Saturday, December 30, 2023
God is DOING something in families! W/ Jenny Weaver (EP 162)
Friday, December 29, 2023
2024 and You've Been Through a WAR: Lessons Learned
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Why Friendships End: 11 Reasons
Sunday, December 17, 2023
'The Holy Spirit Came to Me': Hollywood Star Embraces Christianity, Find...
Saturday, December 16, 2023
500 Facebook Friends and NO real FRIENDS?
Friday, December 8, 2023
Don't GASLIGHT me! I Know My Reality.
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The Making of The Magic of Ordinary Days
Being Wise Among Wolves: Grey Rock Method
Friday, December 1, 2023
12 Signs You Have Emotional Maturity
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
God Hates PRIDE: Seven Ways to Stay HUMBLE
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Hell Truly Exists: Ten Reasons You Don't Want to Go
Monday, November 20, 2023
Is the Devil real?
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Words Have Power: What are you Speaking?
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
A Trip to Walton's Mountain and my Mail from Earl Hamner
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Turn Your Crap into Gold
Monday, October 30, 2023
Forgiveness, Trust, Anger and Apologies
Are You A People Pleaser?
Beware of Seeing Yourself Through the eyes of Others.
Saturday, October 7, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
While clearing out a box of papers in the basement, I came across a four-inch stack of writings from many years ago. Today, I spent a good hour going through those thoughts on all kinds of topics. What memories it brought back.
Sunday, August 27, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
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Not a flattering photo, but sometimes life just isn't fun. I'm learning that there is a right way to handle disappointment. |
Are you dealing with a disappointment right now? Does an unresolved issue keep coming to your mind? Do you have conversations with yourself about your troubles? And are you wondering why God doesn't do something about it?
This morning, before we went to church, a subject for a future post came to my mind. I wrote on a post-it note "how to hand problems over to God and have peace." And I placed that note on my laptop.
Then I asked Him to lead me to teachings that would help me write about that subject. Well guess what the sermon was about this morning--What to do when you don't know how to handle disappointment. Once again, I was amazed by the God that I serve and the way He answers prayers and guides my mind.
Our hurts, our longings and our disappointments can be a source of distraction, anxiety, exhaustion and depression. Who hasn't dealt with a troubling problem and the disappointment of seeing no resolution. When God doesn't answer our prayers about something important, what is the right thing to do. How do we best handle it?
I've had my share of disappointments in life, as I'm sure you have. And I have made a lot of mistakes in the way that I handled those troubles. I'm still making those mistakes, but I'm learning to handle my hurts in a better way.
I don't recall getting mad at God for my disappointments, but some people do go that route. And it's not a wise decision because He can best get you through it. I'm still waiting for healing of a chronic sleep issue after 17 years. My prayers and closeness to God are what gets me through each night and the tired days. Where would I be if I allowed the problem to distance me from the source of my strength?
I can't recall blaming God for a problem, but one mistake I have made is trying to fix things myself. God wants us to lay our problems at His feet and then trust Him with the outcome. But our human nature wants to take control and manipulate the outcome. We don't want to wait for answers. We are impatient. Instead of allowing God the time He needs to bring peace to the situation, we take the wheel.
When people are hurting or disappointed, they want their feelings validated. They want understanding for their hurts. They want solutions. They want apologies. They want someone to acknowledge the wrong that was done to them.
But I can't convict a person's heart. Only God can do that. I can't be a problem solver without the Way Maker. In other words, the problem is not mine to fix. Yes, I can address the problem. I can plead my case to those involved. But once I do that, I need to step back, pour my heart out to God and let it in His hands. That is what I'm learning right now.
My hands need to be open. I have to let it go. My open hands represent my willingness to give the hurt to God and then accept His answers in His timing. If I hold onto that problem with a tight fist, I will end up even more disappointed.
The question I've been pondering lately is... How do I have peace while I wait for the problem to change? The answer came to me in this morning's sermon--I must believe that God can fix it, but also accept that He might not. I do believe that God can fix anything, but sometimes He chooses not to give us the things we pray for. And we have to trust His reasons.
We often don't see the reasons for our sufferings until years later when we look back on that situation and realize how God really was working on our behalf. We can see how He got us through it, and we can better understand why it worked out the way it did and why it took so long. God is operating from an all-knowing perspective. Our human minds don't have His divine wisdom in every situation.
"For we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose"
That scripture, Romans 8:28, is the answer to our disappointments, all our problems, all our frustrations, and our unmet longings. When you're hurting, you have to hang onto something. So keep repeating that scripture and believe that God is working it out for your good.
Faith is powerful. Frustration is not.
Saturday, August 26, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new, maybe something you were afraid to do, and then found the experience to be frustrating? This is where I find myself right now. But I don't want to discourage anyone from trying something new because good things always come from pushing through your fears and trying something different.
For years, I tossed around the idea of making videos, rather than just writing posts. But I didn't feel confident about it, so I didn't try it. This summer I managed to push through all my doubts and fears and I recorded some videos on my phone. They started out as cooking and baking videos and then I did a series of videos titled, Detox Your Home.
I posted about eight videos on my blog, and everything seemed to be moving along fine until I wasn't able to post the link to my last video. Then I discovered that all the prior videos I had posted were no longer there. I believe the problem is that the overall content on my blog is not suitable to Google's guidelines. In fact, they told me so.
So my videos on this blog are no longer accessible. I posted all but one on Instagram, and those are still there, except for one, which was too long for Instagram, so that one is lost.
So at this point, if you want to watch the other seven videos, you will have to follow me on Instagram. They are there for now anyway.
I don't regret making the videos. I learned that I do have the confidence to stand in front of a camera and share things. And it was fun to see new people follow me on Instagram because of those videos. Liam Neeson, the actor was the most shocking follower. Maybe he wants to detox his home, I don't know, but I got a kick out of that.
So if there's something new you've been thinking of trying, I want to encourage you to go for it. Yes, there is a chance you will fail and there is a chance that the experience will be disappointing, but something good will come of it, I promise.
Maybe you will meet someone that you would not have met if you hadn't stepped out and tried this new thing. Maybe an opportunity will come your way that would not have come if you had let fear stop you. Maybe you will learn something valuable. Maybe you will build confidence that you can use to pursue future goals. Something positive always happens when you step out of your comfort zone and try something new.
So whatever it is that you've been pondering trying. Take a step toward it, and see where it takes you. Life is so much more rewarding and adventurous when you venture out of your comfort zone.
Monday, August 21, 2023
WHAT IS SPIRITUAL ARMOR and why do you need it?
By Danelle Carvell
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We protect our bodies from the sun, yet fail to put on our spiritual armor. |
Last year, I experienced the most real, intense spiritual battle of my life. Maybe some day I can share the whole story, but for now I can only say that I was laying sideways on the floor, unable to move, and I knew that I was under a demonic attack. My only option was to pray. The prayer started as a whisper, because I was exhausted from not sleeping for three days straight.
As I kept praying, I felt something come over me that gave me strength. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. As I pushed myself up off the floor, my prayer became progressively louder and more forceful until it exploded into what felt like a victorious battle cry. And I knew that I had won. Through that battle, I learned the authority that I have and I learned how to use it.
The believer who puts on spiritual armor and engages in spiritual warfare is marked. The devil will do all he can to prevent you from knowing your authority and using it against him. But you must learn that do have authority over Satan's attacks as you go about your daily life.
Many Christians do not realize the authority they have. To learn more about your spiritual authority, I recommend The Believer's Authority by Kenneth Hagin. I wrote about spiritual authority in a July 7 post. You can scroll down the home page of my blog to find it. The post is titled "What do you Want That is Different?"
We must recognize that we have an enemy, the devil, who is battling to pull us away from God and destroy our lives in any way he can. The spiritual realm is very real and it is operating in high gear right now. You have probably been feeling the heaviness of the battle we are in for the freedom and soul of our nation. We must learn how to fight this battle not only for ourselves and our families, but also for our nation and the people who are working to save it.
"So often people struggle to recognize that the battles they face every day are not against other people but against spiritual forces. Human nature leads us to believe the conflicts we face in life are because people have wronged us. While sometimes that is true, there is also a bigger spiritual enemy whom God wants us to focus on defeating. So Paul urges you to put on your spiritual armor," says Chelsea Kight in her article What is the Armor of God @
"God offers you the same armor that He protects himself with. Recognizing and making use of the armor God gives you is part of becoming more like Him. So it is important to understand the different roles of each piece of armor God tells you to put on," Kight explains.
Spiritual armor is outlined in Ephesians 6: 10-17. You should read that scripture so you can see how God made full provision for your safety. The different parts of this armor symbolize spiritual truths that belong to the believer.
By wearing this armor, your authority over the devil is protected. But you must keep your armor well-secured around you. And you can't do that simply by "praying on" your armor every day. You have to live out each part of your armor and "work it" in order for it to work.
The Belt of Truth
This represents a clear understanding of God's word. You need to know what the scriptures say about every problem you encounter because the devil will tell you lies about yourself and other people. He will accuse you to make you feel guilty, uncertain or unworthy. He will tell you lies about God and about the situations you encounter. You can't just "pray on" your belt of truth; you need to put the time in and study God's word. This is the only way you can stand strong and defeat the lies of the enemy.
The Breastplate of Righteousness
"To protect yourself with the breastplate of righteousness, means to claim for yourself the righteousness before God that only comes from Christ and then grow in obedience to Christ with His help," says Kight. In other words, love and accept Christ and then be obedient to God's word. You can't just "pray on" your protective breastplate and then not bother being obedient.
"When we focus on right living, honoring and obeying God's will, and saying no to sin, we are actively living out and experiencing the righteousness we have as followers of Jesus," Kight says.
Shoes for your feet
Your feet must be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. This is a faithful ministry proclaiming the word of God. What are you doing every day to bring peace to others? Are you sharing your faith with others? Are you living as God intends you to live?
The Shield of Faith
This represents our complete safety under the blood of Christ. You must remember that your faith in God will keep Satan's arrows from wounding you. Kight suggests that you begin each day by reminding yourself what is true about God and what is true about you. Find verses that you can meditate on throughout the day. Keep speaking God's promises until trust in God becomes your natural response to every situation. Again, you can't just "pray on" the shield of faith. Faith is something you live out every day. It takes effort.
The Helmet of Salvation
We are living in dark days when many people are turning away from the truth of God's word. You must protect your mind from this darkness. Your salvation is your greatest gift. By meditating on your salvation (which you cannot lose) you will overcome the fear that something you said or did will separate you from God.
The Sword of the Spirit
This represents God's word, your offensive weapon for spiritual warfare. God's word is an active weapon that cuts like a sword when you feel attacked. During His 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus used scripture to combat Satan's attacks. You can withstand every attack of the enemy by speaking the appropriate scripture for that situation. But you have to know the word of God. You can't just "pray on" your sword.
The spirit world is real. Even though you can't see evil spirits, you can certainly feel the effects of their attacks. Do you deny wind because you can't see it? No. You can see and feel the effects of wind, so you know that it's there. Why is it so hard to believe that you might be dealing with a spiritual problem?
Saturday, August 19, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
People who say they've been to Heaven have amazingly similar stories. Shouldn't we all be intrigued by that? |
You can't argue with a personal testimony. When someone experiences something, I can't question that experience because I was not there and I am not that person. So when someone claims that they went to Heaven, I can't argue or prove them wrong.
I wouldn't want to prove them wrong because I'm looking forward to seeing Heaven one day. I believe it is a real place because the Bible says so. And God has been allowing people to experience Heaven and then return since biblical times. They have returned to earth with obviously similar stories, which leads one to believe that Heaven is real and we should be concerned about the requirements for getting in.
Dr. Eben Alexander, a Harvard-educated neurosurgeon, contracted bacterial meningitis. At one point during his illness, he went into a coma and visited Heaven. He wrote about his experience in the medical journal, Missouri Medicine.
Alexander described a white bright light, beautiful music, colors beyond human understanding, constantly blooming plants and millions of butterflies. He said people didn't speak, but they transmitted thoughts without speaking. The experience led him to write a book titled, Proof of Heaven.
Don Piper described the same beautiful music, a bright white light and the most vivid colors he had ever seen in his book, 90 Minutes in Heaven. Piper went to Heaven in 1989, after his car was hit by a truck on a rainy day while crossing a bridge.
He said that the bright light came directly from the glory of God. Even his sense of smell was tantalized. Piper said that Heaven smells wonderful. And he confirmed that the streets are paved with gold.
After his car accident, Piper had no detectable pulse for 90 minutes until a passerby prayed over his lifeless body. His recovery was brutal because his injuries were horrific. He had body parts laying in the back seat and a list of bones that were either broken or shattered.
Piper said that his grandfather was standing at the entrance to Heaven waiting to welcome him. He had been very close to his grandfather before he died. Other people that he had known before they passed were also there to greet him.
His experience was made into a movie also titled, 90 Minutes in Heaven. I recently saw it on Pure Flix. What that man endured can only be compared to what Jesus went through. He was conscious during the ambulance ride to the hospital and his pain was hard to watch.
Another person who claims he went to Heaven is Colton Burpo, who was three years old at the time. He died briefly on the operating table after his appendix burst. When he came home, he told his family that he saw Jesus.
Like Don Piper, Colton also saw family members in Heaven. He met his great-grandfather, who had died before Colton was born. His parents were amazed when Colton got back home from the hospital and was able to identify his great-grandfather in a photo album.
Colton also met a sister in Heaven that he didn't know about because his mother had a miscarriage. Colton's parents had never talked about their baby that died before Colton was born. Imagine his parents surprise when he told them that he met his sister in Heaven. His amazing story was turned into a bestselling book and a 2014 movie, both titled Heaven is for Real.
Another child who went to Heaven is Annabel Beam. This little girl had been suffering from a mysterious illness that left her incapacitated for years. In 2011, she fell head-first into a hollow cottonwood tree in her front yard. She was trapped inside for five hours.
Shortly after the ordeal was over, her family discovered that Annabel was completely healed. She was no longer in pain and she could run and move as she did before her illness. Annabel told her family that she met Jesus. He had on a white robe with a purple sash. She described Heaven as a peaceful place with lots of light and no pain. Her story was also turned into a book and a 2016 movie, both titled Miracles from Heaven.
Now a cynical person would say that these people just wanted to sell books, so they made all that stuff up. I say, "What if God allowed them to come back from Heaven so they could convince unbelieving, cynical people that Heaven is Real?"
Eternity is a long time. And God doesn't want anyone to perish. You can't escape eternity once you're there. You will be there forever. That is a big deal. And if you're not thinking about that big deal, you should be.
The Bible says that the road to Heaven is narrow. And the road to Hell is much wider. Which road are you on? Is it wise to gamble with your own eternity?
You can call me a religious nut, but you know deep down that there is a chance I'm right. Which one of us has our butts covered the best if I am right . Am I the nut, or are you?
Friday, August 18, 2023
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
PINEAPPLE TEA fresh off the stove
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I'm learning to be more frugal with the outer shell of certain foods. |
Pineapple Tea
Wash the outer shell of the pineapple very well and rinse with cool water. Cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple and discard this part. Save the side shells and put into a large pot filled with 6 cups of water Heat to boiling and take off the heat. Let sit for one hour with lid on.
Remove the scraps and strain the liquid through a fine strainer. Add:
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon of turmeric
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 and 1/2 Tablespoon of lemon juice
1 Tablespoon maple syrup
I added more sweetener to this recipe. Leave out what you don't like and add what you do like. Turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory and so is ginger. You'll get the full benefit by following the recipe, but you might want it sweeter. Stevia is a good option too for sweetener.
Monday, August 14, 2023
The video below is something you need to watch. After watching it, both my husband and I realized that we need to make some changes in the way we speak. Or should I say, we need to be more careful with the words we speak.
Within our churches, there is little to no teaching on the power of words. And this is why we don't grasp the truth of this subject. In her teaching, Julie gives many scriptures that tell us we have delegated authority here on earth. Our words have the ability to create. God spoke the universe into existence, and we are created in His image; therefore, we also can create with our words.
When you speak positive words in a prayer and then later, during your conversations, you speak negative words on the same subject, your negative words will prevail. This was a wake-up call for us. We realized that we have been doing exactly that, and that is why we have not been seeing any change in certain things we've been praying about.
We should not be praying blessings upon someone and then speaking negatively about them during our conversations. Although that person has problems and things they need to work on, we need to keep our conversations about them positive. We also need to speak positively about situations in which we want to see a breakthrough.
For example, when I pray for someone to draw closer to God and then during conversation I complain about all the things that person is doing wrong, then my negative words will prevail over my positive prayers. "When you complain, you remain," Julie says.
The Bible tells us that we can have what we say. Our words have creative power. So if you say, "I have cancer," then you are claiming that. If you believe that the problem is greater than God, then that is what you will have. Whatever you believe, you receive.
You probably never heard this before, but it is biblical truth. Watch the video and write down the scriptures so you can get this into your head. We need to remember that every negative word we speak about ourselves and other people are like curses coming against them. Words really do have power.
The Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. When I say, "Nothing seems to change. This situation is not getting better." then the situation will remain stuck. I need to try harder to speak life into people and circumstances because I have the power to create with my words. If you are not seeing any results from your prayers, this could be why.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
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This was taken at a wax museum, but I know he would have had something wise to say. |
Sitting at my bedroom window is my favorite prayer spot. Today when I said "Let me feel your presence, Lord" a hummingbird flew under the window awning and for a few seconds it looked at me while suspended by fluttering wings. I barely finished the sentence and there it was, stopping by for a quick visit.
In the past few years, I have had many bird encounters that I believe were sent by God. He finds ways to show Himself when we ask for visible proof. I think God loves doing that, but most people don't think of asking. I need reminders of His presence, so I ask and His answers always lift my spirits.
Because I need that encouragement myself, I know the value of encouraging others. I feel constantly driven to fill people with hope, inspiration, and motivation. The topic that's on my heart today is the power of your voice and why you should speak up.
There was a time when I was very good at suffering in silence. When someone hurt me I stayed quiet. I stuffed those hurts down inside me, where they lingered for years and affected me in negative ways. But I have learned to address every wrongdoing as it comes. I know now that I need to speak up in that exact moment or shortly afterward to make my feelings known.
Have there been times in your life when you regretted not speaking up? Are you using your voice for good? Now is not the time to remain as you are and be silent. It's time to stand for something. You were born to be great, and you can't be great by keeping your mouth shut.
The enemy loves to make people feel insignificant, weak. insecure and unworthy. If he can make you think that your words have no impact and your opinions can't make a difference, then he can halt your destiny and destroy your purpose.
Don't believe those lies and think that you are not important enough to be someone great. Someone needs to hear what you have to share. You've been through some stuff, and you've learned some valuable lessons. Your story and your courage to speak up or take action can shift trajectories.
What do I mean by that? I'll give you an example from the Bible. In Numbers 27, five daughters stood before Moses and the entire community at a meeting tent entrance and said, "Our father died in the wilderness...Why should the name of our father be taken away from his clan? Since he had no son, give us property among our father's brothers."
Moses brought their case before the Lord and the Lord answered, "What Zelophehad's daughters say is correct. Give them hereditary property among their father's brothers and transfer their father's inheritance to them."
Because the five daughters spoke up and asked for what they felt was right, a new statutory ordinance was put in place for the Israelites. That is what I mean when I say that your words can shift trajectories. You can change the way something is going. You can correct a wrong.
When a person or situation is headed in the wrong direction, your voice can be the thing that shifts the outcome. You can stop something bad from happening. You can prevent something from getting worse. You can stop someone from continuing down a wayward path.
Zelophehad's daughters didn't beg for what they deserved. They approached the community leaders with confidence and demanded what was rightfully theirs. You do have the right to stand up for yourself and others. You do have the right to question something that feels wrong.
We live in a culture that embraces tolerance. We're told not to rock the boat. Don't offend anyone. We're encouraged to look away from wrongdoing and keep our mouths shut. But Jesus didn't do that. Jesus offended people all the time because He spoke truth that convicted people of their wrongdoing. Those who hated Him, didn't like being corrected.
Our culture even teaches us that we shouldn't get angry about the wrongs in this world. But sometimes anger is justified. Jesus got angry. Do you think He was happy when he flipped those tables in the temple? Sometimes people need a wake-up call. They don't respond to gentle correction. They need something more eye-opening.
Don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you for being forceful with your voice. Anger is not a sin. The Bible says, "Be angry and sin not." There is a way to speak forcefully while still being respectful. When we seek revenge or call people nasty names, then our anger becomes sin. But anger itself is not a sin.
Why should you speak up? Because the younger generation needs your wisdom. The Bible instructs older women to mentor younger women. Older men should be doing the same. We have so much wisdom among our older population that is not being shared because people are too timid to speak up. But according to the Bible, speaking up is not optional.
We are mandated by God to be "fruitful." That means we should produce good fruit. We're also told to be "salt" and "light." Salt preserves the goodness and light breaks through the darkness. We should be using our voice, our gifts and our talents for the glory of God and for the improvement of society. And we are qualified to do so by the grace of God.
Your purpose is relevant. You are significant. You are qualified to be a world changer and God expects you to be one. The closer you get to God, the more courage you will have to speak up.
Pray for discernment so you will have a truthful perception of what is actually happening in every situation. When you invite the Holy Spirit to operate in your life, you will become bold and develop a keen sense for knowing when someone or something is wrong. No one will be able to manipulate you, abuse you or take advantage of you because you'll have a strength that does not waiver. And a voice that will not be silenced.
I challenge you to start using the power of your voice to bring good into a world that very much needs a change in trajectory. Don't let the naysayers silence you. Be bold! Speak up! No one great ever kept their mouth shut.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Monday, August 7, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
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We are given countless opportunities to display the love of Christ by bearing one another's burdens in small ways and in big ways. |
What have you done lately to step in and take the weight off of someone's burden? Do you worry only about your own burdens and ignore what others are carrying? The Bible tells us that we should look for ways to alleviate the stress in people's lives. But exactly how should we be doing that?
In Galatians 6:2 we are told "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." The word "bear" in the Greek means "to take up or to carry." And the word "burden" can mean "weight." This verse is telling us that we should be taking up or carrying away the weights that others are carrying.
We can't expect others to carry things that God has asked us to be responsible for. God expects us to work and take care of our families. There are limits to what we should expect others to do for us. But we still need help and encouragement while carrying our personal loads.
This could mean helping someone who is dealing with a health or financial issue. It could mean helping someone get back on track when they are caught up in sin. The world is a tempting place, and many of us get lured into things like addiction, sexual sin, or other types of wrong behavior.
To me, this verse simply means coming alongside someone in support of what they are going through. It means blessing someone by letting that person know you care. It's not just about doing things for someone. It's also about the things we say when someone is obviously hurting and struggling.
Have you ever gone to someone with a burden and received a total lack of concern? You are already feeling hurt and beaten down and the person you go to for comfort offers zero empathy. You were hoping for a soft place to land, but instead you were rejected with a cold shoulder. Do you know how that feels?
That felt bad because you didn't receive the love of Christ in that moment. We are supposed to care when people we love get hurt. We are supposed to care when anyone gets hurt. And that is what this verse is telling us. Love other people in the way that you want to be loved and cared for.
I have carried many burdens in my life. And I will never forget the people who stepped in at just the right time and gave me an encouraging word, or help with my finances, or good advice that got me back on track. I will never forget the people who saw my need and showed up to help.
The person who showed up with a big empty trailer when I moved after my divorce, the person who gave me a place to stay when I was in transition, the person who offered me a better-paying job, the person who said just the right thing to lift my spirits and keep me going for another day...those people were my burden bearers.
We all have within us the ability to bear the burdens of others, and we live in a time when people are very much in need of comfort, reassurance, help and hope. I thank God for people who take that verse seriously and live out their faith in ways that people can see, hear and feel the love of God in action.
When we carry one another's burdens, we fulfill the law of Christ.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
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Non-toxic laundry products are hard to find. That's why I make my own with these two brands. |
The following home cleaners received an A-rating or higher on the Environmental Working Group's guide to Healthy Cleaning. I'm only mentioning brands that I have seen on store shelves and brands that I'm familiar with.
Laundry cleaners:
Molly's Suds, Nature's Promise Free + Clear, Simple Truth Organic, Seventh Generation chlorine-free bleach, Seventh Generation Oxy-Booster pacs, Dr. Bronner's Sal Suds
Arm & Hammer Washing Soda, Borax, and Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap are on this list as ingredients to make your own laundry detergent, which I will demonstrate in a future video.
Nature's Promise toilet bowl cleaner, Seventh Generation toilet cleaner, Seventh Generation tub & tile cleaner, Seventh Generation disinfecting bathroom cleaner, Full Circle Market all purpose bathroom cleaner
You could also use Seventh Generation disinfecting bathroom cleaner or Full Circle Market all purpose bathroom cleaner in your kitchen. Some unfamiliar brands are Aspen Clean and Attitude Nature. Truly Free was the only dishwasher cleaner on the list. And there were no oven cleaners that received an A-rating. Oven cleaners are some of the most toxic cleaners people bring into their homes. I will show you how to clean your oven and microwave without chemicals in a future video.
For a complete list of healthy cleaners, visit the website here:
Once you are on the site, go to "Areas of Focus" at the top, then click on "Household and Consumer Products." Scroll down to "Explore Related Issues" and click on "Cleaning Supplies." The Guide to Healthy Cleaning is under "News." Click on "View the Guide."
Monday, July 31, 2023
By Danelle Carvell
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Jesus gave us one rule: Communicate in love |
Texting can be useful in certain situations, but as a form of communication during a conflict, texting is the worst choice. Our culture has changed a lot since social media. Our ways of communicating have changed. And change isn't always good.
People today feel free to say whatever they want because it feels safe to dart a text at someone and say things you would not have the courage to say in-person. Social media and texting have damaged our culture by making it easier to say mean things and bully people.
I've made mistakes too with texting and posting things on Facebook. One mistake I have made is using Facebook as a place to vent. Leaving nasty messages for people you don't agree with on Facebook is childish. Tearing people down in public is not the biblical way to resolve conflict.
I believe that God commands a face-to-face meeting when we need to confront someone because it is the best way to clearly communicate. When someone receives your text, he can't see your facial expressions and body language. He can't hear your tone of voice. So your text could easily be misunderstood, which will make matters worse.
If I don't have the courage to talk to that person privately, why should I take it public? Isn't that the gossip we are warned about in the Bible.
Being mean on Facebook will always come back to haunt you. You ruin your own reputation for one thing. Among the many ways a bad reputation hurts you is this example--a potential employer might see your Facebook manners and reject your job application. Your Facebook posts represent you. They represent your character. You should guard your reputation like it's gold.
Texting is great for quick messages such as, "I'm here. Text me when you get here." If that's all you needed to say, a phone call wasn't necessary. It's also great when a conflict is still raw and lingering emotions have made things too uncomfortable for discussions in-person or by phone. And that is when we especially need to use caution.
Whatever it is that you need to communicate, and whatever form of communication you choose, the most important thing is to communicate with love. You won't get a good response if you come across as hostile and impatient when you confront someone. A soft answer turns away wrath. Hostility provokes it.
The Bible has some excellent advice that applies to this subject:
"I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing patient in affliction...pursue hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse...Be in agreement with one another. Do not be proud...Do not repay evil for evil...Try to do what is at peace with not avenge yourselves. Vengeance belongs to God." Romans 12:3-19
Wow! There's a whole lot of godly wisdom in that scripture. How many conflicts could be avoided if we would take those words to heart and act on them?