Sunday, February 28, 2021


You have to watch it to believe it. Does he even know that he just called the vaccine completely worthless and a waste of time? 


A human guinea pig is what you are if you take the COVID vaccine. Because it was so rushed, the vaccine has not been proven to be safe or effective. None of the precautions--masks, shutdowns, distancing--were necessary for a pandemic that never was. A vaccine is not necessary. Health does not come from the injection of toxins into your body.


Biden strikes Syria without congressional approval, angering the world. Also, the hypocrisy of Fort Pelosi's border wall around the white house in Washington, DC. 

Situation Update, Feb. 26th – MAD WORLD edition

The world has gone completely mad. Beyond bonkers. Bat-shit crazy. And the most insane of all are the people currently in charge of everything: Culture, government, mainstream media, education, entertainment, finance and more. The video at the link below is presented in a mocking way. Please keep that in mind as you listen. 

Situation Update, Feb. 26th – MAD WORLD edition: The world has gone mad. In Wenatchee, Washington, a high school has placed band students inside suffocating cocoons where they can’t see each other or socialize, but they still have to play their band instruments. This torture is being hailed as an amazing breakthrough by the principal of the school, who thinks children belong in […]


We are in a transition period and we are in for some major changes. God wants us to be prepared, so we can embrace the new and be ready for what's ahead. Things will have to get personal with everyone before we see the changes. It's going to be amazing.

The Equality Act - Legitimizing Immorality | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer w...

The largest assault on Christianity, The Equality Act HB5, a well-funded, powerful movement will legalize intimidation by attaching gender identity to a variety of issues. 

Special protections for LGBTQ will override the rights of everyone else and create a pro-LGBTQ society. All Americans will be forced to embrace and live out certain beliefs about human sexuality. 

Watch this video to see how this act will destroy society by forcing us to give special treatment to the LGBTQ community while giving up our own civil rights. Pray that this bill does not pass and does not gain momentum. It will have sweeping consequences to the people in this nation and future generations.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A WISE CHOICE OR A DAMAGING DECISION? (Part two of my last post)

By Danelle Carvell

I ended my last post with a comment about the physical and mental  health effects of forcing children to wear masks. A new study involving over 25,000 school-aged children shows that masks are harming  children physically, psychologically and behaviorally, revealing 24 distinct health issues associated with wearing masks. 

At the University of Witten/Herdecke, an online German-wide registry was set up where parents, teachers, doctors and others could enter their observations. 

The study found 17,845 health complaints submitted by parents including: irritability, impaired learning, headaches, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness and fatigue, reluctance to go to school, shortness of breath, dizziness, accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness, short-term impairment of consciousness, malaise, and nearly 1/3 of children experience more sleep issues than they had previously and 1/4 of children developed new fears. 

Part of the reason why my job at a local library was terminated last  year was because I refused to force masks on people as they entered the building. Many of those people were children who sat at the computers for hours. 

The children weren't allowed to let the mask drop below their noses so they could breathe normally and get the oxygen their growing brains needed. I witnessed a library employee walk over to a boy and ask him to pull his mask up. 

I wanted no part of that. I'm aware of the Bible verses warning about bringing harm to children. As a follower of Jesus Christ I would rather lose a job than lose my soul. 

I also witnessed a library patron sharing how she feels like she is suffocating when she wears a mask. Mask anxiety is a very real problem among both adults and children. You could spend hours reading about it online. 

And there is a physical reason for the anxiety one might feel when wearing a mask: 

"Inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide (in the form of exhaled CO2) may be life-threatening. Carbon dioxide toxicity can cause headache, vertigo, double vision, ringing in the ears, seizures or suffocation," according to the National Institutes of Health. 

And according to Dr. Rashid Buttar, an immunologist and former military surgeon, "Wearing a face mask is reducing the flow of oxygen, causing a physiological stress in your body which increases cortisol output. When cortisol output goes up, the body is now stressed. If you stress your body out, what is going to happen? Your immune system is going to go down and you are going to become more susceptible to illness. When you wear a face mask, you are increasing the viral activation and the viral load," Buttar said.

Anxiety is one of many negative side effects that have been reported by adults who are forced to wear face masks. According to an investigation by MSN Lifestyle News, people reported shortness of breath, lightheadedness, headaches, acne, development of chronic dermatitis due to chemicals in the mask fiber, new patterns of skin wrinkling, and the development of chronic respiratory conditions due to inhalation of microfibers in the material of the mask. 

How many studies must I mention before it becomes clear that masks are harmful. And do I have to go through my entire list of doctors who are speaking out against masks before you admit that strapping a diaper on your face to stop viral transmission is for uneducated people? 

"A recent careful examination of the literature, in which 17 of the best studies were analyzed, concluded that none of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask use and protection against viral infection," Dr. Blaylock said.

"One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest it is the wise choice to make," he concluded. 

The mask is not saving you, it is actually harming you and it's harming your children. When will you fight for your children's health, for your own health, and for your constitutional right to breathe freely?

 I don't want her to ever wear a mask. So I will continue to speak out. 



Wednesday, February 24, 2021


By Danelle Carvell

Pennsylvania Governor Wolf issued a mask mandate based on no scientific evidence and no conclusive studies proving that masks stops viral transmission. And here we are a year later, still wearing masks. 

The face mask is a symbol of many things, but I will focus on just one thing that it represents--executive overreach. An executive branch cannot create law. The mask rule contains no ordinance or statute identifying number. It is illegal for a governor's proclamation to function as law when in fact it is not a law and it infringes upon one's constitutional rights. 

The mask mandate is in violation of the fourth and probably the ninth amendment of the US Constitution:

* Every US citizen has the right to security in their person (fourth anendment).

*Rights that are not specifically enumerated in the constitution are still held by citizens (ninth amendment).

The US Attorney general has been very clear that even under the umbrella of a "state of emergency" no constitutional rights can be abridged or nullified.

"Never before in my 45-year career have I seen such a far-reaching public recommendation issued by any governmental agency without a single source of data or information to support it," said Dr. Michael Osterholm, former interim director of the CDC and top infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota.

The only study on cloth masks found that 97% of particles pass through the fabric. "Cloth masks may stop large droplets, but it's the little particles coming around the sides that are the problem," he said. 

Last March, during a 60-Minutes interview, Dr Anthony Fauci said "When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little better, but it's not providing the perfect protection that people think it is." 

He later changed his tune and joined the mask brigade. What changed his mind? To this day there is no scientific support for face masks. In fact there is more argument against face masks than there is evidence to support their use. 

The World Health Organization says, "...there is no direct evidence on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19."

Numerous medical experts have attested to the fact that face masks can be dangerous to one's health in that they curtail clear thinking and even consciousness by trapping carbon dioxide in the chamber of the mask, forcing you to re-breathe it over and over, thus depleting your blood of fresh air and the life-giving oxygen component it contains.

In his article, Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to the Healthy, Dr. Russel Blaylock concluded that "if you are not sick, you should not wear a face mask. And if you have the virus, by wearing a mask, the exhaled virus will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain."

Does that scare you at all? Or do you believe that simply because one man in a position of authority said masks are a good idea, you should strap that thing on your face and wear it all day without question? Perhaps you should keep in mind that Hitler was also in a position of authority. 

What are the side effects of wearing a mask? I'm inviting you to do your own research on that for now. Tomorrow I will answer that question and add to this post based on my own research. Until then, breathe as free people the way God intended you to breathe.


This little girl was not allowed into the reptile show at Lake Tobias because of an unconstitutional mask mandate that negatively affects children mentally and physically. So we enjoyed the bears and chose to breathe. 


Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020

Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020 Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover. McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov. It’s been seven months since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay...


In this War Room with Owen Shroyer video, he discusses Justice Thomas and his scolding the Supreme Court for refusing to hear the case on election fraud, allowing elections to be rigged in the future. "By doing nothing, we further confusion and erosion of voter confidence," Thomas said. 


Here is a video by Alex Jones that includes the interview by Tucker Carlson that is being banned. It was banned in a recent post I made on this blog. 

Immunologist warns Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines may cause neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s

Immunologist warns Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines may cause neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s: Immunologist J. Bart Classen warns that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines for COVID-19 can potentially cause neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. In a paper published in the journal Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Classen reported that mRNA-based vaccines like the two jabs can misfold proteins in the body that are linked to the development of neurodegenerative disorders. Long-term […]

Biden reinstates funding to WHO, sends $200 million American taxpayer dollars to corrupt body that lied about coronavirus

Biden reinstates funding to WHO, sends $200 million American taxpayer dollars to corrupt body that lied about coronavirus: By the end of the month, China Joe is planning to send over $200 million in American taxpayer money to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), undoing President Trump’s decision to axe all funding to the globalist entity. Despite the WHO’s total failure in how it handled the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the Biden regime is […]

Hospitals in France forced to SLOW DOWN covid vaccinations as healthcare workers fall ill in droves

Hospitals in France forced to SLOW DOWN covid vaccinations as healthcare workers fall ill in droves: When the experimental covid vaccine was first rolled out at the University Hospital of Brest in Brittany, a staggering 25 percent of the vaccinated healthcare workers fell ill. Many suffered from severe headaches, high fever, chills, sore muscles and consequentially, could not go to work. The rate of vaccine injury was so high, the hospital […]

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

"We're Really Moving Into a Coup Situation, a Police State Situation" - Ex-Bill Clinton Advisor and Author Naomi Wolf Warns of Totalitarian State Under Biden (Video)

The radical left is restricting movement, destroying businesses, crushing churches, invading our bodies with unconstitutional mask mandates, and stripping us of our constitutional rights, one by one. And they are doing it under the guise of a medical emergency. 

Nowhere in the constitution does it say that our rights can be suspended in an emergency situation. Yet, aristocratic tyrants at the state and national level are creating a merger of corporate power designed to strip us of our rights and lead us into a totalitarian police state headed toward socialism.

So how do they continue to get away with it? Because we are letting them. But thankfully, we do have some fighters out there who are making progress. Are you one of them? Or are you contributing to the socialist takeover by silently going along with everything they push on you?
Watch the interview by Tucker Carlson at the link below.

"We're Really Moving Into a Coup Situation, a Police State Situation" - Ex-Bill Clinton Advisor and Author Naomi Wolf Warns of Totalitarian State Under Biden (Video): Former advisor to Bill Clinton and author, Naomi Wolf, was on Tucker Carlson’s Show on FOX News on Monday night. Naomi warned that under Biden America was becoming a ‘totalitarian state before our eyes’. Of course, this is true, even a Bill Clinton advisor can see it.  Wolf shared: I’ve been writing for months and…

"Irrefutable Proof Is Coming Soon - We Are NOT Done" - Sidney Powell Responds to Supreme Court Decision to Ignore Election Fraud

Stay hopeful. It has to happen this way so the corruption on our supreme court can be exposed.

"Irrefutable Proof Is Coming Soon - We Are NOT Done" - Sidney Powell Responds to Supreme Court Decision to Ignore Election Fraud: The United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases. The court made the announcement on Monday morning. Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial. Trump- nominated Justices Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett sided with the liberal justices. BREAKING: The Supreme Court has denied Trump’s Pennsylvania election challenge as moot.…

Monday, February 22, 2021

BREAKING: Supreme Court Refuses to Review Pennsylvania Election Cases - Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas Dissent

BREAKING: Supreme Court Refuses to Review Pennsylvania Election Cases - Alito, Gorsuch and Thomas Dissent: The United States Supreme Court refused to review the Pennsylvania 2020 Election cases. The court made the announcement on Monday morning. Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial. Trump- nominated Justices Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett sided with the liberal justices. BREAKING: The Supreme Court has denied Trump’s Pennsylvania election challenge as moot.…

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters: Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him. Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of Congress on Jan. 6 were not […]

States move to hold Big Tech accountable for violating free speech

I jumped in my seat when I saw this. Justice is happening before our eyes and this is just the beginning. Prepare to be shocked by what's coming. 

States move to hold Big Tech accountable for violating free speech: U.S. states are now moving to quickly rein in abuses by Big Tech. Spurred by various motivations, such as fighting censorship, increasing data privacy protection or simply raising revenue by punishing cash-flush companies that have grown rich through their dominant market positions, these states are now looking to take on Big Tech. Texas, Nebraska and Florida […]

Masks, social distancing and virtual learning are really about the installation of COMMUNISM in America

Masks, social distancing and virtual learning are really about the installation of COMMUNISM in America: Everything about the “new norm” in America is modeled after Communist China. Most Americans think it’s all about protection from Covid-19, but that’s just the cover story, just like 9/11 was a cover story for the Patriot Act to enable the US government to spy on every American and disable constitutional rights. Under a communist […]


 The nose and the mouth were designed to take in oxygen without strain, uninhibited. The oxygen travels down the trachea and splits off into two tubes called the bronchi. From there, the oxygen travels down a series of bronchioles until it reaches the alveoli, which are tiny air sacs covered with blood vessels. These air sacs take the oxygen directly to the heart, where it is dispersed throughout the body.

When a person exhales, the process is put in reverse and the lungs exhale carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide gas is the vehicle that allows the organ systems to rid the body of wastes. When this process is obstructed or restrained for prolonged periods of time, the lungs and the heart struggle to nourish the rest of the body. Long term mask wearing also hinders the body’s natural ability to detoxify wastes, creates an acidic environment, and slowly strains the organ systems throughout the body. Read more at the link below. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Kevin Sorbo speaks out after Facebook removed his page

Freedom of speech is not a freedom we have right now. The only way to fight it is to stop using the platforms that censor your views. 

The most important legal pathway that would allow Trump to reclaim the Presidency

Trump will be our president again, and this could be how he gets there.

The most important legal pathway that would allow Trump to reclaim the Presidency: If the 45th President of the United States is serious about addressing the 2020 election fraud that deprived him of another four years of service to the republic of the United States, then his legal team should begin to pursue a new legal strategy using a writ of quo warranto. A writ of quo warranto […]

Experimental mRNA vaccines cause 600 new cases of eye disorders and leave 5 people blind, according to UK Government

Just a reminder: The covid vaccine cannot be forced because it must go through a two year trial period. If you get vaccinated for covid, then you are part of that clinical trial. You are basically a guinea pig for something that has not been proven safe. Do some research. Don't blindly trust any kind of medicine or vaccines. More and more nurses are speaking out about the negative side effects from the covid vaccine. Paralyzing seizures, Bells Palsy and a variety of syndromes make sudden appearances right after being vaccinated. 

Experimental mRNA vaccines cause 600 new cases of eye disorders and leave 5 people blind, according to UK Government: The government of the United Kingdom has been collecting critical safety data on the Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines, and the latest report doesn’t paint a pretty picture. The first dose of the experimental Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been introduced into the arms of 5.4 million citizens, with 500,000 of these people receiving a second dose. Up […]

Hershey, Nestlé and other chocolate makers sued for child slavery

That piece of chocolate I ate today could have been the result of child slave labor. Every day I come across another story of justice being served. God is tired of it. And there's more to come. 

Hershey, Nestlé and other chocolate makers sued for child slavery: A human rights group has filed a lawsuit against some of the biggest names in the chocolate industry for allegedly trafficking children across national borders to harvest cocoa. Eight Malian men claim they were victims of this child slave labor scheme, which involved their being recruited under false pretenses, trafficked into Côte d’Ivoire, and forced […]

Friday, February 19, 2021

Simon Parkes Today Update News (Feb 19,2021)

There is only one force strong enough to cause the richest man on the planet to resign from his job at Amazon, and that is the US military. Simon Parkes explains why he believes the US military is in control right now, not Biden. 

When faced with terrible evil, the human mind will push it away and not want to hear it. What we need right now is an open mind. The battle of good and evil is as old as the Bible. Why is it so hard to believe now?

35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol -- The Same Protesters Who Were Later Arrested for Entering US Capitol

The protesters were not Trump supporters and they were let inside the US Capitol. But Trump gets the blame. 

35 Capitol Police Officers Under Investigation, 6 Suspended for Letting Protesters inside US Capitol -- The Same Protesters Who Were Later Arrested for Entering US Capitol: Five Capitol Police officers were suspended and 35 more are under investigation after the officers opened the doors and gates and allowed Trump supporters, and other activists, inside the US Capitol on January 6th. One video from that day shows Capitol Hill police opening a gate to allow hundreds of protesters inside the US Capitol.…


 In this follow-up interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Assocation of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merritt warned about enormous risks associated with the experimental COVID19 “vaccines” from companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, and more.

From potentially being used as a bioweapon and lack of safety testing to massive side-effects that can occur and are occurring worldwide, there are huge dangers that are not being discussed by the Big Pharma-funded establishment media. 

Meanwhile, there are very effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine that were deliberately suppressed so the vaccine makers could get their experimental gene drug masquerading as a vaccine approved under the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.”

A question for leftists: Why are all the evil people on your side?

Great question!
A question for leftists: Why are all the evil people on your side?: The media these days is saturated with tales of “evil conservatives” and our heinous plans for world domination through “insurrection”. In fact, most mainstream articles that cover recent events including the election and the protests at the capitol make a point to always mention “white supremacy” and “terrorism” in the same breath as the word […]

CDC caught massively inflating coronavirus cases, deaths in violation of federal law

Add this to my growing list of posts that suggest the big covid monster is a whole lot smaller than they want us to believe. 

CDC caught massively inflating coronavirus cases, deaths in violation of federal law: A new study found that the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been massively inflating its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “case” and death counts to make the “pandemic” appear far worse than it actually is. Entitled, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” the paper estimates that the official […]

Thursday, February 18, 2021


 Dr Scott Jensen explains how you are being played concerning COVID 19.

Joe Biden Kills Keystone Pipeline at Home - Promotes Pipeline for Taliban

More proof that Biden and his evil team hate America and want to destroy it from within. 

Joe Biden Kills Keystone Pipeline at Home - Promotes Pipeline for Taliban: It’s never about science. It’s always about punishing the American people. On his first day in office Joe Biden killed off an estimated 52,100 American jobs. That must be a record, right? After his bizarre inaugural behind fences and 20,000 military troops, Biden hobbled to the Oval Officer where he signed several executive orders including the end…


A top canadian pathologist, Dr. Roger Hodkinson claims that COVID is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. Everything we did to contain the virus was all for nothing. Masks don't work. We didn't need to shut down anything. The whole thing was an orchestrated and unfounded danger designed to create public hysteria. That hysteria was driven by politicians and the media. Politics playing medicine, that is all it was. 


Sally Fallon Morell, Mike Adams and Thomas Cowan, MD debate the COVID 19 plandemic. Come in at 4 minutes to skip the introductions.

A number of doctors and health analysts have concluded that COVID is a hoax. Here's why they believe that.



North Dakota taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders

The mask makers will soon be out of business. It is unconstitutional to force someone to wear a mask. In fact, many of Biden's executive orders are unconstitutional and some states are fighting back. 

North Dakota taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders: State Sen. Tom Kading, a Republican, has introduced legislation in North Dakota that would instruct the attorney general to review the constitutionality of each and every executive order signed by Joe Biden. Since Biden is not a real president anyway, none of his EOs are valid right out of the gate. North Dakota is taking […]


A very well-explained claim by David Icke concludes the lack of evidence that this scary virus even exists. Flu symptoms have disappeared worldwide because the flu has been reclassified as COVID 19. The PCR test cannot detect infectious disease. So they've been testing people with a test that can't even detect a virus. That is where all the cases have come from, a phony test.

Also, do some research on Event 201. Do you find it suspicious that a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic was played out before the virus even hit us. By the end of this year, I believe we will all realize that we've been had. Some people will take longer to accept that, such as the mask shamers.

We will eventually see the catastrophic effects of masking children. Masks  cause a lack of oxygen, which hampers the development of the brains of young people. One of the first things Biden did when he took office was to promote and fund abortion worldwide. They don't care about your children. They don't care about you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

His Glory - Take Five: General Flynn Brings Hope interview 2/16/21

Our nation is in a historic, massive transition. We must reflect on what we believe and stand up for our God-given freedoms and individual liberties. Our constitution is based on individual rights and our ability to think for ourselves. 

We must remain stong, courageous, brave and ready to sacrifice time and resources. Prayer time matters the most, but we must also get involved at every level--national, state, county and especially the local level. We can no longer just show up on one day to vote. We need to get involved in school boards, borough councils, and every place that needs a conservative voice. 

We are at the edge of a cliff and we need to put our faith into action. If we don't get involved and speak out, we will fall head first into a shallow pool of socialism. 

Robin Bullock Prophetic Word: “A President Not Recognized By Heaven”Remo...

Get ready for a celebration. Get ready for Trump to laugh. You really should watch this so that you will remember this when it happens. Then maybe you will believe that God speaks through prophets. He did in biblical times and he does today. 

If you have given up and you really believe that Biden is our president, you will be a partaker of the same harvest that the democrats and RINO republicans will reap when God moves to change things. 

Troubling Executive Actions | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Feb. 17

Five state attorneys general are taking legal action to fight some of the many executive orders that Biden has signed. He wants US taxpayers to fund abortions in the US and in other nations. Biden wants patriotic education to be stopped. He wants God removed from the history of America. He also wants to promote transgenderism by allowing men to compete in women's sports and be free to use women's bathrooms. This will leave women unprotected from competing with much stronger men. They will miss out on sports scholarships and it will leave them unprotected from creepy men in the ladies room. 

WATCH THIS! Pelosi Has MASSIVE Breakdown in front of Reporters after 2nd...

Here it is for those who asked. Nancy's meltdown climaxed when she slammed her hand on the podium. She will be forever famous for impeaching a president twice and failing. And I'd love to know how many tax payer dollars she wasted doing it. 

Monday, February 15, 2021



                    Having fun with the grandkids is a great way to calm my spirit 

 Lately I've been noticing the ways that I'm not pursuing peace with people. Yes, it's time for some self-refection because I'm not perfect and neither are you. 

Hebrews 12:14 says, "Pursue peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one will see God."

That's a sobering message because it tells me that I may not make the cut if I don't pursue holiness by pursuing peace with people. If I'm not growing in my faith, then I might not be saved.

So when I get frustrated and snap at a representative on the phone because it's a hassle to get something I need, that is not pursuing peace. 

When I repeat a negative thing that someone said or take photos that make someone look bad and then share those photos, I'm not pursuing peace.

When I yell, I'm not pursuing peace.

When I belittle someone for their unfortunate situation, I'm not pursuing peace.

Anything that stirs up negative emotions, hurt feelings, gossip, frustration, or resentment is an example of the ways we fail to pursue peace. And if I'm honest with myself, I'm guilty of doing that in more ways than I can comfortably admit. 

Right now, I'm frustrated because I'm jumping through hoops just to get a doctor's appointment and a prescription filled. It's been five days since I made my requests, but neither the doctor filling the referral nor the doctor filling the prescription has responded to my request. 

Also, my way of communicating with my doctor is not an option because my patient portal account was frozen due to five failed attempts to input a correct password. I could write an entire piece on my frustration with passwords. 

And, I was socked with a late charge on my credit card account because I received the bill two days after the payment was due. I'm hearing about the post office being backlogged, but this is the first it has affected me. 

I was not patient with the person who was trying to help me with the last mentioned frustration. Usually I apologize when I get snippy on the phone. "I know this isn't your fault, but I'm very frustrated," is something I have to say at times. But I didn't say it. I just hung up. And then I felt bad. 

But you know what, at least I felt bad. At least I have a conscience. Doesn't that mean my heart is in the right place? I care about hurting people. And I know I need to try harder. 

The past 11 months have been a trying time for all of us. I have lost my patience with the mask shaming brigade and I've had strong words for people concerning this virus, which I believe is simply a rebrand of the flu. I can't understand what all the fuss is about for something with a 99% survival rate. 

I don't respond well to stressful situations at times. And when several stressors come at me at once, it's challenging to stay calm. I heard a prophet talk about the importance of keeping your spirit decluttered and spending time with God. Both of those things would help me with my pursuit of holiness. 

By keeping my spirit decluttered, she meant walking away from anything that is violent, argumentative, mean-spirited, or just hateful. She said she doesn't watch certain TV shows because she needs her spirit to be pure in order to hear from God. 

I immediately thought of a certain TV show I watch in which girls are backstabbing each other and just plain being mean. Reality TV displays human conflict for ratings and I watch it. Don't I have better things to do with my time?

The pursuit of holiness requires sacrifice. It takes an effort to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. I feel inadequate most of the time. But admitting to problems is the first step toward improvement, so I do need to give myself some credit. 

I often say that I was born in the wrong era. I long for a simpler life. It's why I love The Waltons so much. The simplicity of life back then seemed to make it more enjoyable. No passwords, no cell phones, no automated messages when you really need to talk to a person, no late fees, no patient portals. People had time to pursue relationships because they weren't bogged down with so much clutter. 

So I'm working on decluttering my spirit and pursuing peace with all people. It's a big challenge, but there's a big reward waiting. 

Isaiah 54:17 encourages me not to be defensive, but to leave my vindication to God. Even in the midst of painful controversy and resistance, my reliance upon Jesus will yield fruit if I humbly and peacefully communicate my wants and needs to others. 

I think my list of past painful disappointments causes a kind of post traumatic reaction in me. I draw my sword and I'm ready to fight because I've been punched so many times. I need to learn to walk away and pray about it. I need to let God fight for me more often. 


Pelosi Lashes Out at McConnell, GOP After She Becomes First House Speaker to Launch Two Failed and Political Impeachments (VIDEO): Donald Trump 2 Nancy Pelosi 0 Nancy Pelosi lashed out at Mitch McConnell and senate Republicans after she became the first House Speaker in US history to bring two failed impeachments. The Senate voted 57-43 to acquit Donald Trump on Saturday. Pelosi isn’t taking it well. 7 Republican Senators voted with Democrats to convict Trump.…
The video is at the bottom of the above link.

BREAKING: Trump Releases Statement Following Impeachment Acquittal

BREAKING: Trump Releases Statement Following Impeachment Acquittal: Former President Donald Trump has released a statement following his acquittal on an article of impeachment for “incitement of insurrection.” Trump was found not guilty on Saturday. “I want to first thank my team of dedicated lawyers and others for their tireless work upholding justice and defending truth,” the statement began. “My deepest thanks as…

Michael van der Veen destroys the entire media after questioning from CB...

Jesus would approve of every word this man said. Watch to the end when she is almost in tears because the truth hurts. Don't be surprised if this video turns grey before you get to see it. Grey is the official color of truth.


Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 – An astonishing theory: FEMA and the US military will save America at its final hour: Today’s Situation Update for January 14th examines the two competing theories for the outcome of the rigged 2020 election. In one outcome, Trump has given up, Biden will be sworn in, and the United States of America will be plunged into a communist-controlled authoritarian police state that silences conservative dissent. Another theory is emerging, however, […]

25 Insane, crazy agendas Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will push on America if they seize power after rigging the elections

25 Insane, crazy agendas Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will push on America if they seize power after rigging the elections: After rigging the elections and staging the January 6th false flag “riot” at the capitol building in D.C., Democrats have some horrifying plans to roll out in their quest to achieve a full-blown Orwellian nightmare future for America… or at least what’s left of it. With the rule of law now utterly rejected by every […]

Mel K Joins the Great Doug Billings on The Right Side 2 10 2021

 This is my second time posting this video because they keep taking it down. Ask yourself why they would keep removing a video about child trafficking and what Trump did to try and stop it. Trump knows about the trafficking ring being run by high level elites, the Kabal, central banking, Clinton Global, Soros Network and other players.

Trump was the only person to help the Palm Beach police with the corrupt elite club that Jeffrey Epstein was a part of. The lockdowns have exacerbated the child sex trafficking problem. Mel talks about the real story about what was going on with children at the border when Dems blamed Trump for pulling children from their parents and putting them in cages.

Google and Wikipedia have been hijacked and are not reliable sources of information. Snopes and Media Matters are also on the side of the New World Order and the great reset, so don't believe their bogus fact checking because they are actually propagandist liars. 

Trump's second executive order after taking office allowed government to seize the assets of organizations that commit crimes against humanity. A Switzerland group, the CCP, Clinton Global, the Soros Foundation and the International Crisis Group are all involved with human and child sex trafficking. They go into countries in cahoots with the central banks and they set up child sex trafficking rings. Hollywood is involved, and certain sports figures. This will all be exposed.

Do you think that Ashton Kutcher and Tim Tebow want to spend their time fighting something that doesn't exist? They have been very outspoken about child sex trafficking because they know it is real. Netflix tried to whitewash what really happened at Epstein Island.

There is great civil unrest in Myanmar and Haiti right now for a reason. Myanmar is the largest child trafficking base on the planet. Mel believes that Trump has dismantled this evil. He doesn't get credit for all the good he is doing because people can't see what's happening. The corrupt media hides the truth and one way to do it is to censor videos like this. So if the video turns grey, doesn't that prove to you that someone is guilty of something and they want to hide their crimes? 

But you don't need this video. You can do your own research. Look up the Good Club, the Rockefeller Foundation, Operation Lockstep, and Event 201. It's all there for you to learn about and you will see the same people involved in all of the groups mentioned. 

Did you know that everything with COVID was simulated before it hit our shores? The pandemic was planned and Fauci and Obama were involved. COVID actually stands for Certification of Vaccine Identification. COVID 19 was a fully planned attack by high level players who do not want to give up their central banking system. 

Do you wonder why Bill Gates has bought up so much farmland? He openly talks about his depopulation goals. It's not a secret that he wants less people on the planet. Research it and you will see him giving speeches on the subject. This information is not hidden. Research the Polygon Tabletop Exercise or the World Economic Forum. They want you to own nothing and be happy about it. 

The next simulation is an entire takedown of our grid. Bill Gates creates the computer virus and then he rescues us with the anti-virus. Sounds like a remake of the covid virus and his great vaccine rescue. Yes we live in a sick world and denying it won't help you. 

Grace and Glory: Lin Wood Interview!

In this thought-provoking interview with Attorney Lin Wood, he shares how he came to the conclusion that God is real and discusses the topics of faith and freedom. His daily goal is to search for the will of God, find it and do it. 

Amanda Grace of Ark of Grace Ministries also makes comments in this video. This is an encouraging interview if you are feeling anxiety and fear about the direction in which America is moving and how it will affect you and your family.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Interview with Mel K February 10 2021

Wow! This girl is dropping bombs through this entire interview. And you can research all of it yourself. Time to open your eyes America.


In this segment of Infowars, Alex Jones says Feds are demonizing Trump supporters as criminals due to their political beliefs. Trump haters think conservative patriots and their children should be sent to reeducation camps or even killed if they can't be reeducated to think properly.  Alex comments on the Trump impeachment trial that began yesterday. He talks about the Covid vaccines that are being suspended because they're not effective and people are becoming very ill and some are dying from them.

Also ground zero of the mask rebellion is in Naples Florida at a grocery store where mask wearing was never forced on anyone and people are healthy. Imagine that? Meanwhile CNN did a news segment demonizing the Superbowl parties in the Tampa club district, where people went maskless and did not social distance. Oh my gosh! It's a superspreader gathering! How dare they enjoy their freedoms and not live in fear of standing close to a stranger? People are tired of masks.

People are also tired of the double standards being forced upon us in the past 11 months. Nancy can get her hair done, but not you. The elite can fly by private plane to an open restaurant, while your business is shut down. And now illegal immigrants from countries with high infection rates are being let into our country without covid testing while Americans are still wearing masks, social distancing, getting vaccinated and still living in fear. If you haven't by now figured out what a phony farce this is, you never will. Covid is a rebrand of the flu and people have been dying from the flu for centuries. The lies from the media are the scariest virus and you need a better news source if you believe any of this covid crap, the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American public.

This video is packed with information you need to know. Watch it all.

Monday, February 8, 2021


Come in at 7:00 to get straight to the good stuff on this video. Let me reword that because this is the most powerful video I've seen in a long time. What she has to say is beyond good, it's monumental. Here's a recap in my own words and from what I can recall:

The virus shall have its crown knocked from it and will lose its power. A computer company shall be found to be complicit. Watch IBM. Scandal after scandal shall break loose in the house and the senate. Wicked leaders shall be judged. 

A major scandal with an airline shall break forth. Watch Exxon Mobile and plutonium. New technology shall come forth and new minerals shall be found. There will be a change in direction and a change in leadership. This is our Boston Tea Party moment. 

One media company will fall. Tik Tok ratings are plummeting. She goes on to describe our next annointed leader and it's not Biden. Then she gives Christians this word from God: Follow Me. Believe in Me. Know I am a mighty God. Breathe. Have Faith. Stay grounded in the word. As you publicly proclaim me, I will honor you. 

If you don't believe in prophets, then scroll down to my post about why you should believe in prophets. The Bible tells us to believe in them and that's reason enough for me to believe every word spoken by Amanda in this video.


Come in at 29:30 to skip the small talk and introduction, unless you want to know Amanda's story and background. 

Simon Parkes Discusses Doug's Interview with General Michael Flynn - The...

Come in at 3:14 to get straight to the good stuff on this video. It's unconstitutional to impeach a private citizen, yet the impeachment of Donald Trump is on the table. Doesn't that mean that he is still President? Why impeach a past president? What do the Dems have to gain if he's already gone?


In the movie Erin Brokovich, Julia Roberts puts everything into perspective with one sentence: "You poisoned people and lied about it." 

Here we have a similar situation but instead of poisoning people, they  censored people and now they are lying about it. Read the entire article at the link below. 

Conservatives are being bullied by authoritarian democrats who control 90 percent of the information flow online. These authoritarian democrats not only cover for their favorite political allies, but they also use censorship to cover up their crimes. Now the authoritarian democrats are threatening the people they censored for daring to speak out about being censored. Instead of showing contrition for their blatant acts of censorship and bias, Democrats are telling their political opposition that they deserved to be shut up and shut out from public discourse, that the acts of political violence (censorship) used against conservatives are for their own good.


David Icke exposes the real motives behind the plandemic lockdowns.


They want us under control and vaccinated. Even after we're vaccinated, social distancing and mask wearing will continue to be pushed. I refuse to be vaccinated, so I'm speaking of those who are willing when I say that. 

Masks can cause viral pneumonia, skin infections, permanent reduced lung capacity and mental problems. They do not stop viral transmission. They only work in your mind because you want to do something to save yourself. The link below is a good watch. 

Alex can get a bit radical and I don't agree with everything he thinks, but it's a good piece about how people are fighting the suffocation of masks in some states and how the mask lovers are reacting to the rebellion. 


 If you're wondering about the GameStop articles that are in the news right now, this piece at it very well and makes an interesting comparison to other ways that the rich and powerful control decisions, the flow of money, and the world in general. 

Some people think they are too big to fail and too smart to allow any kind of thinking beyond their own. They decide who goes to prison and who gets away with crime. They pick and choose what cases they'll  investigate based on the information they want to conceal. They are living above the law and the little guy is the one who gets screwed.

"Based on recent developments, one might conclude: The Establishment decides who goes to prison, the Establishment decides who wins elections, the Establishment decides who can have a prominent forum to express ideas, the Establishment decides how much you can complain about what company, and the Establishment decides who makes billions via market influence."


An intelligent person, a critical thinker would ask herself, "Why are they trying so hard to prevent this information from getting out?" 

When you want to know the truth, you have to ask yourself why people feel threatened by certain information. And what is the motive behind the information they share or ban.  

My motive is truth. As a follower of Jesus, I want to be the salt & light of the earth as I'm instructed to be in the Bible. But those who are guilty of crimes have a different motive. They want to cover up their crimes. 

Every time a video is removed from Facebook, I ask myself... what is on that video that is making someone so fearful that they must ban it? Guilty people try to hide the truth, so every time a video turns grey and can no longer be seen, I know there's some truth to it. 

They call it fact checking. I call it guilt exposure. Grey is the color of guilt. Banned videos are filled with truth and that is why they are a threat to the guilty. Go to the banned videos link at the right side of my blog to see more truth. Also , or

Christians who think it's okay to ignore the news because we can't do anything about it are lacking biblical discernment. You can't be salt & light if you don't know what's going on in the world. 

The link below is an example of guilty people trying to prevent truth from being exposed. They just don't get it. God is in control and he is far more powerful than their petty lawsuits. 

Dominion Lawyer Says They 'Warned' OAN Not to Air Mike Lindell Doc: The lead attorney representing Dominion Voting Systems has come out swinging against OAN for airing Mike Lindell’s two-hour election fraud special — and claims that they “warned” the network not to air it. Lindell’s film titled “Absolute Proof,” aired on the network in the form of a paid advertisement, with a disclaimer that it was…


The best news to follow right now is One America News at 


Mark Taylor is telling the truth. Talking to him is probably the most eye-opening experience one can have. In a recent appearance on Dr. Paul Oebel’s show, Taylor doubled on his previous comments on Trump. It’s an excellent interview and we are happy to see that Taylor will never change his mind. Hank Kunneman did the same. Kat Kerr, Bo Polny, Amanda Grace, and many others stand by Trump’s narrative. They are not backing down.

Game Theory, The Take Down Will Be On The Patriots Timetable – Ep. 2397

The economy is now taking off, cities, states are now opening, the [DS]/[CB] is now doing all the work, this is exactly what Trump wanted. The unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 and we are seeing a V recovery. Trump lost billions while being President compared to the other Presidents who became millionaires. The [DS]/MSM is now being brought down a path where they are going to be trapped, this is game theory. The [DS] doesn’t know the plan, Trump and the patriots are controlling the optics, which means it seems nothing is happening until it happens all at once. The timetable has already been established, public opinion and the trap is now set.

Game Theory, The Take Down Will Be On The Patriots Timetable – Ep. 2397


Why are there no reported comings and goings at the White House by Joe Biden and his staff? It's as if he's not even there. And with the walls that are up around the building, how would the public know if he's really there or not?


An eye-opening and disturbing documentary by Mike Lindell exposes the election fraud and the theft of America by enemies foreign and domestic. This is the video to watch right now. Share it with everyone. 

Friday, February 5, 2021


 In order to take back his power, Trump has to expose to the American people just how corrupt Joe Biden is. Within 24 hours of his presidency, Biden sent US troops back into Syria. He also killed the Keystone pipeline and destroyed more than 70,000 jobs in one day. These are only two of the growing list of things Biden is doing to destroy America and keep the war machine going. 

One of the tactics of war is to allow your enemies to expose all of their faults without intervening. The exposure of corruption is unbelievable right now. The RINO Republicans have been exposed along with the depth of evil in Democrats.

The Lincoln Project has been exposed along with domestic traitors such as McConnell and Romney. People are being arrested. The Pope has been arrested. Pelosi and Biden will be arrested, according to Dr. Steve Pieczenik. He can't say how long it will take, but we do have another White House in Palm Beach, Florida that's fully staffed. This ties in with Kim Clement's prophecies about America having two presidents. You can't listen to this man and blow him off. My spiritual discernment is telling me he's right.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


If you don't believe that God speaks through modern-day prophets, then you should consider scripture and the fact that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He spoke through chosen people in biblical times and even took a few of them to Heaven. 

Amos 3:7 tells us that God does nothing without sharing it with his prophets. And 2 Chronicles 2:20 encourages us to believe the prophets. Kim Clement is no longer with us, but his prophecies are still here and we should take them seriously. 

IT'S OFFICIAL: Despite Numerous Hurdles President Trump Shattered the Record for the Greatest Market Increase in US History

IT'S OFFICIAL: Despite Numerous Hurdles President Trump Shattered the Record for the Greatest Market Increase in US History: President Trump shattered the record books with the greatest market increase in US History. It’s official – President Trump oversaw the greatest market increase in US history.  Never have the markets increased so much in US history.  Even with the meteoric decrease in the markets during the COVID collapse in March, President Trump still managed…


Well, the worm finally turned on liberals this past week when popular investor app Robinhood banned ‘the little guys’ from punishing a major hedge fund for shorting GameStop stock — an act so blatant that it actually drew bipartisan condemnation.

And now, such actions could land the big tech companies in a lot of hot water, legally speaking — at least in Florida.


 Never before have so many vaccine doses been administered so quickly. By the time vaccine injury data makes it to VAERS, many millions more doses have been administered, including thousands of more injuries. Consequentially, the CDC’s vaccine recommendations are based on weeks-old data that may hide over 99 percent of vaccine injuries. The CDC is using VAERS to intentionally conceal vaccine injury rates in real time, to embellish public perception of vaccine safety so they can push millions of doses into people’s arms.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

WAYNE ROOT: The Trump Comeback Begins: The Plan to Make Trump and America Great Again

WAYNE ROOT: The Trump Comeback Begins: The Plan to Make Trump and America Great Again: By Wayne Allyn Root I am the author of the bestselling book “TRUMP RULES.” My book identifies the Top Ten Trump rules that made him one of the greatest winners in world history in business, branding, real estate, celebrity, television, publishing, and politics. Trump is the only person in world history to reach the pinnacle…

WATCH: Newsmax Host Has Mike Lindell on to Talk About Tech Censorship — Ends Up Censoring Him As Well — Then Storms Out of Studio

If you are not boycotting every store and business that has removed the My Pillow product from its shelves, then I would have to ask, "Why?" Why would you support any business that censors free speech and the conservative voices of America? 

WATCH: Newsmax Host Has Mike Lindell on to Talk About Tech Censorship — Ends Up Censoring Him As Well — Then Storms Out of Studio: Newsmax host Bob Sellers had My Pillow founder Mike Lindell on his show to talk about big tech censorship — then ended up censoring him as well. Lindell was appearing on “American Agenda” to discuss the fact that he and his company were both recently banned from Twitter. The segment was supposed to be focusing…

Biden floods America with illegal aliens as part of “Build Back Better” agenda

Biden floods America with illegal aliens as part of “Build Back Better” agenda: China Joe has ordered Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials to immediately release all 14,195 detainees currently in its custody, we have learned. As part of his “Build Back Better” plan for the United States, Beijing Biden is trying to set free thousands of illegal aliens, most of whom are convicted criminals or have pending […]

Doctors now warn about permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination

Doctors now warn about permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination: More doctors are speaking out about the harms of new COVID-19 vaccines. Cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, M.D., Ph.D. is one of them. Dr. Noorchashm says that the covid-19 vaccines will almost certainly cause an antigen-specific immune response; however, if viral antigens are present in the tissues of recipients at the time of vaccination, the […]

What happened to “flu season?” In the age of COVID, “the flu” has been reclassified as coronavirus, says epidemiologist

What happened to “flu season?” In the age of COVID, “the flu” has been reclassified as coronavirus, says epidemiologist: A few months ago, some infectious disease experts began warning that it would extremely difficult, as the COVID-19 pandemic lingered into the fall, for frontline healthcare providers to determine if sickness was due to the novel coronavirus or good, old-fashioned influenza. The reason, they said, is that in many respects, flu symptoms could and would […]

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

VAX ATTACKS: The new mRNA coronavirus vaccines will likely cause immune cells to attack placenta cells, causing female infertility, miscarriage or birth defects

VAX ATTACKS: The new mRNA coronavirus vaccines will likely cause immune cells to attack placenta cells, causing female infertility, miscarriage or birth defects: Two brave doctors, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, have issued a motion for administrative and regulatory action to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regarding the new mRNA coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech. They warn that the vaccines can attack placenta cells, causing female infertility. The doctors petition for regulatory action that requires confirmation […]

FLASHBACK: Biden suggested only “dictators” legislate by executive order, then he signs 33 in his first week

FLASHBACK: Biden suggested only “dictators” legislate by executive order, then he signs 33 in his first week: Nearly every day of former President Donald Trump’s term, someone — either from the opposition party or from the Democrat-aligned media — called him some version of authoritarian. (Article by Jonathan Davis republished from That was especially the case whenever Trump issued an executive order, many if not most of which were summarily challenged by […]

Situation Update, Feb 1 – Populist financial uprising may tear down the entire RIGGED system

Situation Update, Feb 1 – Populist financial uprising may tear down the entire RIGGED system: The silver lining for the events of the last year is that huge numbers of people are awakening to fact that everything is rigged: The elections are rigged. Wall Street is totally rigged. There is no “free market.” The courts are rigged and no longer provide anything resembling “equal justice.” The money supply is rigged […]

At least 55 people have died in the US after receiving coronavirus vaccine, according to federal database

At least 55 people have died in the US after receiving coronavirus vaccine, according to federal database: At least 55 people in the United States have died after receiving a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, according to reports submitted to a federal system. The data came from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a federal program that collects information regarding adverse effects that occur after the administration of vaccines. VAERS is a passive […]


Masks, by virtue of concealing our faces, deny the expression of just those features that reveal to a greater extent than all others our humanity. The face, in its entirety, discloses the spark of the divine that resides within the human being and which makes him…a person. Nor need one be a conscious believer in God in order to concede that the facial countenance, more so than any other aspect of the body, affirms the person’s standing as a moral agent, a being with an inviolable dignity, possessing rights and duties.

The Mask, in veiling the face, then, dehumanizes the human being who wears it. It divests the Masquerader of his…humanity. As such, it undercuts the inherent dignity that belongs to human beings as human beings, i.e. bearers of the image of the God in whose likeness they were made. Consequently, Masqueraders are Corona Walkers, zombies not as dissimilar as we’d like think they’d be from the zombies on The Walking Dead.

A masked society is decidedly less human, and, we can assume, will end up being less humane. Read the entire article at the link below.

A Letter from a Concerned Reader in Ireland: You Must Realize that What Happens in America Always Directly Impacts the World

A Letter from a Concerned Reader in Ireland: You Must Realize that What Happens in America Always Directly Impacts the World: A letter from a reader in Ireland. We received this over the weekend and was granted permission to publish on The Gateway Pundit. Hate to say it, Mr. Hoft – You fought the good fight, and alas it did not go your way. I like you was hoping for a Trump administration no matter how…