By Danelle Carvell
We store up treasures in many ways. We even put them on display. But the most important and most lasting thing about treasure is where you store it. |
The Bible is filled with symbolism and words that have a much deeper meaning than what we first comprehend. Sometimes we have to dig deeper to learn the true meaning of a scripture.
For example, Matthew 6:20 says, "But store up your treasures in Heaven, where moth, rust and vermin do not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal."
When most people hear the word "treasure" they instantly think about something that is worth money. So they assume that storing up treasure on earth would mean doing things that build wealth. But there is a deeper meaning to the word treasure. A treasure is not just about money and wealth.
The biblical meaning of treasure is anything that you value; precious things that are important to you; even treasured thoughts that are stored up in your heart and mind.
So what are some ways that we store up treasures on Earth rather than storing up treasures in Heaven? I've been asking for examples so I can write this post. I will start with the examples that I was led to today.
- When your to-do list becomes an idol that directs your life
A better way to live each day is to ask Holy Spirit to guide you moment by moment. A successful day is not accomplishing everything on your list. A successful day is one in which you have stayed in touch with God and talked to him about every aspect of your day. Even if things remain undone at the end of the day, you can feel good about what you accomplished because you surrendered the day to Him.
When we plow through the day looking to our own ideas and preferences instead of asking God for guidance, we store up treasures on Earth. When we are too focused on checking off a to-do list, we miss things and people that God wants us to pay attention to that day.
We must allow for interruptions in each day. Because that interruption could be a divine appointment that he wants you to keep. Don't be so driven that your only goal is to accomplish the task at hand. Ask God to take charge and then welcome any surprises he brings, even the unpleasant ones.
- Judging a situation based merely on your own perceptions.
My husband gave me this example this morning. He said that from now on he is going to stop coming to his own conclusions about people and situations. Instead he is going to take everything to the Lord and ask what is true, and good, and right from God's perspective. By doing this, we become more aligned with His will and His plans for us.
The Lord told Samuel not to look at appearances or stature. "Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
How often do we judge others based only on appearances. We need to pray for a discerning heart so we can rightly understand situations and people from a heavenly perspective. Discernment is one of the greatest assets we can have. The treasure of a discerning heart can be used for good and for nurturing the well-being of others.
Almost anything we do that is not obedient to God's word can be used as an example of storing up treasures on Earth. When we don't navigate life from an eternal perspective, we get our priorities messed up. Being prideful, arrogant, overbearing, conceited or domineering is another example. God tells us to humble ourselves and then He will exalt us.
My last example of storing up treasures on Earth instead of Heaven is:
- The way we spend our time.
Since Covid, I have become more aware of how valuable time is and how important it is for me to spend my time wisely. Being locked down for months made all of us realize how many hours there are in each day. Are we using those hours selfishly or are we loving God and people with the time that we have?
I still have a long way to go, but I am training myself to ask God where he wants me to spend time each day. I'm trying to spend less time on social media and in front of the TV. Most of my TV-viewing these days is not Hallmark anymore. That used to be my go-to channel, but now I'm listening to prophets and teachers who are helping me to understand the times and seasons we are living in.
What I want from television now is not just entertainment. I want to learn something that will change me. I want to be inspired to share things that will stir a greater love for each other and a heart for seeking God. Because living from an eternal perspective means living for more than just yourself. And that is a good place to end this post.
Are you thinking about yourself and your own ideas and your own wants most of the time? Or are you storing up treasures in Heaven by asking God what He wants you to think about and do each day? Are your words and actions merely pleasing yourself or are they pleasing God?
Where is your treasure being stored? And will you have regrets when your time here has passed? Because you can't come back and fix it once you're gone.
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