

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

God says, I will supply you with resources // Prophetic Word!!

If you are experiencing a lack of resources, you must trust in the Lord to unlock the resources you need. He can do this in amazing ways, and when you see Him come through for you, your faith will grow. 

God can send angels on your behalf. He can set in motion a wealth transfer. He can send people to help you. He can lead you to organizations, churches, groups, or businesses that will supply your needs. 

Pray and trust. God remembers you every second of every day. "Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you." That is God's promise to you. Go to Him.

This is the subject of my next video, which I will be posting on Saturday. 

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