Monday, July 31, 2023


By Danelle Carvell


Jesus gave us one rule: Communicate in love

Texting can be useful in certain situations, but as a form of communication during a conflict, texting is the worst choice. Our culture has changed a lot since social media. Our ways of communicating have changed. And change isn't always good. 

People today feel free to say whatever they want because it feels safe to dart a text at someone and say things you would not have the courage to say in-person. Social media and texting have damaged our culture by making it easier to say mean things and bully people.

I've made mistakes too with texting and posting things on Facebook. One mistake I have made is using Facebook as a place to vent. Leaving nasty messages for people you don't agree with on Facebook is childish. Tearing people down in public is not the biblical way to resolve conflict. 

I believe that God commands a face-to-face meeting when we need to confront someone because it is the best way to clearly communicate. When someone receives your text, he can't see your facial expressions and body language. He can't hear your tone of voice. So your text could easily be misunderstood, which will make matters worse. 

If I don't have the courage to talk to that person privately, why should I take it public? Isn't that the gossip we are warned about in the Bible. 

Being mean on Facebook will always come back to haunt you. You ruin your own reputation for one thing. Among the many ways a bad reputation hurts you is this example--a potential employer might see your Facebook manners and reject your job application. Your Facebook posts represent you. They represent your character. You should guard your reputation like it's gold. 

Texting is great for quick messages such as, "I'm here. Text me when you get here." If that's all you needed to say, a phone call wasn't necessary. It's also great when a conflict is still raw and lingering emotions have made things too uncomfortable for discussions in-person or by phone. And that is when we especially need to use caution. 

Whatever it is that you need to communicate, and whatever form of communication you choose, the most important thing is to communicate with love. You won't get a good response if you come across as hostile and impatient when you confront someone. A soft answer turns away wrath. Hostility provokes it. 

The Bible has some excellent advice that applies to this subject:

"I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing patient in affliction...pursue hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse...Be in agreement with one another. Do not be proud...Do not repay evil for evil...Try to do what is at peace with not avenge yourselves. Vengeance belongs to God."  Romans 12:3-19

Wow! There's a whole lot of godly wisdom in that scripture. How many conflicts could be avoided if we would take those words to heart and act on them? 

Thursday, July 27, 2023


To someone going through a hardship, there is nothing more refreshing than an encouraging word or deed. Encouragement might be the greatest need in our world today. According to a recent poll, half of all Americans feel alone or left out, and they feel that no one knows them well. 

We live in a culture right now where there are so many discouraging messages coming at us. Mean-spirited people are everywhere, especially online. We even have a name for these online bullies--trolls.

People are desperate today to hear that they are valuable, that their lives matter, and they are loved and needed. In the above video, Pastor Greg Laurie gives examples of how our discouraging culture is affecting the mental health of not just our nation, but the entire world. 

I remember well the people in my life who have encouraged me. I had a high school English teacher who recognized my writing talent and encouraged me to get my work published, based on a short story I wrote for class. I had a professor in college who encouraged me to write an essay, which He submitted to a small publication. It was my first published essay. 

Then there was the letter I received from Kim Alexis, a supermodel from the eighties who is now a Christian author and speaker. I had read one of her books and wrote to her because I could relate to something she said. 

I was feeling discouraged at the time, and she asked me why I have such a strong desire to write and reach people. "Could it be that God has put this desire in you?" she asked. She helped me to believe in myself and move forward without doubt. 

Encouragement is extremely powerful. But so many of us are failing to bring this much-needed inspiration to others. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 we are told, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing."

Are you already doing this? Before you say something or post something online, do you ask yourself--Is it truthful, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind? This spells out the acronym: THINK. Do you think before you speak or type? 

Are you always criticizing and complaining? Are you always pointing out the negative side of every situation? Do you love to mention the failures and weaknesses in others? Do people call you Miss negative behind your back? 

Or are you following what the Bible teaches and being an encourager? Are you good at making people feel welcome? Do you recognize the potential in others? Do you cheer people on? Do you mention their strengths and help them to believe in themselves? Are you willing to do what it takes to help people back up when they fall? 

God wants us to be encouragers in a world that desperately needs encouragement. What have you done lately to encourage someone? 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Here is the full movie that goes with the documentary in my last post. I haven't watched the movie yet, but I know the theme of the movie is about true beauty and what really makes a woman beautiful. 

I turned 61 this year, and I will admit that I focus too much on my appearance. I admire older women who can walk out the door without a stitch of makeup on and not care. I admire women who let their hair go grey and don't care. Why do I care so much about my looks?

I guess the answer is... because the world cares. Ever since about eighth grade I have realized the power of beauty. That's when boys began noticing me, and I became more tuned-in to the comments I received about my looks. The year before high school began was when I learned that the world worships physical beauty. 

I think the reason that God allows us to age and get wrinkly is because He wants us, at some point, to focus on our inner beauty. A pretty face may be pleasing to the eyes, but a beautiful heart can make so much more of a difference in this hostile world. God wants us to work on beautifying our hearts and our minds so that we can serve, encourage and show love to others. 

If I'm too concerned about my looks, I can miss the things that God wants me to care about. While I'm glancing in the mirror, the person He wants me to help can walk right past me. I don't want to be selfish anymore. But it's something that I do struggle with. I still care a little too much about my appearance. 

But I'm also working on my heart. In the past few years, I have learned to be more patient with people. There was a time when I had a lot to learn, and I was making mistakes every day. Not everyone is on the same level of spiritual growth. I can't fix people. I can only pray for them. And God loves them no matter how badly they mess up, so I also must extend grace. 

I'm at the point where I can almost instantly forgive someone. But I can't instantly trust. But that's okay because trust is not something that God requires me to extend generously. He understands that I need to guard my heart. But I have learned that forgiveness is essential, and I am the one who benefits most when I forgive.

I have also learned what it means to give up everything in order to help someone. Jesus is the ultimate example of laying your life down for someone else. The second most important thing God expects from us is that we love others as ourselves. But are we willing to sacrifice time and energy to the point of exhaustion? Are we willing to give it all in order to help someone? 

I learned that I am capable of that kind of love. I am willing to offer my time. I am willing to make physical, mental, emotional and  financial sacrifices. I am willing to give up my own comfort and convenience for the sake of someone else. 

So maybe I should be a little easier on myself. God probably understands the struggles we face in a world that can be shallow and superficial. Even though I still spend too much time on my appearance, He sees that I am learning about true beauty and what it means to have a beautiful heart. 

A forgiving, kind, self-sacrificing, woman is far beyond beautiful. She's a world changer who finds favor in the heart of God. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

What is True Beauty? | Documentary

As soon as age five, little girls begin to realize that being beautiful equals being loved. The messages of our culture, through TV, movies, magazines, social media and worldly attitudes, tell girls that in order to be valued and loved they must look a certain way. That lie is the entire purpose of the enemy, who wants to make us feel unloved and unworthy. 

Social media is having a profound effect on everyone, but girls and young women are the most negatively affected. Depression, eating disorders, mental and emotional problems as well as suicide attempts have skyrocketed among young women since they began comparing themselves to the images and messages they see on social media.  

This video encourages women of all ages to ignore the worldly negative opinions that can make them feel inadequate and focus on Who and what really makes them valuable and deserving of love. 

Friday, July 21, 2023


I don't agree with her publicly calling people heretics, but she does make some very good points about what biblical womanhood means. I know many women who claim to be Christians but they don't walk the walk. I used to be one of them. So I could relate to some of her points. 

Here's a quick outline of some of the changes she made.

1. Stop living for yourself-
If I don't wake up each day with an attitude of wanting to please God, spend time with him, and seek his guidance, then I am living for myself. 

2. Stop swearing/gossiping/making people feel bad with your mouth-

We don't need to have all the dirt on people in order to pray for them. Some women gossip and then claim that they just want to know how they should pray for that person. Matthew 15:18 says, "What comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man."

This might be the biggest obstacle for Christian women. We fail to filter the things that come out of our mouths. And we do not display the love of Christ by our words. We do not uplift others by our words.
When you can't tame your tongue, you are not being led by the Holy Spirit. 

3. Stop indulging in whatever you want-

Self control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We can indulge in many things that are not good for us--food, sex, alcohol, shopping, TV, idolizing celebrities, and selfish ambitions to name a few. I have needed to cut back on my TV time because it was becoming an unhealthy indulgence. God is more than happy to tell you what you should step away from if you ask Him. 

4. Stop neglecting your husband, your children or your home- 

A Christian woman never puts her marriage on the back burner. She does not belittle her children or treat them like an inconvenience. And she makes her home and family a top priority. 

5. Stop being rebellious-

We live in a world that encourages rebellion. Woman rebel against their children, their husbands and their God-given roles. But we are called to submit to God's order. And we should see that submission as an honor. 

6. Stop living in the world/ Start living from an eternal perspective-

This is a big one that includes many things. Focusing too much on your appearance, neglecting modesty, needing to impress others with your achievements, your success or your material possessions are all examples of being worldly minded. This one might be the most difficult to overcome because women are constantly bombarded with ungodly messages from a world that lacks spiritual discernment. 

I am not a citizen of this world, so I need to navigate life from an eternal perspective. And God can help me to do that. He will show me what changes I need to make. But I first have to care enough and realize that I'm too absorbed in this world. 

I have to always ask myself, "Will God be happy with me for doing this, for saying this, for dressing like this, for focusing on this, for spending so much time on this?" Am I living to conform to the world, or am I living to please God in all I do and say? 

There was a time when I lived for myself. Swearing, gossiping and letting my mouth run wild was a daily habit. I indulged in whatever felt good, and I was sassy and rebellious. I was definitely focused on what the world was doing and what the world was telling me I should be. 

And I was extremely empty inside, lost, lonely, and longing for something better. God knows what a woman needs to have a joyful life. When we embrace biblical womanhood, we will always find peace and contentment that surpasses anything the world could possibly offer us. 

Monday, July 17, 2023

How to Take Back Your Mind with God's Word +LIVE Q&A

Do you feel like your mind is out of control? Do you dwell on negative thoughts or past hurts on a daily basis? And are these thoughts causing you to be angry, depressed, distracted or exhausted? 

I know all too well how it feels to be caught in a cycle of negative thinking. Very few people get through life without developing a demonic stronghold in their minds. Life is filled with people and situations that are hurtful. And it's so easy to dwell on the hurt and rehearse what was said and what was done to you. 

When I was in my late twenties, I developed a demonic stronghold in my mind that began when someone hurt me very deeply. It was the kind of hurt that causes total destruction to a woman and separation to her family. At one point, I felt like I had become a different person and the people around me began to avoid me because I was so filled with hostility. 

You are not responsible for what comes into your mind, but you are responsible for the thoughts that stay in your mind and the things that you dwell on daily. If the things you dwell on are negative, you will be negatively affected by those thoughts, and the people around you will be affected as well.

It takes a constant daily effort to renew your mind. Stop letting the enemy use your mind as a playground. You must take every toxic thought captive as soon as it enters. Kris Reece explains in the above video how to purify your thoughts so they align with God's word. We can't allow our thinking to poison our minds, our hearts and our lives. 

Sunday, July 16, 2023


By Danelle Carvell


Are you navigating a difficult life without God's power?

I have often felt like I don't fit in. The things that people value in this world, I couldn't care less about. I don't value material things. Most people see high education, important titles, and a high income as the best measurements for success. I measure success by God's standards, not by the world's standards. I don't need to accumulate a bunch of stuff in order to feel worthy and successful. And I don't try to impress others with the stuff that I accumulate.  

To some people, I am probably seen as someone who hasn't made much of herself. I came close to an associate's degree, but didn't finish college. I have never had what people consider a high income, and I have never held what the world considers an impressive title or position. 

One of the signs that you are being led by the Holy Spirit is that you are willing to follow a path that is different from what the world says you should pursue. My goals, my values, and my measurements for success are not of this world. Those things are instilled in me by God through the Holy Spirit. 

That is why I don't value people based on income or the work that they do or don't do.  I don't see educated people as more valuable than uneducated people. Education and accomplishment is not what makes a person valuable to God. God values our kindness toward others and our willingness to put Him first. 

Being Holy Spirit led means that you are being guided by the Spirit of God, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the navigator that abides within every born-again believer. This divine guidance is what allows me to stand strong and survive in a messed-up world. 

What is messed-up about the world? Everything that's wrong in this world is the result of people lacking guidance from the Holy Spirit. When we don't live by biblical values, we hurt ourselves and we hurt other people. 

Those who are not Spirit-led, don't have that inner voice that helps them make right decisions. So they are easily swayed by their own pride, their own judgement of right and wrong, and their own ideas about how they should live and how they should treat others. 

People who lack the Holy Spirit make bad decisions for themselves and others. Their priorities are not in order. They are often fearful and anxious. They don't go to God when they have a decision to make. They feel guilt, shame and condemnation because they don't let holy, spiritual comfort into their lives.  

Do you stay quiet when a conversation leans toward wrong thinking?  Do you say nothing when someone displays an ungodly attitude or a wrong action? Another sign that you are being led by the Holy Spirit is having the strength and courage to speak your mind on moral issues instead of going along with popular opinion. You will stand up for biblical truth no matter who disagrees or how badly you are outnumbered. 

A Holy Spirit led person sees as God sees. She feels as God feels. I can instantly detect a wrong attitude in someone. I can sense the state of a person's heart. I know when someone is envious or prideful. I know when someone is angry, confused, upset or uncomfortable. God gives me an inner knowing about people and situations through the Holy Spirit. And this is how I navigate life. 

Living by the power of the Holy Spirit allows me to live in a way that pleases God and to have integrity in all my relationships, both personal and professional. The Spirit of God helps me to be more than I am, helps me to say more than I know, and helps me to do more than I possibly could without Him. I am fueled by God's power, so I have a strength and wisdom that can only come from Him. 

I believe the Holy Spirit even helps me to write. He puts ideas into my head and helps me say things in an understandable way. I am learning to hear the voice of God more and more, and His leading is becoming more evident in my life. I have confidence that God's power within me is greater than anything I will ever face in this life. 

"Being led by the Spirit isn't something we do passively. It's a conscious decision we make to be different from a world that thinks those who live according to the Bible are backward and out of step. It's a choice to trust God's word and stand against a woke culture that rejects what scripture says about marriage, sexuality, and even gender." says Stephen Strang in his book, "Spirit-Led Living in an Upside Down World."

What is the main responsibility of a Spirit-led believer? Reaching others for Christ is the answer. The most important question I could ever ask someone is this: Where will you spend eternity? 

This life is temporary. Nothing that happens here matters in comparison to your eternal destination and the life you will have forever after you leave this earth. Considering that death can come for anyone at any moment, eternal life is by far the most important subject that people tend to ignore. 

Forever is a long time to spend in a place you are not certain about. Not knowing where I'm going would scare the Hell out of me because once I'm there.... I am there forever, and I can't change it. That is some scary truth, and I want my bases covered. Spirit-led living means having peace and confidence about both my life on earth and my life for eternity. 

When God is in charge of your thoughts, your actions and your decisions, you are living your best life possible. You are the happiest that you could possibly be. You overcome every obstacle because God shows you the way out. You become a powerful influence on your family, friends and community. And God will lead you to fulfill all your dreams. Your purpose in life will be crystal clear, and it will lead you to prosperity and deep satisfaction. 

If all that sounds like something that is lacking in your life, start getting to know the Holy Spirit by spending time with Him and talking with Him. Sit quietly and wait for Him to talk to you in your spirit. God wants to lead you and guide you in this challenging life of yours. But He will not show up without an invitation. 

Open your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit's leading and watch everything about your life be transformed. Nothing compares to the glorious life that awaits you as a Spirit-led believer who knows how to navigate every challenge, every problem and every person who comes against you. With God on your side, you will be blessed with every good and perfect gift. You will walk in confidence because Jesus walks with you. 

You have a power available that can give you joy and peace. It's a power that will make you victorious over every difficulty. No matter how crazy this world gets, you will see God at work in your life when you welcome the Holy Spirit. 

I don't fit in to this world because there's something in me that is not of this world. God leads me to think, speak and act according to His rules and expectations. And that is why I find myself to be the odd- man-out at times. But that's okay. I would rather be right with God than to be right with this crazy, immoral, upside-down world. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


By Danelle Carvell


Social media was not a thing in the seventies, and I wouldn't change a thing.

Why do I always feel better when I take a break from social media? There was a time when social media didn't exist, but today, many people can't get through a day without it. But is it really good for us? Are there better things we could be doing with our time?

Growing evidence is being presented about the negative impact of social media on mental health. The US Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy recently issued an advisory about the harmful effects of social media use among children and teens, including depression, anxiety, and sleep problems. 

"Children are exposed to harmful content on social media, ranging from violent and sexual content, to bullying and harassment. And for far too many children, social media use is compromising their sleep and valuable in-person time with family and friends." said Murthy. 

I was just saying to my husband yesterday that I would not want to be growing up in today's world. We were eating ice cream while sitting across from the place where Jim spent much of his childhood. It is now a fenced-in patch of grass, but when he was a kid, it was the Elizabethville swimming pool. 

He told me that my childhood, growing up in Pillow, must have been boring because our town didn't have a pool. I argued that I wasn't bored ever. I had a sand box. We had horses at one time. I created board games. I pested my dad until he bought us a good-sized above ground swimming pool. Then the neighbor kids really showed up. 

Our town friends, my siblings and I played games in the back yard. Some of them were original games we made up. I recall a game we called "Koogle," but I don't remember exactly how it was played, other than the wooden markers we placed around the yard, which we ran to when our turn came up. It was a weird form of baseball.

We did mischievous things like soap the windows of houses and cars around Halloween. We would sneak into the corn field and swipe a bunch of cobs, then bring them into our barn where we would sit around a big tub and shell the kernels off until our fingers were sore. 

The neighbor kids were there to help because they, too, would use that supply of hard, dried kernels to throw against the doors and windows of our neighbor's homes during Trick-or-Treat week.  A handful of corn forcefully propelled against a window makes quite a racket, and probably made people jump as they relaxed toward evening. Sometimes people would yell at us from their front doors and we would hide in a bush, holding back the laughter. The smart neighbors ignored us and we eventually left them alone. 

We also did things like kicking out the street lights when they came on. We spent a lot of time in a certain mulberry bush when the berries were ripe. We had creeks to play in, a basketball court that also served as a tennis court, a playground with a dangerously-high sliding board, and lots of critters to collect such as tadpoles, frogs and lightning bugs. 

We had bikes, scooters, hoola hoops, wagons, pogo-sticks, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, jacks, and trees to climb. When it rained hard, we had huge puddles in our yard big enough to float a raft on. During winter the ponds would freeze at the end of town and ice skates were on every kid's Christmas list. The highlight of each year was the Pillow Carnival and we never missed watching the ferris wheel go up. 

I'm glad I didn't have a phone back then. I'm grateful that I got through high school without the distraction of social media. We had real conversations with people who paid attention instead of scrolling. We spent our time being creative, being physically active and forming friendships in-person. I truly believe that my childhood would have been completely different if social media were a thing back then. My growing-up years would not have been better.

Social media has transformed the social lives of girls especially. They have put themselves onto platforms that prioritize social comparison and performance. Ninety-five percent of teens use social media for at least two hours a day. Mental health problems are worse among teen girls since the start of social media. There has been a marked rise in female high school students contemplating suicide.

An epidemic of mental illness began among American teens and teens around the world in the early 2010s'. That is the same year that the first smartphone with a front-facing camera came out. So within the following years, teen girls spent hours each day posting photos of themselves on Facebook and Instagram. They also spent time scrolling through the carefully-edited photos of other girls. 

This constant comparison of ourselves with the appearances, performances and accomplishments of others is not a healthy thing to focus on daily. Unless you are grounded in the Lord and know who you are in Christ, you can easily be negatively affected by all that, especially if you are a child. 

We waited longer than most people do to give our daughter a phone. We knew that once she had one, there would be no going back. But it's hard to explain to a child the things you are trying to protect her from. She sees only that you are depriving her of contact with her friends, not realizing how that could actually be a good thing. We really don't need to be in constant contact with anyone, except God. 

And that is why I often put my phone in a drawer and don't pay much attention to it. There have been many days when I spent way too much time on Facebook. And I felt myself being affected by it in negative ways. I couldn't get the work done that I should have been accomplishing in a day, and I found myself comparing my life to the lives of other people, often feeling cheated or living a boring life in comparison. 

I was allowing the enemy to distract me by the success of other people. I was focusing too much on their lives. Social media pulls my mind into unhealthy directions, and I need to get away from it at times to get my focus back on what truly matters in life. 

So if you've been feeling blue lately or feeling like you need a change or you need something more exciting...If you feel unsatisfied with your life in any way, maybe what you need is a break from social media. Go outside and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Plan to meet a friend for coffee and let your phone in your handbag. 

Make it more of a habit to put your phone away and pay attention to the people and the things happening around you. When your face is in your phone, you miss what God wanted you to notice...things that would have refreshed your mind and brought peace to your soul. All those special moments in life that inspire us, have meaning, make us laugh, bring us joy and feed our souls can be easily missed if we let ourselves be distracted by screen time. 

The good stuff in life happens off-screen, so step back into your own life and feed your soul.