Friday, July 21, 2023


I don't agree with her publicly calling people heretics, but she does make some very good points about what biblical womanhood means. I know many women who claim to be Christians but they don't walk the walk. I used to be one of them. So I could relate to some of her points. 

Here's a quick outline of some of the changes she made.

1. Stop living for yourself-
If I don't wake up each day with an attitude of wanting to please God, spend time with him, and seek his guidance, then I am living for myself. 

2. Stop swearing/gossiping/making people feel bad with your mouth-

We don't need to have all the dirt on people in order to pray for them. Some women gossip and then claim that they just want to know how they should pray for that person. Matthew 15:18 says, "What comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man."

This might be the biggest obstacle for Christian women. We fail to filter the things that come out of our mouths. And we do not display the love of Christ by our words. We do not uplift others by our words.
When you can't tame your tongue, you are not being led by the Holy Spirit. 

3. Stop indulging in whatever you want-

Self control is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We can indulge in many things that are not good for us--food, sex, alcohol, shopping, TV, idolizing celebrities, and selfish ambitions to name a few. I have needed to cut back on my TV time because it was becoming an unhealthy indulgence. God is more than happy to tell you what you should step away from if you ask Him. 

4. Stop neglecting your husband, your children or your home- 

A Christian woman never puts her marriage on the back burner. She does not belittle her children or treat them like an inconvenience. And she makes her home and family a top priority. 

5. Stop being rebellious-

We live in a world that encourages rebellion. Woman rebel against their children, their husbands and their God-given roles. But we are called to submit to God's order. And we should see that submission as an honor. 

6. Stop living in the world/ Start living from an eternal perspective-

This is a big one that includes many things. Focusing too much on your appearance, neglecting modesty, needing to impress others with your achievements, your success or your material possessions are all examples of being worldly minded. This one might be the most difficult to overcome because women are constantly bombarded with ungodly messages from a world that lacks spiritual discernment. 

I am not a citizen of this world, so I need to navigate life from an eternal perspective. And God can help me to do that. He will show me what changes I need to make. But I first have to care enough and realize that I'm too absorbed in this world. 

I have to always ask myself, "Will God be happy with me for doing this, for saying this, for dressing like this, for focusing on this, for spending so much time on this?" Am I living to conform to the world, or am I living to please God in all I do and say? 

There was a time when I lived for myself. Swearing, gossiping and letting my mouth run wild was a daily habit. I indulged in whatever felt good, and I was sassy and rebellious. I was definitely focused on what the world was doing and what the world was telling me I should be. 

And I was extremely empty inside, lost, lonely, and longing for something better. God knows what a woman needs to have a joyful life. When we embrace biblical womanhood, we will always find peace and contentment that surpasses anything the world could possibly offer us. 

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