Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Here is the full movie that goes with the documentary in my last post. I haven't watched the movie yet, but I know the theme of the movie is about true beauty and what really makes a woman beautiful. 

I turned 61 this year, and I will admit that I focus too much on my appearance. I admire older women who can walk out the door without a stitch of makeup on and not care. I admire women who let their hair go grey and don't care. Why do I care so much about my looks?

I guess the answer is... because the world cares. Ever since about eighth grade I have realized the power of beauty. That's when boys began noticing me, and I became more tuned-in to the comments I received about my looks. The year before high school began was when I learned that the world worships physical beauty. 

I think the reason that God allows us to age and get wrinkly is because He wants us, at some point, to focus on our inner beauty. A pretty face may be pleasing to the eyes, but a beautiful heart can make so much more of a difference in this hostile world. God wants us to work on beautifying our hearts and our minds so that we can serve, encourage and show love to others. 

If I'm too concerned about my looks, I can miss the things that God wants me to care about. While I'm glancing in the mirror, the person He wants me to help can walk right past me. I don't want to be selfish anymore. But it's something that I do struggle with. I still care a little too much about my appearance. 

But I'm also working on my heart. In the past few years, I have learned to be more patient with people. There was a time when I had a lot to learn, and I was making mistakes every day. Not everyone is on the same level of spiritual growth. I can't fix people. I can only pray for them. And God loves them no matter how badly they mess up, so I also must extend grace. 

I'm at the point where I can almost instantly forgive someone. But I can't instantly trust. But that's okay because trust is not something that God requires me to extend generously. He understands that I need to guard my heart. But I have learned that forgiveness is essential, and I am the one who benefits most when I forgive.

I have also learned what it means to give up everything in order to help someone. Jesus is the ultimate example of laying your life down for someone else. The second most important thing God expects from us is that we love others as ourselves. But are we willing to sacrifice time and energy to the point of exhaustion? Are we willing to give it all in order to help someone? 

I learned that I am capable of that kind of love. I am willing to offer my time. I am willing to make physical, mental, emotional and  financial sacrifices. I am willing to give up my own comfort and convenience for the sake of someone else. 

So maybe I should be a little easier on myself. God probably understands the struggles we face in a world that can be shallow and superficial. Even though I still spend too much time on my appearance, He sees that I am learning about true beauty and what it means to have a beautiful heart. 

A forgiving, kind, self-sacrificing, woman is far beyond beautiful. She's a world changer who finds favor in the heart of God. 

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