Monday, March 13, 2023


The above documentary is in theaters now. Yes, even Christians can be under the influence of demonic oppression. This is the topic of the moment and it will become a much more talked about topic as the year progresses. 

Pastor Greg Locke is on fire growing a deliverance ministry that is setting people free from demonization and demonic strongholds. This could be the most important awakening in church history because many churches do not discuss demons and the horrible influences they can have on believers. 

The church has been deceived into thinking that if you are a Christian then you are safe from any possible demonic torment. Some churches believe that the demonic realm is only spoken about in the Bible and we don't have to deal with it today. That is a lie from the pits of Hell.

Of course evil wants you to think that demons don't exist. Of course evil wants you to think that you have no way to fight back. Many churches fail to teach on spiritual warfare as well. So Christians walk around with no knowledge of their spiritual authority and they are completely clueless to what the real problem is and how to fight it. 

Ninety percent of all demonic strongholds involve bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness, according to Johnny Enlow, who has been casting out demons for decades. There is a long list of sins that can invite demons to control your mind, will and emotions. Even when Holy Spirit lives in you, you are still capable of sin. 

Go to and subscribe to Elijah Streams. A very informative interview with Johnny Enlow was streamed today. One of the questions he answered was, "Can A Christian Have a Demonic Stronghold?" About one hour into the interview, he answers that question if you are only interested in that part.

I experienced a demonic stronghold twice. You can't argue with a personal testimony. I also believe that some people I know are currently dealing with demonic strongholds, but they don't realize what is happening to them. They don't know how easy it would be for them to be set free. 

The church desperately needs an education about the reality of the demonic realm. That is why Pastor Locke made the above documentary. This is the year for a great awakening to the spiritual battle we have been in since birth. You can't fight what you don't know exists. And if you don't know your authority in Christ, you have no weapons. Do some research on this very important topic of demonic strongholds, deliverance, spiritual warfare, and spiritual authority. 

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