By Danelle Carvell
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Seeing this sign was a source of joy during our recent trip to Florida. If you're not paying attention right now, you are missing one fabulous, historical joy ride. |
I'm going to share something today that will either give you hope or give you something to scoff at and roll your eyes about. Until now, I haven't had the courage to write this. But lately, I am seeing so much proof that I'm on the right track and I can no longer stay silent. How you take what I'm about to say depends upon your willingness to open your heart and mind to the truth.
And the truth is that despite the price of gas and groceries, and despite the devastating fallout of Covid and the senile jackal who sits in the White House claiming that he's president, we have so many reasons to be excited about our futures and the futures of our children and grandchildren.
What gives me this hope and assurance? Why have I been on a joy ride each day while others are living in fear and anxiety? The answer lies in what you fill your mind with each day. The first thing you need to accept is that God is real and He speaks through prophets. If you can't get past that truth, then you need not read any further. Go back to your uncertain life that offers little hope and try your best to be happy.
You can at least look at a Bible and see that it is real, even though you have never seen God. So go to Amos 3: 7 and read what it says. Then read Psalm 105: 15. There is your written proof from the word of God that we should believe in prophets and bring no harm to them by mocking them. If your pastor has told you that prophets are a thing of the past, I would have to ask why you choose to believe a man over God's word.
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If prophets are mentioned in the Bible, for what reason would they not be with us today? Especially now, at a time when we so much need encouragement from God, do you really think that He would remain silent? I don't follow a God who leaves his children hanging without hope and neither should you.
If you don't follow prophets or reliable sources of world news, you are missing the joy ride. You are missing seeing God's predictions and promises fulfilled each day. You are living in the dark because you are not plugged in to the only source of hope that's available right now, which is God's voice.
So many people I talk to are without hope. Nothing but negativity comes out of their mouths. They think that the world is going to Hell in a hand basket and nothing good is happening to prove otherwise. Meanwhile, I can't wait to see what happens next because so many good things have already happened. These good things were predicted to happen by prophets like Julie Green, Johnny Enlow and Robin Bullock.
Since February, I have been taking notes on the prophecies of Julie Green at Julie Green Ministries on Rumble. The other prophets mentioned can be found at Elijah Streams on You Tube and Rumble. Since February, at least 41 of Julie Green's prophecies have been fulfilled and all of them are exciting, good things that are helping to restore our nation back to greatness.
If someone told you today that a wrongfully convicted man would be released from prison and then it happened, would you believe that person was hearing from God? If someone told you that Twitter, Disney, Facebook, NBC, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and others would be rocked by scandals, takeovers, stock crashes, and other exposures... would you believe that the person who predicted that before it happened was hearing from God?
Everything I mentioned in the above paragraph was predicted by Julie Green weeks or months before that exact story showed up on a true news source. How many times can someone accurately predict something before it happens without help from God? He is restoring our nation by taking out the wicked leaders who have been destroying it for decades. Mark Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook is guilty of treason and it can now be proven. Many others will be exposed in the coming months and they will have "treason" written on them for all eternity.
If you think nothing good is happening in our nation, here are some facts from the month of April: Facebook lost 200 billion dollars in one day. The evil empire called Amazon lost 204 billion and Jeff Bezos lost 20 billion of his net worth. Elon Musk is being used by God to make Twitter a platform of Truth. Disney has been hit hard financially as the truth about its sexual exploits of children is being exposed. Trump's Truth Social has become the number one downloaded App, taking Twitter's previous spot. More than 2,000 documents can now prove that George Soros and the Open Society manipulated countless elections in multiple countries. And this week, the film 2,000 Mules will be released, a movie that contains undeniable proof that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen.
So don't listen to the doomsday people who warn about food shortages and other gloomy predictions. While it's always good to be prepared for the worst, God is not giving us gloomy news. He's giving us hope and reasons to be joyful and celebrate. I suggest you tap into some reliable news sources, follow the prophets and come along on the joy ride. Because you were hand-picked to be here and witness this miraculous time when God is putting His kingdom in order. You don't want to look back and realize that you missed everything that led up to this great rescue. We are being rescued from the slavery of an evil system.
As Donna Rigney said, "God will restore this land to greatness because He needs America to be great once again so it can be used by His hand to bless all other nations in the world." We are living in exciting times and we are blessed to be alive right now. Make plans for your future, open your eyes and watch the good things happen as they are predicted by the prophets. A knowing and understanding of the glory of God is coming to the earth, and we are headed toward a whole new way of living.
Keep your eyes open, so you don't miss the fabulous scenery.
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