

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Friday, April 27, 2018

DIY Essential Oil & Witch Hazel Room Spray

Air freshener is one of the most toxic products in the home. That includes plug-ins, aerosols, and gels that evaporate over time. I make air freshener in less than a minute. 

One of my favorite recipes is one cup of water with 40 drops each of  Young Living lavender and eucalyptus. You can add a pinch of salt if you don't have witch hazel. The salt and witch hazel act as both a preservative and an aid for the oils to blend with the water instead of floating on top. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sayer Ji (GreenMedInfo) interviewed by the Health Ranger on the SCIENCE of natural medicine

Sayer Ji (GreenMedInfo) interviewed by the Health Ranger on the SCIENCE of natural medicine: Sayer Ji at is doing an extraordinary job investigating the science of medicine and nutrition. His website began as a database of science articles covering herbal medicine and nutritional therapies, and it has now expanded into a full-fledged publisher of investigative journalism an

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Young Living Diffusers

So many reasons to have a diffuser in your home, and when you get one, you'll wonder how you lived without it. A diffuser creates an atmosphere. What atmosphere do you want? For a spa atmosphere- try eucalyptus and lavender. For a holiday atmosphere- try Christmas Spirit or cinnamon bark, nutmeg, clove and orange for Thanksgiving. 

Diffusers support respiratory health. My daughter recently recovered from a serious lung ailment that caused repeated visits to urgent care. It was a scary situation. We ran two diffusers in her bedroom for several weeks. She said they were calming and comforting, and helped her to sleep and breathe.

A diffuser serves as a non-toxic air freshener. You can toss all your canned air fresheners, plug-ins and candles because those things contain toxins that you should not be breathing. You can get asthma or chemical pnemonia from constant exposure to chemicals, especially during winter when your home has no air circulation. 

Learn more at

Saturday, April 14, 2018


I'm endangering my health as I write this, and you're endangering your health as you read this. Is that an overstatement? Not really. 

Electric and magnetic field frequencies (EMF's) from laptops, cell phones, blue tooth, cordless phones, microwave ovens, computers, tablets, Wi-Fi and other wireless devices are emitting harmful "rads" every time you use them, says Suzanne Somers in her book, Tox-Sick.

These EMF's can alter human biochemistry, resulting in symptoms unique to our generation. There is now evidence that EMF's  weaken the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins in your body to enter your brain, your cells, and your entire body. 

EMF's affect red and white blood cells, sleep, insomnia, fertility, fetal development, asthma, Alzheimer's, the immune system, and can cause cancer (brain cancer) as well as other health problems. 

In 2011, cell phones were classified as a group B "possible carcinogen". But they've become such a part of our lives that we can't give them up. So what are we to do?

Below is a summary from the video I posted four days ago. I learned a lot from these twenty tips for reducing exposure to EMF's

1. Keep cell phones and wireless devices away from children

2. Don't use wireless devices when pregnant or while breastfeeding.

3. Never bring your cell phone into your bedroom. It interrupts sleep cycles and causes irritation, allergies, heart palpitations, muscle pain and reduces melatonin (your sleep hormone).

(Use a battery-powered alarm clock instead of your cell alarm)

4. Shut off your Wi-Fi when not in use, especially at night when sleeping.

5. Avoid using smart appliances, smart Tv's and thermostats that depend on wireless signaling.

6. Use a large computer monitor as your TV. They don't emit Wi-Fi.

7. Replace your microwave with a steam convection oven. 

8. Shut off the electricity to your bedroom at night to reduce electrical fields from the wires in your bedroom walls. 

9. Avoid wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and portable house phones. Opt for the wired versions

10. Connect your desktop computer to the internet via a wired Ethernet connection and be sure to put your desktop in airplane mode.

11. Don't let children play with I pads or cell phones as a toy.

12. Don't hold a cell phone against your head and keep it away from your major organs. Keep it 3 feet away from your body and use the speaker phone. But using the speaker makes the battery work harder, increasing the radiation levels, so don't put your cell on speaker until the correspondent has answered. 

13. Only use your phone when all the signal bars are showing. For each signal bar that's missing, your exposure increases greatly. Avoid using your cell in the basement or underground. 

14. Don't use your cell in a parked or moving vehicle. Both of these situations will increase your EMF exposure for different reasons. (Scroll down and watch the video for an explanation).

15.  Use an air tube headset instead of a blue tooth. You'll be exposed to less harmful rads. 

16. Text instead of talking and hold the cell phone away from your body when you press send.

17. Refuse smart meters as long as you can or add a shield to your existing meter.

18. Move your baby's bed into your room instead of using a wireless baby monitor

19. Replace CFL bulbs with incandescent bulbs. Remove all fluorescent lights from your home.

20. Limit your time on a cell phone. Instead, use VOIP software phones that are used while connected to the internet via a wired connection.

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Thursday, April 12, 2018

Toxin-Free Home with the Young Living Starter Kit

Tasha made an excellent video and shares many of the same points that I share in my "Toxin Free Home" class, which I still teach by invitation. 

When you're ready to ditch your toxic products and become a Young Living member, order at  It's more beneficial and fun to enroll with someone you know. Plus I offer a free 495-page essential oil reference guide that is alphabetized according to the health concern you are trying to address. It's a must-have guide for avid oilers, which you will certainly become when you welcome Young Living into your home.

Dr. Mercola on Symptoms and Treatments of Hypothyroidism

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cell Phone Radiation: 12 Tips To Protection

In 2011, cell phones were classified as group B "possible carcinogens" when evidence that EMF radiation from cell phones can trigger abnormal cell growth and the cancer just keeps growing and getting stronger. Cell phone radiation weakens your blood/brain barrier, allowing toxins in your body to enter your brain, your cells and your entire body. 

Reposted by

Sunday, April 8, 2018


In her book, Tox-Sick, Suzanne Somers discusses 6 toxic threats that we need to take seriously. I've been summarizing these threats on this blog, but not in order. Number one on the list is Plastics and other Chemicals. 

If you're not concerned about this, then you should know that according to EPA studies, 100% of people tested had dioxins, PCB's dichlorobenzene and xylene in their bodies. Toxins from food, drinks, drugs, chemical-filled products, plastics and the environment bioaccumulate over time, lingering and getting in our fat cells. And people have no idea why they can't lose weight or why they feel so lousy, Somers says. 

Skeptics say that the small amount of toxins we're exposed to are harmless, but they're not considering how these chemicals build up over time and contribute to feeling crappy every day or developing a disease after decades of daily exposure. 

We put chemicals on our yard to make the grass greener and thicker. Then our children and pets play in the yard and drag chemicals back in the house. Plus these toxins stick on the skin, causing itchiness and rashes, then they eat through the gut lining before making their way to the brain.

We've had an 800% increase in the risk of multiple melanoma since Roundup weed killer came on the scene. A higher rate of brain tumors have been proven among children exposed to certain pesticides on fruits and vegetables. The higher the pesticide level in the body, the slower you burn calories while sleeping. They mess with your insulin level so you can't lose weight, Somers says.

The USDA reports that the nutritional content of American produce has declined significantly since the 1950's when chemical fertilizers and pesticides began their onslaught. Our soil has been degraded. We no longer get vitamins, minerals and needed enzymes from our produce.

The plastic food and beverage containers we use are another toxic threat. Toxin-caused sickness has skyrocketed in the past two decades, Somers says. Allergies asthma, infertility, Parkinson's and its symptoms, bone marrow cancers, lymphomas, leukemias, multiple melanomas, and autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis are linked to the chemical toxicity in our bodies. 

This is why I don't allow spray air fresheners, plug-ins or candles in my home (only 100% bees wax candles). It's why I no longer buy toxic cleaning products. None of the products I used five years ago (before I knew better) are in my home anymore. 

It makes me angry that these toxic products are allowed on store shelves and anger is a great motivator. We are paying to poison ourselves when we bring these products into our homes and our children suffer the most. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

Essential Oils 101 Class

A fun class with Jen. Then get your premium starter kit with diffuser at to get the free 495-page Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils from me.

Women's Hormones and Sclaressence

An excellent video about the role of hormones in the body and why hormonal balance is so important. I got my free bottle of Sclaressence through essential rewards in February, when this video was made. Please note that Sclaressence is not this month's ER promotion. 

I use 4 drops of Sclaressence on my neck each night diluted with about 1/2 tsp. of evening primrose oil.