By Danelle Carvell
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This was taken at a wax museum, but I know he would have had something wise to say. |
Sitting at my bedroom window is my favorite prayer spot. Today when I said "Let me feel your presence, Lord" a hummingbird flew under the window awning and for a few seconds it looked at me while suspended by fluttering wings. I barely finished the sentence and there it was, stopping by for a quick visit.
In the past few years, I have had many bird encounters that I believe were sent by God. He finds ways to show Himself when we ask for visible proof. I think God loves doing that, but most people don't think of asking. I need reminders of His presence, so I ask and His answers always lift my spirits.
Because I need that encouragement myself, I know the value of encouraging others. I feel constantly driven to fill people with hope, inspiration, and motivation. The topic that's on my heart today is the power of your voice and why you should speak up.
There was a time when I was very good at suffering in silence. When someone hurt me I stayed quiet. I stuffed those hurts down inside me, where they lingered for years and affected me in negative ways. But I have learned to address every wrongdoing as it comes. I know now that I need to speak up in that exact moment or shortly afterward to make my feelings known.
Have there been times in your life when you regretted not speaking up? Are you using your voice for good? Now is not the time to remain as you are and be silent. It's time to stand for something. You were born to be great, and you can't be great by keeping your mouth shut.
The enemy loves to make people feel insignificant, weak. insecure and unworthy. If he can make you think that your words have no impact and your opinions can't make a difference, then he can halt your destiny and destroy your purpose.
Don't believe those lies and think that you are not important enough to be someone great. Someone needs to hear what you have to share. You've been through some stuff, and you've learned some valuable lessons. Your story and your courage to speak up or take action can shift trajectories.
What do I mean by that? I'll give you an example from the Bible. In Numbers 27, five daughters stood before Moses and the entire community at a meeting tent entrance and said, "Our father died in the wilderness...Why should the name of our father be taken away from his clan? Since he had no son, give us property among our father's brothers."
Moses brought their case before the Lord and the Lord answered, "What Zelophehad's daughters say is correct. Give them hereditary property among their father's brothers and transfer their father's inheritance to them."
Because the five daughters spoke up and asked for what they felt was right, a new statutory ordinance was put in place for the Israelites. That is what I mean when I say that your words can shift trajectories. You can change the way something is going. You can correct a wrong.
When a person or situation is headed in the wrong direction, your voice can be the thing that shifts the outcome. You can stop something bad from happening. You can prevent something from getting worse. You can stop someone from continuing down a wayward path.
Zelophehad's daughters didn't beg for what they deserved. They approached the community leaders with confidence and demanded what was rightfully theirs. You do have the right to stand up for yourself and others. You do have the right to question something that feels wrong.
We live in a culture that embraces tolerance. We're told not to rock the boat. Don't offend anyone. We're encouraged to look away from wrongdoing and keep our mouths shut. But Jesus didn't do that. Jesus offended people all the time because He spoke truth that convicted people of their wrongdoing. Those who hated Him, didn't like being corrected.
Our culture even teaches us that we shouldn't get angry about the wrongs in this world. But sometimes anger is justified. Jesus got angry. Do you think He was happy when he flipped those tables in the temple? Sometimes people need a wake-up call. They don't respond to gentle correction. They need something more eye-opening.
Don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you for being forceful with your voice. Anger is not a sin. The Bible says, "Be angry and sin not." There is a way to speak forcefully while still being respectful. When we seek revenge or call people nasty names, then our anger becomes sin. But anger itself is not a sin.
Why should you speak up? Because the younger generation needs your wisdom. The Bible instructs older women to mentor younger women. Older men should be doing the same. We have so much wisdom among our older population that is not being shared because people are too timid to speak up. But according to the Bible, speaking up is not optional.
We are mandated by God to be "fruitful." That means we should produce good fruit. We're also told to be "salt" and "light." Salt preserves the goodness and light breaks through the darkness. We should be using our voice, our gifts and our talents for the glory of God and for the improvement of society. And we are qualified to do so by the grace of God.
Your purpose is relevant. You are significant. You are qualified to be a world changer and God expects you to be one. The closer you get to God, the more courage you will have to speak up.
Pray for discernment so you will have a truthful perception of what is actually happening in every situation. When you invite the Holy Spirit to operate in your life, you will become bold and develop a keen sense for knowing when someone or something is wrong. No one will be able to manipulate you, abuse you or take advantage of you because you'll have a strength that does not waiver. And a voice that will not be silenced.
I challenge you to start using the power of your voice to bring good into a world that very much needs a change in trajectory. Don't let the naysayers silence you. Be bold! Speak up! No one great ever kept their mouth shut.
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