Posted in End Times

But what is the truth?
Is there evidence that Christianity is real?
Can anyone give us some real answers?
Wouldn't it be nice if some people could actually go visit heaven and visit hell and tell us that they really exist?
Well, some people actually have.
Posted below are eyewitness testimonies from individuals who have seen heaven or who have seen hell. We would encourage you to view these accounts with an open heart and an open mind.....
To Hell and Back - Terrifying Accounts from Individuals Who Have Actually Been to Hell:
23 Minutes in Hell:
90 Minutes in Heaven:
An African Man Come Back to Life After being Dead for 3 days:
The evidence is in and it is conclusive - The Bible is real!
Christianity is the only faith that has the evidence to back it up.
It is time to face the overwhelming evidence for Christianity:
-God DOES exist:
-Jesus Christ really did come to the earth:
-Jesus Christ really did rise from the dead:
-All of this was foretold by God in the Bible with specificity:
(Click "Watch" to view the presentation)
-Jesus is appearing to people all over the globe:
-Jesus is coming again and the signs that were foretold in the Bible are coming to pass right in front of our eyes:
If you want to know more about becoming a Christian, I would encourage you to visit this site:
If you have more questions, or you just want to leave your opinion, feel free to express yourself in the comments section below.
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