat fabricated the Palestinians, a previously nonexistent nation, the incessant whining began. Israel considered placating them by giving up some of their land to these people, so they could live side by side in peace. Because America was Israel’s most powerful Western ally, our leaders began a long campaign of strong-arming Israel to make more ridiculous concessions to the Arab crybabies, who had never lived in that territory anyway.
Ezekiel 36: 33-36 “Thus saith the Lord God; in the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by. And they shall say, This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited. Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it.”
Before Israel moved into the land, it was a barren, worthless desert. Nothing would grow on it, and very, very few people settled there. However, once Israel arrived, God miraculously caused that desert to bloom and flourish under their hands, and all of a sudden, the “Palestinians” wanted that land. Of course, their Arab brothers had thousands of square miles in which they could have settled, but NOOOOO. They had to have THAT land! *Whaah, boo-hoo! sniff, sniff*
So, on October 30, 1991, the USA and USSR held the Madrid Conference, which was hosted by Spain. It was an attempt by the international community to start a peace process through negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as other Arab countries. During this conference, President George H.W. Bush pushed for a territory-for-peace treaty, recognizing the Palestinian’s ‘right’ to Jewish land, which included giving up Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem.
During Bush’s trip, a cold nor’easter joined up with Hurricane Grace, resulting in what is now know as ‘The Perfect Storm,’ which created the largest waves ever recorded in that region. The storm sent 30-foot ocean waves smashing into Bush’s Kennebunkport vacation home, causing major damage to the estate as well as the surrounding area. It was such an unusually strong, massive storm, Hollyweird made a movie about it using the same name. Hmm. Probably just a coincidence.
August 23, 1992, the Madrid Conference was held in Washington D.C., which naturally included American pressure on Israel to give up land and other concessions to the Palestinians. That same day, Hurricane Andrew, the worst natural disaster to ever hit the U.S., slammed into South Florida, causing over 30 billion dollars in damage. But, one had nothing to do with the other. Right?
January 16, 1994, President Clinton met with the Syrian President in Geneva. They discussed a peace agreement with Israel which included giving up the Golan Heights. Less than 24 hours later, an earthquake measuring 6.9 hit southern California, and was the second most destructive natural disaster to hit the U.S. Uh, I’m sensing a pattern here.
March 1, 1997, PLO leader, Yasser Arafat toured America. On the very day he set foot on U.S. soil, tornadoes devastated large sections of Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi as well as parts of North and South Dakota. OK, this isn’t looking good.
September 28, 1998, as President Clinton meets with Netanyahu and Arafat at the White House to finalize an agreement in which Israel would relinquish 13% of Judah and Samaria, Hurricane George hits the Gulf Coast the same day, and stalls. As soon as Arafat leaves U.S. soil, the storm begins to break up, but not before causing 1 billion dollars in damage. Oh boy.
I guess Arafat backed out of that agreement because between October 15-22, 1998, Netanyahu and Arafat met again at a plantation in Maryland, to discuss the same agreement negotiated on September 28th. In the middle of the talks, October 17th, tornadoes and heavy rains hit southern Texas, causing widespread flooding. The rain began to subside on the last day of the talks, the 22nd, but left another billion dollars in damage. President Clinton had to declare that section of Texas a major disaster area.
OK, let’s stop pretending. There is a DIRECT correlation between America’s meddling in Israel’s affairs, pressuring them to bow to Arab demands for land, and disaster striking. Moving on…
May 3, 1999 was the date Arafat was supposed to declare a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. The same day, one of the most powerful tornado systems to ever hit America, swept across Oklahoma and Kansas.
October 1999, as Jewish families were being evicted off of their God given land, the Dow Jones lost 266 points and a hurricane hit North Carolina on October 15th. The next morning, the 16th, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake shook the South Western United States in the 5th most powerful earthquake of the 20th century.
August 22, 2005, President George W. Bush pressured Israel to evacuate the Gaza Strip. Eight thousand Jewish families were forcibly removed from their rightful homes. Exactly one week later, on August 29th, category 3 Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. As we all know, the levee system in New Orleans failed, leaving 80% of the city under water. The city has never fully recovered; much of it stands empty and ruined to this day, 8 years later.
May 19, 2011, Obama agreed with the PLO that Israel must return to the 1967 borders, despite Israel’s objections that doing so would be tantamount to committing national suicide. Three days later, on May 22nd, the deadliest string of tornadoes to hit this country since 1953, tore up Joplin, Missouri. That town was pretty much destroyed.
Since then, America has suffered unusual weather events. Devastating droughts in one area; massive flooding in other states. Temperatures soaring into the triple digits. Blizzard after blizzard pounding the Midwest and Northeast, piling up record amounts of snow. I think we can safely assume that Almighty God isn’t too pleased with the U.S. in general.
OK. It’s obvious that messing with Israel, the apple of God’s eye, is NOT a bright idea. Has America learned her lesson? Oh, heck no! Our beloved leader is headed over to the Holy Land, hell-bent on achieving what no one has been able to do in over 4000 years; getting the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael to live peacefully, side by side.
Once again, Israel is being strong-armed by the international community to relinquish more land for peace, and is even seriously considering dividing Jerusalem! Jerusalem. The City of David. The place where Jesus was crucified. The Holy City where Jesus will sit on His long awaited throne. They might actually agree to divide Jerusalem with godless heathens!
NOW do you understand why I’m a mite bit concerned about what the liar-in-chief has up his duplicitous sleeve? What kind of judgment will he be responsible for bringing down on America?
Joel 3: 3 “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”
Joel 3: 16-17 “The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God swelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her anymore.”
I will mention one big concern. In my internet travels over the last couple of weeks, I keep running into the same subject over and over, from numerous sources all over the country. People are having visions or dreams about America being split in half. I don’t mean figuratively. I mean literally; the earth opening up and causing a large gash right up the middle of the country from north to south.
But could this actually happen?? Yep, it could if an earthquake causes the New Madrid Fault to split open. Never heard of it? Well, it doesn’t possess the notoriety of the San Andreas Fault in California, but it’s 20 times bigger and could potentially cause catastrophic devastation.
The New Madrid Fault Line is a 150 mile long, major seismic zone with frequent earthquakes that occur within one tectonic plate. It threatens seven states; Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Back in December1811, a major earthquake measuring up to 8.2 shook the area of Memphis, Tennessee.
According to Wikipedia, trees were knocked down and riverbanks in the area collapsed. It shook windows and furniture in Washington D.C., rang bells in Richmond, VA, sloshed well-water and spooked horses in Charleston, SC and knocked plaster off of homes in Columbia, SC. In Jefferson, IN, furniture moved and in Lebanon, OH, residents fled their homes. Folks in Herculaneum, MO claimed it was severe and lasted 10-12 minutes! This quake was nicknamed the Daylight Shock due to its timing and the 27 aftershocks felt throughout that day.
On February 7, 1812, a New Madrid quake measuring up to 8.6, severely damaged homes in St. Louis, MO. It disturbed another segment called the Reelfoot Fault, creating an uplift that caused waterfalls on the Mississippi River and disrupted the river at Kentucky Bend. Eyewitnesses state this caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards for approximately 24 hours resulting in the formation of Reelfoot Lake, in NW Tennessee.
Since 1974, when seismic monitors were put into place, there have been about 4000 tremors recorded, but on average only one quake per year is strong enough to be felt by the residents. All things considered, it sounds pretty stable, doesn’t it?
I can’t help but wonder what all the chatter on the web concerning the New Madrid Fault is about. If America succeeds in getting Israel to divide Jerusalem, will a very angry God feel justified in dividing America? I don’t know. However, I think it’s safe to assume history will repeat itself.
You can bet that some form of severe judgment will strike this country before long. Not only has our wickedness become a stench in the nostrils of God, but our leaders have an extremely foolish habit of trying to manipulate God’s chosen into relinquishing the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants forever. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Time is quickly running out for those of you who have still not made a decision to accept the pardon Jesus paid with His life to provide to you. Hear me? Time is running out! The Bible warns us that the wrath of God will be poured out on this entire earth by way of economic collapse, catastrophic natural disasters, numerous nuclear wars, radiation poisoning of the water and food systems, not to mention the tyrannical world-wide rule of the most heinous, cruel dictator mankind has ever known.
You do NOT have to be here to experience this. You still have a tiny window of time to get right with God. Jesus will shortly call His own up to be with Him in heaven while all hell breaks out on earth. Why would anyone CHOOSE to stay here?? DUH!
Isaiah 6:20 “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.”
Go ahead, keep your head buried in the sand, pretending life will just continue as it always has, but don’t expect that to prevent these events from happening. You cannot ‘prep’ enough to survive. Don’t bother moving to another country; the entire world will be affected, so there’s no place you can run to escape. You’ll live your worst nightmare on steroids.
Government isn’t going to take care of you—they’ll be the ones to hunt you down. Buddha can’t save you. Allah can’t, neither can Ganesha. The Roman Catholic Church can’t. Even the Emergent church can’t save you. Jesus plainly told us in John 14:16, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”
Those of us who belong to Christ will be leaving this miserable world very, very soon. Oh, and FYI, I don’t care how insistent the authorities are we will NOT have been abducted by aliens! Our Lord and Savior will have snatched us out of harm’s way as He promised.
Look, you can stay here if you want to, but I’d much rather you come with me. Please repent, turn from your sinful ways, receive salvation and make Jesus the Lord of your life. Hurry!
"We all have a responsibility to recognize what's going on in this country and to use our influence to correct some of these things."
- Dr. Ben Carson
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Nicole Sherzinger: “To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil.”
This could explain what happened to Taylor Swift, who once dressed modestly and had a sweet innocent image until something got ahold of her and turned her into someone else.
Nicole Sherzinger: “To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil.”
Nicole Sherzinger: “To make it, you really have to sell your soul to the devil.”
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Where is America in Biblical Prophecy?
resounding question asked by many today is, “Where is America in Biblical
prophecy?” The simple answer is that our nation will still exist during the
Great Tribulation period, but our military power and socio-economic position will have been
diminished to the level of a godless, base nation. When Christ calls His Church
out of the world by means of the Rapture, our nation will implode on itself (2 Thess. 2:7). Any remnant of
restraint by Conservatives will then be removed, and our demise will arise by
means of civil war and lawlessness - even nuclear destruction (Rev. 6:1-8; 9:14-18) - to a state of total social
collapse and anarchy.............
will be absorbed into the coming European “Super Global Empire” of the
Anti-Christ to go against Almighty God at the Great Battle of
Click on the link below for more...
Where is America in Biblical Prophecy?
Click on the link below for more...
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Who hasn't felt like running away? After three and a half months of cold weather and being stuck inside with little sunshine on our faces, running away sounds tempting. Lysa TerKeurst offers encouragement for those who are going through a difficult season in life. She reminds us that the darkness won't last forever. No matter what you're going through, there will be a season of relief, a season of joy, a time to laugh, smile and celebrate again.. That's why we have to hang on a little longer.
Running away never solves anything because you simply take all your problems to a different location. We have to stay where we are and dwell on the promise of Spring. Our circumstances will change. Things will get better. The cold will turn to warmth. The darkness will surrender to uplifting light and color. Like a rainbow after the storm, God promises to carry us through the darkness and into a brighter day. God always keeps his promises. So don't run... stay, wait, pray and have faith.
Running away never solves anything because you simply take all your problems to a different location. We have to stay where we are and dwell on the promise of Spring. Our circumstances will change. Things will get better. The cold will turn to warmth. The darkness will surrender to uplifting light and color. Like a rainbow after the storm, God promises to carry us through the darkness and into a brighter day. God always keeps his promises. So don't run... stay, wait, pray and have faith.
Time Again for a Reality Check
from the blog Rapture Ready
A number of emails have invaded my inbox of late. They involve concerns–even hysterical-level fear—that a system is about to be instituted that calls for all Americans to be implanted with computer chips. And, it will be done–or at least begun–by March 23. That is this month!
Now, dear reader, it is time for us to have yet another reality check in light of this and other things making the speculation circuit in these closing days of this swiftly fleeting age. First, let’s consider the most recent of the chip implant frights that is currently making the rounds. There are blog conversations running the gamut from declarations that each of us in this nation will be required to go into government centers and submit to implantation of the computer chips to the proposition that government agents will be somehow anesthetizing us while we sleep and sending agents into our homes to secretly inject the chips while we are asleep/unconscious.
Some bloggers say those are crazy who believe such things, while other bloggers answer that this is the same thing people were saying about Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, thus were dragged under the terror of the Nazi regime before they recognized the fact they were victims of der Fuhrer.
Some who believe the federal government plans to do this within just two weeks or less proclaim that this is the mark-and-numbering system that will doom the soul of anyone who takes the chip. Others say that no politician in his right mind would propose–much less implement–such a thing and that the claim that this is a real threat is lunacy.
There are those who claim that they discovered during the 2012 presidential election that all Americans will be forced to be implanted by a trackable RIFD microchip by March 23 of this year. This, they claim, is written into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known by most now as Obamacare.
These claim that the Medchip, as it is termed, is given authorization in the healthcare reform law by the following language:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable."
Two areas of thought to consider are important in the effort to validate the claims that we will all begin being microchipped within a couple of weeks.
Authorities who refute the claim by those who propose that it is a 666 device say that upon close examination, 1) the legislative wording that supposedly indicates that all Americans will be required to accept an RFID chip doesn’t in actuality say anything with regard to creating a massive RFID implantation program. The process would create a system for the evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of particularly stipulated medical devices, including those that are implantable. 2) The legislative language, they say, isn’t actually in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. These invite those concerned to “search the text of the law yourself. You won’t find any mention of a national medical device registry.”
While I agree that it is beyond reasonable to believe that we will all be forced to begin receiving the RFID microchip by March 23, I am not exactly comforted by the fact that policy has been bent toward allowing for future such implementation of trackable instrumentalities such as the Medchip.
Like so many things in process today, this troubling trend of laying groundwork for a system of control through the burgeoning tracking technologies is but another indicator of this generation being prepared for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Be assured. We are not yet in the time of the 666 marks-and-number system that Antichrist will utilize to, through economic mastery, control and subject the world of those left behind following Christ’s call to His church. However, the technology developing at such a blistering pace is one more solid indicator of just how very near must be the exhilarating moment of that stunning Rapture event.
from the blog Rapture Ready
A number of emails have invaded my inbox of late. They involve concerns–even hysterical-level fear—that a system is about to be instituted that calls for all Americans to be implanted with computer chips. And, it will be done–or at least begun–by March 23. That is this month!
Now, dear reader, it is time for us to have yet another reality check in light of this and other things making the speculation circuit in these closing days of this swiftly fleeting age. First, let’s consider the most recent of the chip implant frights that is currently making the rounds. There are blog conversations running the gamut from declarations that each of us in this nation will be required to go into government centers and submit to implantation of the computer chips to the proposition that government agents will be somehow anesthetizing us while we sleep and sending agents into our homes to secretly inject the chips while we are asleep/unconscious.
Some bloggers say those are crazy who believe such things, while other bloggers answer that this is the same thing people were saying about Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, thus were dragged under the terror of the Nazi regime before they recognized the fact they were victims of der Fuhrer.
Some who believe the federal government plans to do this within just two weeks or less proclaim that this is the mark-and-numbering system that will doom the soul of anyone who takes the chip. Others say that no politician in his right mind would propose–much less implement–such a thing and that the claim that this is a real threat is lunacy.
There are those who claim that they discovered during the 2012 presidential election that all Americans will be forced to be implanted by a trackable RIFD microchip by March 23 of this year. This, they claim, is written into the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known by most now as Obamacare.
These claim that the Medchip, as it is termed, is given authorization in the healthcare reform law by the following language:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable."
Two areas of thought to consider are important in the effort to validate the claims that we will all begin being microchipped within a couple of weeks.
Authorities who refute the claim by those who propose that it is a 666 device say that upon close examination, 1) the legislative wording that supposedly indicates that all Americans will be required to accept an RFID chip doesn’t in actuality say anything with regard to creating a massive RFID implantation program. The process would create a system for the evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of particularly stipulated medical devices, including those that are implantable. 2) The legislative language, they say, isn’t actually in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. These invite those concerned to “search the text of the law yourself. You won’t find any mention of a national medical device registry.”
While I agree that it is beyond reasonable to believe that we will all be forced to begin receiving the RFID microchip by March 23, I am not exactly comforted by the fact that policy has been bent toward allowing for future such implementation of trackable instrumentalities such as the Medchip.
Like so many things in process today, this troubling trend of laying groundwork for a system of control through the burgeoning tracking technologies is but another indicator of this generation being prepared for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Be assured. We are not yet in the time of the 666 marks-and-number system that Antichrist will utilize to, through economic mastery, control and subject the world of those left behind following Christ’s call to His church. However, the technology developing at such a blistering pace is one more solid indicator of just how very near must be the exhilarating moment of that stunning Rapture event.
Saints, Hold On!
"Friends, if you don't realize that time is winding down, then you need to pray to the Lord for eyes to see. Prophecy is unfolding right before our eyes as the systems of this world come together with one mind to give their power to the beast (Revelation 17:13). The only question of importance is, "Where do you stand?" Don't be found too busy or distracted to prepare for His coming (Matthew 22:1-14)."
Saints, Hold On!
Saints, Hold On!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
My daughter is trying to decide what to do with her life. She has an opportunity to go to a Technical School and learn some skills in the medical field. But this would require giving up some things. She would no longer be attending regular classes at her school, but would spend most of her day at Tech. She wouldn't see her friends as much and she'd spend more time traveling by bus since Tech is even further from home than Middle School. She would also have to give up playing her clarinet in the band and being part of school concerts. It's a big decision and she's having a hard time deciding what to do.
My husband is trying to talk her into Tech because he thinks it's a great opportunity for a free education and a chance to be employable right after graduation. He had a chance to join the Air Force after high school and still regrets the fact that he "chickened out" (his own words). He doesn't want her to miss an opportunity because of fear of the unknown. Deep down I don't want her to go to Tech because it's a long drive every day and I'm not sure that she'll be happy there. But it's her decision, and I'll support her choice.
All this makes me think about when I was fourteen and wondering what I should be when I grow up. I was pretty much clueless about my future until my senior year when I applied for a scholarship to beauty school and earned a free ride by writing about how I wanted to take this first step toward independence without putting a financial burden on my parents. The test included other questions about the technical aspects of hair styling, but I think it was my essay that got me the scholarship.
After beauty school, I went to work in Lewisburg at a salon called Great Expectations. That's where I met Crystal Stiely, who became my best friend when she was also hired at Great X. After a few years of working in Lewisburg these two young crazy girls decided we were going to leave the small town life behind (I lived in Pillow, she lived in Dornsife) and move to sunny Florida. We packed my yellow mustang and drove to the Palm Bay area, where Crystal knew a salon owner that had promised to hire her. I found a job shortly after arriving, working at a salon called Andre's. All the stylists wore these cute red shirts and black pants. It was a classy little salon.
But I was miserable. All I could think about was going home. I gained weight because I comforted myself with oatmeal creme pies every night. While Crystal was excited about her new life, I missed my friends and family. Not everyone can drop their life and give up everything they've known to set out on an adventure six states away. It wasn't long before I announced that I was going home. Crystal drove back to Pennsylvania with me. By that time she was ready to visit her family, but was determined to go back. In fact, she's still living in Florida, is married and has a rich, full life as a photographer and salon owner. She's a gutsy girl with a lot of energy and determination.
I can still remember driving into Pillow after returning from Florida. Nothing had changed. It was as if I never left. But seeing those familiar streets and houses and then seeing my own home as I pulled into the driveway was a comforting feeling. I had no idea where I was going from there, but I was back where I belonged and I'd figure the rest out later.
I don't remember how it all happened exactly, but soon after getting home I opened a salon in the apartment my father had rented out to several tenants over the years. Since I was a child, I watched people move in and out of that apartment, so I didn't think it a big deal when I asked the present tenant to vacate the premises. I had big plans and she needed to find another home. Looking back, I realize how selfish that was of me to assume that I could just open a business and expect people to accommodate my wishes. I often wish my dad would have said "no" to my idea, but he probably didn't have the heart to crush my dreams.
My salon in Pillow wasn't a big success. I made enough money to pay the bills for a while, but I wasn't good at promoting the business. I thought I could just hang a shingle and people would show up. I spent a lot of time waiting for the phone to ring. I had more success when I moved the salon to Dalmatia after getting married to my high school sweetheart. But even then I felt something was missing. I didn't really enjoy the work. And I didn't always feel that I was good at it. At one point I gave up the whole thing and went to work in a shoe store at the mall. Like that was some kind of improvement.
That's when I began to think about writing again. I enrolled in classes at Harrisburg Area Community College and pursued a degree in print journalism. English had been my favorite class in high school. An English teacher once encouraged me to have one of my assignments published. It was a short piece of fiction titled, "Marty and the Giant Cucumber". I laughed at her when she pointed out my talent. At that point I had no clue that I could write well and I didn't consider it as part of my life's work. The one talent that I was aware I had, drawing and painting, wasn't something I considered a career choice either.
I wish that I had paid attention sooner to these clues about what I should do with my life. I should have listened instead of laughed when a teacher noticed I had writing talent. I should have considered a career where I could use my artistic ability. God had instilled certain talents in me, writing and art, and it took me a lifetime to discover how much joy they could bring to my life.
I've had so many unfulfilling jobs that left me feeling empty and frustrated because I wasn't nurturing the talent God gave me. Selling shoes was a disaster. Waitressing was a nightmare. Secretarial work was the worst job ever. No I take that back, I once worked at a place called Burrells Press Clippings where I scanned newspapers all day, looking for key words that I would circle. Cutters in another room would then cut those articles and send them to the clients who requested everything that was written about those key words that I had memorized. I drive by the empty building on Devonshire Road recalling few fond memories of the place. No doubt the newspaper scanners are no longer people but machines.
I felt like a machine working at Burrells. But I loved working as a peer English tutor at the college. I loved writing for our college newspaper. Those jobs allowed me to use my natural talents and I felt great satisfaction in that. For years I was miserable with my work because I wasn't doing what came naturally to me. I realize now that I missed my calling as an art teacher, but God is giving me a second chance to pursue that path as an art instructor for kids at a local art gallery. He has also given me an opportunity to write for our local newspaper. I love telling stories about people in our community. I love to hear how those stories inspire others.This is what I was meant to do and that's why it works.
I hear of so many people who go to college and get a degree in a certain field and then go on to do something entirely different from what they studied. They wasted a lot of time and money on something that hasn't really helped them in their work. My concern about my daughter going to Tech is mainly about the field she's choosing to pursue. Is it really her life's work. Is it really nurturing the ability that God gave her. Because if it's not, she won't stick with it. It will all be wasted time.
As parents, we would be wise to pray for our children to know what God wants them to do with their lives. We should remind them to pay attention when other people point out a talent or ability. God gives us many clues about the work that will bring us the most satisfaction.
Ask your children what comes naturally to them. What is it they can do that doesn't seem like work? Is the career path they have in mind really nurturing their natural abilities and talents? I believe God wants us to find joy in our work. And he gave us just the right abilities to be able to do that. To say you have no talent is simply not true. Anything you do well, anything that comes naturally to you is a talent.When we ignore our natural talents, we ignore the work that God has prepared for us and we miss out on the jobs that seem almost effortless. Those are the jobs we stick with for life.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Dead, Lifeless Food
If you can forgive the mild profanity in this article, it is worthy reading if you want to know how the government is taking control of the food industry and contaminating it in the process. Everything Big Brother touches becomes less efficient, more expensive, more confusing, and now more unhealthy.
Dead, Lifeless Food
Dead, Lifeless Food
"Personally I am very concerned about the state of America and the sobering reality is that unless things change this nation is going to go down and go down hard! Many of you understand what I am talking about, but many of your friends, like mine, are walking about like clueless zombies...
...We can accept scientifically and by faith what God means when He said to us “For I knew you before the beginning of time and you were called for such a time as this.”
It is critical in the outcome of the current battle that you clearly comprehend that God specifically designed you and fully equipped you to live right now in the here and now. Furthermore, you have a series of assignments that pertain to the great battle, which is your duty to fulfill."
- Paul McGuire
...We can accept scientifically and by faith what God means when He said to us “For I knew you before the beginning of time and you were called for such a time as this.”
It is critical in the outcome of the current battle that you clearly comprehend that God specifically designed you and fully equipped you to live right now in the here and now. Furthermore, you have a series of assignments that pertain to the great battle, which is your duty to fulfill."
- Paul McGuire
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Just check out what has been happening in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
lately. There are dozens of sinkholes that have opened up in
Harrisburg, and the city is so broke that it doesn’t have the money to
fix all of them.
In fact, at this point there are 41 sinkholes that have been documented in Harrisburg, and many of them are right in the middle of the street…
In fact, at this point there are 41 sinkholes that have been documented in Harrisburg, and many of them are right in the middle of the street…
Pennsylvania’s state capital is suffering from a rash of monster sinkholes, but city officials are too broke to do anything about it.
Loose soil and leaky, century-old underground water pipes are to blame for the municipal nightmare, which came to a head on the New Year’s Eve when a 50-foot sinkhole yawned open along Fourth Street, the Wall Street Journal reported.
The eight-foot deep crater — one of at least 41 in the city — is so large, locals made it a “check-in” site on the social media site Four Square.
Some cheeky residents and the media nicknamed the hole “Super Sinkhole Walter.”
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