

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Always Learning: A Huge Loss To Society

I'm not against women working outside the home when they must do it to survive. But sometimes women choose a grand lifestyle that requires two incomes and that's why they have to work. Then they look down on homemakers who don't take vacations, live in smaller homes, drive used cars, clip coupons, cook from scratch, wear second-hand clothes and make many sacrifices to be at home with their children. We should be supportive of any woman's decision to put her husband and children ahead of making money. Stay-at-home moms and homemakers should be admired not criticized. That's what I'm against--the criticism they receive and the way they are demeaned in today's culture. The article below says it beautifully.

Always Learning: A Huge Loss To Society: Those of us who have chosen to be keepers at home can barely stay home because of the dear senior saints who need to be taken to the do...

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