By Danelle Carvell
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Are you navigating a difficult life without God's power? |
I have often felt like I don't fit in. The things that people value in this world, I couldn't care less about. I don't value material things. Most people see high education, important titles, and a high income as the best measurements for success. I measure success by God's standards, not by the world's standards. I don't need to accumulate a bunch of stuff in order to feel worthy and successful. And I don't try to impress others with the stuff that I accumulate.
To some people, I am probably seen as someone who hasn't made much of herself. I came close to an associate's degree, but didn't finish college. I have never had what people consider a high income, and I have never held what the world considers an impressive title or position.
One of the signs that you are being led by the Holy Spirit is that you are willing to follow a path that is different from what the world says you should pursue. My goals, my values, and my measurements for success are not of this world. Those things are instilled in me by God through the Holy Spirit.
That is why I don't value people based on income or the work that they do or don't do. I don't see educated people as more valuable than uneducated people. Education and accomplishment is not what makes a person valuable to God. God values our kindness toward others and our willingness to put Him first.
Being Holy Spirit led means that you are being guided by the Spirit of God, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is the navigator that abides within every born-again believer. This divine guidance is what allows me to stand strong and survive in a messed-up world.
What is messed-up about the world? Everything that's wrong in this world is the result of people lacking guidance from the Holy Spirit. When we don't live by biblical values, we hurt ourselves and we hurt other people.
Those who are not Spirit-led, don't have that inner voice that helps them make right decisions. So they are easily swayed by their own pride, their own judgement of right and wrong, and their own ideas about how they should live and how they should treat others.
People who lack the Holy Spirit make bad decisions for themselves and others. Their priorities are not in order. They are often fearful and anxious. They don't go to God when they have a decision to make. They feel guilt, shame and condemnation because they don't let holy, spiritual comfort into their lives.
Do you stay quiet when a conversation leans toward wrong thinking? Do you say nothing when someone displays an ungodly attitude or a wrong action? Another sign that you are being led by the Holy Spirit is having the strength and courage to speak your mind on moral issues instead of going along with popular opinion. You will stand up for biblical truth no matter who disagrees or how badly you are outnumbered.
A Holy Spirit led person sees as God sees. She feels as God feels. I can instantly detect a wrong attitude in someone. I can sense the state of a person's heart. I know when someone is envious or prideful. I know when someone is angry, confused, upset or uncomfortable. God gives me an inner knowing about people and situations through the Holy Spirit. And this is how I navigate life.
Living by the power of the Holy Spirit allows me to live in a way that pleases God and to have integrity in all my relationships, both personal and professional. The Spirit of God helps me to be more than I am, helps me to say more than I know, and helps me to do more than I possibly could without Him. I am fueled by God's power, so I have a strength and wisdom that can only come from Him.
I believe the Holy Spirit even helps me to write. He puts ideas into my head and helps me say things in an understandable way. I am learning to hear the voice of God more and more, and His leading is becoming more evident in my life. I have confidence that God's power within me is greater than anything I will ever face in this life.
"Being led by the Spirit isn't something we do passively. It's a conscious decision we make to be different from a world that thinks those who live according to the Bible are backward and out of step. It's a choice to trust God's word and stand against a woke culture that rejects what scripture says about marriage, sexuality, and even gender." says Stephen Strang in his book, "Spirit-Led Living in an Upside Down World."
What is the main responsibility of a Spirit-led believer? Reaching others for Christ is the answer. The most important question I could ever ask someone is this: Where will you spend eternity?
This life is temporary. Nothing that happens here matters in comparison to your eternal destination and the life you will have forever after you leave this earth. Considering that death can come for anyone at any moment, eternal life is by far the most important subject that people tend to ignore.
Forever is a long time to spend in a place you are not certain about. Not knowing where I'm going would scare the Hell out of me because once I'm there.... I am there forever, and I can't change it. That is some scary truth, and I want my bases covered. Spirit-led living means having peace and confidence about both my life on earth and my life for eternity.
When God is in charge of your thoughts, your actions and your decisions, you are living your best life possible. You are the happiest that you could possibly be. You overcome every obstacle because God shows you the way out. You become a powerful influence on your family, friends and community. And God will lead you to fulfill all your dreams. Your purpose in life will be crystal clear, and it will lead you to prosperity and deep satisfaction.
If all that sounds like something that is lacking in your life, start getting to know the Holy Spirit by spending time with Him and talking with Him. Sit quietly and wait for Him to talk to you in your spirit. God wants to lead you and guide you in this challenging life of yours. But He will not show up without an invitation.
Open your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit's leading and watch everything about your life be transformed. Nothing compares to the glorious life that awaits you as a Spirit-led believer who knows how to navigate every challenge, every problem and every person who comes against you. With God on your side, you will be blessed with every good and perfect gift. You will walk in confidence because Jesus walks with you.
You have a power available that can give you joy and peace. It's a power that will make you victorious over every difficulty. No matter how crazy this world gets, you will see God at work in your life when you welcome the Holy Spirit.
I don't fit in to this world because there's something in me that is not of this world. God leads me to think, speak and act according to His rules and expectations. And that is why I find myself to be the odd- man-out at times. But that's okay. I would rather be right with God than to be right with this crazy, immoral, upside-down world.
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