Wednesday, March 31, 2021


I expect to see Mike Lindell in a position of political authority very soon. God will promote him for the work he is doing. His business is booming, even though many stores have pulled his My Pillow products from their shelves. God blesses those who have the courage to stand for freedom, justice, and moral decency. Click the link below for Mike's latest broadcast titled, Scientific Proof, about the biggest cyber-crime in history, the stealing of the 2020 election. 

Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! - Episode 18

The times we are in will change everyone. Some of the greatest victories will happen over the next few months. Trump just started his own platform where he can't be censored. That alone is a victory. 

These coming days will be either the greatest or the worst days of your lives. There will be celebrations in the streets for some and tearful regrets for others as God begins to shift things back toward His will for America.

Victory is coming. Justice will be served. The evil will be exposed and dealt with completely. 

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: The Covid vaccines are a national security threat

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: The Covid vaccines are a national security threat“First of all, this is an experimental vaccine,” the General said. “People must understand that. Case-in-point: I was told by a doctor that a lady died two weeks ago right after she got the shot and her insurance company would not meet their obligations because they said that is an experimental vaccine.”

Another important thing to remember is that these have not gone through the rigorous testing necessary to receive FDA approval. They are allowed to be distributed through emergency order only, and that should concern us all. Whether one trusts the need and efficacy of these vaccines or not, it should still give us pause that the standard testing and safety protocols have not been met.

An Urgent Call to Action | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | March 30

HR5 The inequality act will bring horrible changes to our lives. We must do more than pray about it. 


Stay encouraged. We will see justice served. And there is work for us to do until then. We can pray for the leaders who are working to expose the evil. Pray that they will feel the wind of the spirit behind them. Pray for their strength and their safety. 

Wanda gives some encouraging scripture in this video. We need to be using our time wisely right now or we will see consequences when God does move. When justice is served our mission will be to replace where the enemy has been ruling. We will step into leadership roles and be lifted up to positions of influence.

Our words carry power. Use your words. Speak out and decree the things that God has already settled. Stand on His promises. You don't have to beg for something He already decided. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Big Tech tyrants going hard against ‘medical misinformation,’ AKA vaccine questions

Big Tech tyrants going hard against ‘medical misinformation,’ AKA vaccine questions: With Covid-19 lockdowns slowly but surely falling off, the newest push is for vaccine mandates. We haven’t heard too much about it from the federal government but state and local governments are looking into things like “vaccine passports” and other ways to mandate compliance with Covid vaccination protocols. Meanwhile, private businesses have already started initiating […]

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Demons are manifesting and demon possession is happening like never before in history

Many mental health disorders actually have a spiritual cause. Certain drugs, ouija boards, dabbling in witchcraft and the occult can invite demonic activity into your life. An interesting article.

Demons are manifesting and demon possession is happening like never before in history: Why? Because there is a Devil loose and he knows his time is short. And Jesus told us that before HIS Second Coming, it would be like the days of Noah. Complete and total wickedness is emanating from Men and Women! (Article by Jon Watkins republished from Is There A Reason Why Demonic Possession […]

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We are in World War III. We did not have a pandemic… we had a biological attack’

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We are in World War III. We did not have a pandemic… we had a biological attack’: When Lt. General Tom McInerney was the #3 guy at the Pentagon, his perspectives helped shape the direction of the nation. Now that he is retired, he continues to try to share important information. But instead of giving it to the government where it may or may not be used properly, he is delivering important […]


We must look ahead to where God is leading us. This is the time of the great harvest. Wanda shares five prayer strategies in this video.We must focus on declaring God's will and purposes rather than on asking him to fix problems. Instead of seeing the world's crumbling systems, we must focus on God's kingdom increasing. Instead of fighting the devil, we should address the sin issues that are causing the crumbling. 

Shift from a battle mentality to a presence reality. By knowing the power of God's presence and developing His presence, we prepare a place for Him to step in when the demonic strongholds are lifted. We also must know that our spiritual authority in prayer is more about who we are than what we pray. Our authority has more to do with our history with God than it does how long or how loud we pray. 

We often put too much pressure on ourselves to pray the right way or we think that we don't pray long enough. Effective prayer is more about who you are, so don't worry about praying correctly or praying for a certain length of time. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Biden destroyed America after 64 days as president, the nostalgia of Tru...

He's not my president. This country has never been so lost. 

Report finds illegal immigrants to receive about $4 billion in stimulus checks

Report finds illegal immigrants to receive about $4 billion in stimulus checks: A new analysis found that illegal immigrants are set to receive Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) stimulus checks alongside legal citizens. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reported that 2.65 million “aliens temporarily present without status” will be able to receive federal aid. This is because they possess Social Security numbers allowing them to receive government relief […]

FlashPoint: It's Time, REOPEN! Charlie Kirk, Lance Wallnau, Mario Murill...

After more than a year of enduring covid restrictions, the time is now for the church to rise up and lead the way out of the darkness. We can't ride the fence any longer. It's time for the church to be the church. It's time to be bold for Christ. It's time to reopen America.

Filling the Bowls | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | March 26

Dutch Sheets shares why fervent prayer is important and how it allows God to move. 


An encouraging and insightful interview with Nathan French will give you hope for the future of our nation and teach you the keys to powerful and joyful living. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Biden’s open borders policy generates $14 million a DAY for human traffickers

Biden’s open borders policy generates $14 million a DAY for human traffickers: The Biden regime’s “Welcome to the United States!” policy for illegal aliens is generating about $14 million per day for human traffickers, many of which are smuggling in underage children for the deep state. Sources within the United States Border Patrol say that China Joe’s illicit immigration policies are a cash cow for the human […]

Coronavirus cases rise in states with high vaccination rates, proving yet again the vaccines don’t work

Coronavirus cases rise in states with high vaccination rates, proving yet again the vaccines don’t work: The number of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases continue to rise in over a dozen states despite high vaccination rates. On average, around 55,000 new cases are reported each day in the United States. This remains unchanged despite the fact that vaccinations continue to ramp up. Public health experts are now urging Americans to be more cautious after more than […]

Ship Prophecy from Robin Bullock

On 3/23/2021 during a live broadcast of The Eleventh Hour, a Prophetic Word from The Lord was given through Robin D. Bullock saying that you would hear something about a ship and that this would be a sign. Later that evening it was reported that a massive cargo ship had gotten stuck in the Suez Canal in Egypt that same day. It's also worth noting the Suez Canal is near the Red Sea.

03/18/21 Hand writes on the wall/Biden / the lord has numbered your day’...

Joe Biden had better get right with God. His days are numbered.

Monday, March 22, 2021


If you need a dose of hope, this is for you. God is working behind the scenes. Trump will be back and he will be a visibly different man. It will be like Moses coming back from Mount Sinai. Trump will have a second term. This is the will of God. 

If you don't believe in prophets, you don't know the Bible. God still speaks through prophets. Watch this video so that when it happens you will remember this and then you will believe in prophets. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Joe Biden's America is a mess

The biased media is not covering what's actually happening at our southern border. The truth is in this video. If this were happening with Trump in the white house, every news outlet would be harping on it.

Also, Covid was a lie from the beginning. There is a cure for the virus, but it has been suppressed to keep people scared and under control. It's time for America to wake up and realize the evil plan behind the so called pandemic. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

3.19.21 Scott McKay's Patriot Streetfighter POWERFUL Interview W/ Thriv...

This is the video that inspired me to post again. Stay with it until the end. It is loaded with good information that is easily proven unless you choose to remain ignorant of what is actually happening in the world. 

Head-in-the-sanders do not research because they can't handle the truth. I am the opposite. I need truth because I don't fear truth. We are watching a spiritual battle, a battle between good and evil is playing out right in front of us and we are alive to witness this moment in history.

My husband works in a church and every day he comes home frustrated because only two people in the church know what is actually happening in the world. The rest are walking around with their masks on completely oblivious to it all.   

A different kind of control is running our country right now. The book of Ephesians says... We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places. 

If you don't believe the world is presently controlled by evil people, you don't believe the Bible. Read Revelation 13: 16-18 if you need a reminder about the evil we are facing. I'm not saying the time to receive the mark is now, I'm saying we are heading toward that time. It could be decades away, but the evil players are already at work. It's a giant chess match, and the outcome will greatly affect you, your children and grandchildren. I suggest you start to care. 

I wrote down some things to research in case this video turns grey because people don't want you to know the truth. Here's the list:

The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab

click on The Truth About Dr Fauci at 

click on The Truth About the Models at

Go to Bit Chute and research Kary Mullis, the covid PCR test inventor who said the test was never meant to be used for infectious diseases. Or do a google search on this. 

Research patent # W02020060606

Research Luciferase, a technology invented to see if you have the mark mentioned in the book of Revelation

There are other things mentioned in this video, you might want to look into, so take notes while watching it. 

FlashPoint: YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS! Shocking News!

You should be aware and educated about the covid vaccine, especially if you are eagerly awaiting getting it. Every covid vaccine on the market right now was produced with help from aborted babies. Do the research if you don't believe it. 

Forced vaccines are unconstitutional and vaccines derived from aborted fetal tissue should not be forced on anyone. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Ark of Grace: Amanda Grace Talks...A Word from the Lord! seek the Lord a...

This will be the last thing I share for a while. I'm taking a break from blogging. Please use the news links on the right side of my blog to stay informed. Some of my favorites are newstarget, populist press, gateway pundit, and one america news. For videos, try bit chute, rumble, banned videos and brighteon. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021


In the latest episode of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy sat down with the iconic Naomi Wolf for a spirited discussion on abuse of power, standing up to tyranny and preserving our Constitution. Wolf explained how tyrants always follow the same predictable route in their attempts to bring democracies to a close and how she believes our society has reached “Step 10” of her “Fascism in 10 Easy Steps.” 


Biden says military needs “maternity flight suits” so pregnant soldiers can drop into enemy territory during wartime: In celebration of International Women’s Day, Beijing Biden announced from the White House that the military is working hard on developing “maternity flight suits” so that soldiers who are pregnant can more easily float down into enemy territory while at war. Immediately after forgetting where he even was along with the name of the general […]


 Sidney Powell gives us an update on the court cases related to the 2020 election. She maps a way for Americans to take back our country and institutions through civic involvement and support of candidates who will work for We the People and not corporate or foreign interests! Don’t miss her upcoming appearance at the National Unity Summit on March 21, 2021 More information at

Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! - Episode 15

The first real attempt to take back our country has already happened. A red-neck group armed with explosives was ready to break through the barbed wire fencing at the White House. The group was asked to stand down.

The military knows that Biden is a phony president. Even Biden knows it because he has yet to give a state of the union address or speak in any way to the American people. This is the longest time ever that a new president has waited to address the nation. 

Things are happening that we don't know about yet, so hang in there. Have a mask burning party while you're waiting for some good news. They are happening all over the country. 

California has come to its senses along with many other states who are completely open and free of mask mandates. Pennsylvania, will you please get the memo and take that ridiculous mask off your face and breathe, especially while walking outside on such a beautiful day as this. 

Spring is soon here. A time for new beginnings. It's going to be a spring you will never forget. Like coming out of a dark cave. Celebrate your freedom and praise God for what He is about to do to end our captivity under a pandemic that never was. The covid vaccine death rate is now higher that the death rate for the virus itself. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Wyoming Governor to Lift Mask Mandate, Reopen Restaurants, Bars, Theaters, Gyms to Full Capacity on March 16

Wyoming Governor to Lift Mask Mandate, Reopen Restaurants, Bars, Theaters, Gyms to Full Capacity on March 16: Another one bites the dust. Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon (R) announced on Monday that his state will end the mask mandate and reopen bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms to full capacity on March 16. “I thank the people of Wyoming for their commitment to keeping one another safe throughout this pandemic,” Gordon said in a…

Coronavirus vaccine deaths aren’t covered by life insurance because jabs are “experimental medical intervention”

Coronavirus vaccine deaths aren’t covered by life insurance because jabs are “experimental medical intervention”: Before rushing out to get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), you might want to contact your life insurance company first to see if your coverage will still be valid after the jab. Reports indicate that getting injected for Chinese germs could void people’s coverage without them knowing about it due to the experimental nature […]


Come in at 11 minutes to skip the lengthy introduction.


HR1 mandates a very insecure voting process. It basically legalizes election fraud. The bill is unconstitutional and crime-assisting. It represents the end of our republic. That's how serious this is.

Coronavirus masks are killing people, dentists warn

Coronavirus masks are killing people, dentists warn: There is a new pandemic sweeping the country and its cause is persistent mask wearing. “Mask mouth,” a play on meth mouth, is spreading like wildfire and dentists are warning that it could have serious consequences, including death. “Gum disease, or periodontal disease, will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks,” […]

THE SWAMP IS ALMOST DRAINED (Charlie Ward and Mel K video)

10,000 people have died from the covid vaccine. Your life insurance will not cover any damage from an unapproved vaccine as it is still in the experimental stage. You are a guinea pig if you accept it. The death toll from the vaccine in Israel is especially high.

The purpose of our waiting right now is for evil to be exposed. Biden's evil as well as Gates, Cuomo, Fauci, Big Tech, Amazon, the supreme court, RINO Republicans, dictator governors and a list of others have shown their true colors. The line has been drawn. We now know who the bad guys are. 

The swamp is virtually drained according to Charlie Ward. We're moving from darkness into the light. According to his contacts, Trump flew into Switzerland on Air Force One recently. At this point I can believe it. I do think there are things happening we haven't heard about yet. I'm choosing to be hopeful and believe it's not too late to take our country back. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021


General Tom McInerney discusses the transcript of an interview with a whistleblower put out by Attorney Lin Wood on Populist Press. Bombshell accusations, child sex trafficking and dirty deeds by people in high places exposes how deep the cancer is running in our country. 

The Department of Justice, the FBI, and a large part of the House and Senate are corrupt to the core. Even members of the Supreme Court are corrupt. You will not hear this on mainstream media news because they are corrupt too. 

The American people need to open their ears and eyes and rise up. Contact your representatives, stir up your church to do something or sell the building and give the money to the poor. The church is dead in the water. 

Some pastors don't even talk about the current state of our nation. They can only give sermons on the book of Mark. We are where we are because of a weak and lazy church that chooses to believe God will rescue us and all we have to do is love people and offer grace. Yet the Bible is filled with warrior stories where people had to fight evil or watch their children be devoured by it. 


 Three cheers for Idaho, another state that has come to its senses. I'm ready for a mask burning party. I might organize one myself.


"I hope the American people are paying attention because if you're not, you're going to wake up in a few years and your country will not be the nation you remember it being."  Please pray about this.


A good article that navigates you through the places you should avoid if you value free speech. We should get off all social media that censors our conservative viewpoints. Even this blog is censored, but I haven't figured out how to move to a free platform while taking all its content with me. 

Sound of Freedom [Official Trailer]

This is heartbreaking. The fastest growing international crime network is human trafficking of children. Over 2 million children a year are being sucked into the deepest recesses of Hell. This fact tells me that there are evil people in the world who do bad things, like steal an election, plan a pandemic for political control, and do whatever it takes to cover their crimes. People are capable of horrific deeds. And you are better off knowing the truth than choosing to ignore it and say, "There's nothing I can do about it." 

Everyone can pray. If you don't know what's going on in the world, how do you know what to pray for? I maintain this blog for people who want to know the truth, for people who love God and family and want to keep their freedoms. Nothing we have is more precious than our children. If you have children and grandchildren and you are not concerned about what's happening in the world right now, shame on you. 

We are being overtaken by evil because the church is weak and lazy. Christians don't get involved in politics, what happens in our schools and local government. Many people in leadership roles are wicked and they now outnumber the good guys in leadership roles. Our Supreme Court is compromised. Evil creeps in when good people sit back and do nothing. How much sitting back have you been doing lately?  At least educate yourself and let your voice be heard. 

Christians are called to be the salt and light of the earth, but many of them don't have a clue what's happening right now and they don't seem to care. But they will care when the bad stuff reaches their own doorstep. Some people don't wake up until it becomes personal. It's better to wake up now, before it reaches your doorstep. 

Saturday, March 6, 2021


Weakness begins wars and Biden looks extremely weak right now. He's struggling to understand where he is and what he's doing. It's so bad that even the leftist news channels are cutting him off the air when he visibly fumbles. 

Also, children are dying because they are wearing masks. Three in one week according to a whistleblower doctor who was in tears trying to wake people up. COVID 19 is a political move using public health to usher in a global reset. The coronavirus carries no more risk than the common cold. And you have a 99% chance of beating it if you get it. 

The cure has been far worse than the disease itself as businesses have been destroyed, the suicide rate has skyrocketed, alcohol and drug abuse is at an all time high, jobs have been destroyed, homelessness has increased, domestic abuse of women and children as well as mental health issues have increased since lockdowns, masks are killing people and the vaccine is killing people. If you can't see the evil behind this, you must have a pea-sized brain.

Click on the link below to watch an excellent video with Mel K at 

His Glory - Grace and Glory: A Whole Lottta Shakin' Goin' On 3/5/21

We are seeing the dark exposure of the deep state. Every country has a deep state and they are looking to America as a beacon of hope. Amanda Grace feels heavy tension in the spirit realm as this intense spiritual battle continues. 

She talks about the Iran deal, which was put into place back then by Obama to prepare for the next election and set a trap for the incoming president (Trump). China is the big bad root of it, but Germany Russia France and Italy are also involved.

Another one Bites the Dust: Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Reopens Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters and Water Parks at Full Capacity

More and more states are waking up and seeing the virus for what it actually is--a politcal game about control and killing our freedoms. We traded the flu for COVID and turned it into a frightening monster. It's time to turn on the lights and look under the bed because there is nothing there. Congratulations Arizona for getting over your fears and getting back to life.

Another one Bites the Dust: Arizona Governor Doug Ducey Reopens Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters and Water Parks at Full Capacity: Doug Ducey Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R) on Friday signed an executive order lifting all capacity limits on restaurants, gyms, theaters, water parks and other in-person services. “We’ve learned a lot over the past year,” Ducey said in a statement. “Our businesses have done an excellent job at responding to this pandemic in a safe…

More than 1,170 people have died after coronavirus vaccines in the U.S. alone (so far)

More than 1,170 people have died after coronavirus vaccines in the U.S. alone (so far): The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating the death of a Nebraska man who died not long after getting injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Joining the more than 1,170 other corpses that have also reported to the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as post-vaccination deaths, the […]

Yes, the deep state ran the “capitol riots” as yet more evidence emerges the bureau is thoroughly corrupt

Yes, the deep state ran the “capitol riots” as yet more evidence emerges the bureau is thoroughly corrupt: The president who gave Americans the best advice they have gotten in the modern age came from Dwight D. Eisenhower. In January 1961, as he prepared to leave office after two terms, “Ike” gave a speech that did not get a lot of attention at the time because the country was excited that the young, […]

CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”

Running out to get tested when you have no symptoms is not very bright. Yet many are doing exactly that. 

CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”: Back in November, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) published a study that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with “tiny, star-shaped microdevices” capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent. Because more than half of America is “vaccine hesitant,” meaning most people want nothing to do with Chinese virus jabs, […]

Amazon quietly banning more conservative, patriotic books by claiming they contain “hate speech”

Radical leftists punish people who don't agree with them or think like them. It's called 'cancel culture' and it can work both ways if we get tough and fight it. I already cancelled my Koh'ls charge account, and I refuse to shop at Bed Bath & Beyond, a store that saw a 36% drop in sales after pulling Mike Lindell's products because he is Pro-Trump. I encourage you to ban every business that censors truth and conservative viewpoints. Do it for your children and grandchildren so they can be free of this.   
Amazon quietly banning more conservative, patriotic books by claiming they contain “hate speech”: Truths that some people may find uncomfortable or inconvenient are still truths, but if you’re an all-powerful big tech oligarch who has an iron grip on information, only your version of ‘the truth’ gets to be told. As such, Amazon — the e-tailer behemoth that actually began as a bookseller — is now banning books […]

"As Uselesss as Joe Biden" - EPIC! Marjorie Taylor Greene Sports a New Face Mask on House Floor

"As Uselesss as Joe Biden" - EPIC! Marjorie Taylor Greene Sports a New Face Mask on House Floor: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene is still turning heads. Just like with President Trump, the totalitarian left tried to shut her down to no avail. Marjorie dropped her “Censored” work mask for a new look on Thursday. Taylor Greene’s new mask reads, “This mask is as useless as Joe Biden.” Epic! and true! Via The Palmieri…

Connecticut Governor Lifts All Capacity Limits on Restaurants, Houses of Worship, Gyms, - But Keeps Mask Mandate in Place

Well I guess it's better than no changes. I think the mask should go too, but at least they're moving in the right direction. Go Connecticut!

Connecticut Governor Lifts All Capacity Limits on Restaurants, Houses of Worship, Gyms, - But Keeps Mask Mandate in Place: Governor Ned Lamont (D) rolled back most Covid restrictions in Connecticut starting March 19. All capacity limits will be lifted on restaurants, houses of worship, gyms and museums. Movie theaters will be capped at 50% and the state’s mask mandate will remain. “We’re eliminating the capacity limits starting on March 19… We’re keeping the mask…

The COVID fraud will not stay hidden forever

The COVID fraud will not stay hidden forever: The medical profession has really bought into COVID because of the simple fact that they got paid bonuses if the person had COVID. They were claiming that COVID was impacting minorities more, but failed to mention that if you did not have insurance and said you had COVID, the government paid 100% of all the […]

His Glory Take Five General McInerney and Anna Khait Interview 3 2 21...

There are probably ten ways to pull off a fraudulent election. We have to fix the system or we will never again have a free and fair election. General Mc Inerney says that America is headed toward Communism if it stays the path it is on. And we cannot wait four years to change things. 

[DS] Is In The Process Of Destroying Itself, History Has Taught Us That People Will Rise – Ep. 2418

Share this episode with everyone you know. We are in a period of awakening. Evil is being exposed on a grand scale and Trump is gaining power as people realize that the radical left is out to destroy America. They hate everything the constitution stands for and their words and actions prove it day by day. 

The [DS] players which are made up of the corrupt politicians are waking the people up in droves. When is comes to the economy people understand what they want and what they need, if a someone promises something and does not deliver people see this, and that is what people are seeing.

The [CB]/[DS] are putting on a show and the people are watching. The [DS]/MSM are doing all the work for the patriots. This is about exposing everything, making people wake up, making them understand what we are up against. 

In the end when all of this is exposed people will know who is responsible, the [DS] is in the process of destroying themselves and the people are going to rise up. Texas and Mississippi have dropped their mask mandates, this pokes a hole in the [DS] talking points, they are exposed. Enjoy the show means enjoy the show.

[DS] Is In The Process Of Destroying Itself, History Has Taught Us That People Will Rise – Ep. 2418


Conservative groups are standing up to protect the First Amendment as freedom of speech and the press have been suppressed by Big Tech. However, they are now facing threats from members of Congress.

One America’s Christina Bobb has more from Washington. Watch video at link below. 


Another state has grown weary of masks and shutdowns. The state of Mississippi has joined Texas and is now free of the unconstitutional restrictions that were pushed under the guise of public health for an entire year. Let freedom ring! Let's get back to life without fear. 


Dr. Shelley Cole, MD, an OB-GYN ... says it's concerning that a vaccine still in an experimental phase is being recommended to pregnant and lactating women and that science is no longer protecting them. "As an obstetrician-gynecologist, it is a concern," Cole told The Epoch Times. "We're [now] throwing science and the scientific medicine method out the window and jeopardizing pregnancies and future pregnancies. It concerns me that the CDC says that there are no studies, but it's okay to get it and you don't even need to discuss it with your doctor," Cole added. "I mean this is the opposite of everything that the scientific models and methods, and standard of care have been for a century". 

Texas Gov. Abbott ENDS statewide mask mandate and lifts all restrictions on businesses

Go Texas! The masks are coming off one state at a time. Love it!

Texas Gov. Abbott ENDS statewide mask mandate and lifts all restrictions on businesses: On Tuesday, Mar. 2, Gov. Greg Abbott ended Texas’s statewide Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandate. Alongside this, Abbot also allowed all of the state’s businesses to fully reopen. Texas is committed to going against the wishes of federal and public health officials, who have urged states to not abandon their COVID-19 restrictions. “With the medical advancements […]

North Dakota taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders

Go North Dakota! Hope is blooming.

North Dakota taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders: State Sen. Tom Kading, a Republican, has introduced legislation in North Dakota that would instruct the attorney general to review the constitutionality of each and every executive order signed by Joe Biden. Since Biden is not a real president anyway, none of his EOs are valid right out of the gate. North Dakota is taking […]

Do we need a vaccine “bill of rights,” or does the Constitution already protect health freedom?

Do we need a vaccine “bill of rights,” or does the Constitution already protect health freedom?: America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has created a new tool for state lawmakers to craft Vaccine Bill of Rights (VBOR) legislation as a defense against mandatory vaccination. In the face of “intrusive, dangerous and unnecessary proposals,” to quote Patrick Delaney of LifeSiteNews, many Americans are concerned that the United States might go the way of Israel […]

It's Not a Faith Problem, It's Your Unbelief | Andrew Wommack | LWCC

A wonderful sermon about faith and how we miss out on God's blessings because we don't understand the attitude we need before receiving what God wants to give us. Faith can be voided by our unbelief. If we want to live in victory in all areas of our lives, we must live higher and stronger than the average Christian. 

"He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Romans 8:32

Who Will Write the Next Chapter | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch |...

You can download the Give Him 15 prayer app onto your phone and get a daily prayer for our nation, and an update on what's happening in America, and how we should pray concerning those things. This is from two days ago, but it was a good one. 

Monday, March 1, 2021


A world government corporate takeover that suffocates small businesses is further along in Australia. All we have to do is look at Australia to see where we are heading. You will own nothing and all the power and money will be in the hands of a select few. 

Operation Lockstep is a plan that was documented years ago. You only have to know where to look for it. They don't hide their evil plans. It's all there for you to research for yourself. At the end of this video, you can watch a much younger Alex Jones warn about everything that has happened in the past year. He's still warning us. But who is listening?