

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Forgiveness Doesn't Necessarily Mean Reconciliation (Even If They Do Cha...

Many Christians believe that forgiveness means reconciliation, and if you don't allow that person back into your life, then you have not forgiven that person. This is not true. Choosing to remain distant does not always mean that you are harboring resentment toward that person. 

Yet many people will take you on a guilt trip when you remain distant. And to avoid the shame of appearing unforgiving, that wounded person will let the betrayer back in. In many cases that decision comes with regret. 

Forgiveness is mandatory according to God, but reconciliation is not mandatory according to God. Reconciliation is completely your decision, and God will be okay with your decision to stay away. Peace with God is the only peace you need, so let them say what they want about you. 

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