By Danelle Carvell
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We were not meant to live in bondage to the bad things in life. We can be set free when we take authority over what's causing it. |
Welcome to part 3 of a deep topic.
Today I am covering how to be delivered from a demonic stronghold. According to Derek Prince, the first step toward breaking free of a demonic stronghold is realizing that you are dealing with a person who is not yourself. When that truth sets into your mind, you are 90% set free.
We must understand who the real enemy is. Our enemies are not people. Our enemies are the evil spirits who drive people to do bad things. A demonic stronghold occurs when a demonic power tries to operate through a person, which means that the person is not thinking or acting on their own behalf.
Simply put, you are not yourself when you are under a demonic stronghold.
In Ephesians 6:12, we are told that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities and powers of darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil."
We must identify the right adversary. And when we think that people are the enemy, then Satan is off the hook and he gets a free pass as he laughs and watches us attack each other. What we should be doing is addressing the demonic spirits that are driving their behavior and leading them to behave badly.
So the first step toward being delivered from a demonic stronghold is realizing that you are dealing with something that is not you. The second step is being humble. Pride is a barrier to deliverance.
Another barrier is resentment. No deliverance can occur when you are holding onto anger, unforgiveness or any kind of resentment. You must forgive everyone and say their names out loud, then say that you forgive them.
Then you must be honest about any sin in your life and call your sin what it is. God will reveal to you any sin that needs your confession if you ask Him. But most likely you already know what your sins are. So confess any known sin committed by you or by your ancestors. Demons travel through bloodlines and they can affect the next generation.
The next step is repentance and accepting personal responsibility for the decision you made to commit that sin. Repent means to turn away from something. This might involve breaking contact with people or getting rid of any objects in your home that represent your bad choices; for example, you should burn any occult objects.
After doing all that, you are ready to expel or cast out the demonic stronghold against you.
Say this and mean it:
"Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the son of God who died on the cross for my sins. I renounce my sins (say them by name). Then name the people you need to forgive. And finally, you say this: Deliver me from all evil spirits. I command them to go in the name of Jesus."
Then you stop. Do not feel like you must repeat this or go on praying about it. Believe that you have been delivered. And thank God for setting you free.
The last thing I want to share on this subject is a personal story about my experience with demonic strongholds. I won't go into detail because it simply isn't necessary. The first stronghold came over me because I couldn't forgive someone for a very deep hurt.
After a while I began to feel like my mind and actions were totally being controlled and not in a good way. Remember, when under a demonic stronghold, you are dealing with a person who is not yourself. That person is a demon.
I soon felt that the only way to break free of my bondage was to break free of the person that I couldn't forgive. I was told that I wasn't the same person anymore, and I didn't know how to fix it. So I ended my first marriage, thinking that it was the only answer to being set free from my torment.
The Bible clearly tells us the dangers of unforgiveness. We will be released to the tormentors when we don't forgive. The tormentors are demons.
My second experience with a demonic stronghold also involved the sin of unforgiveness. Once again, I could not let go of a deep wound and I brought up that old hurt in a very inappropriate way. That stronghold was far worse because it culminated with a three-day attack of insomnia that resulted in me dropping to the floor and being unable to move or speak.
A demonic attack can go on for days or weeks. Just read the book of Job if you want to know how that works.
I was finally able to set myself free of the stronghold through a powerful prayer and by continuing to pray for several weeks. That experience has given me the ability to recognize demonic attacks and I now have complete confidence in my ability to fight back.
One thing I have learned is the value of forgiveness. I will never again hold any kind of anger or resentment toward anyone. I learned twice that the biggest loser when holding a grudge is me.
That doesn't mean I won't feel frustration or disappointment with people. And it doesn't mean that I won't call out bad behavior. I always have the right to hold people accountable and stay away from those who abuse me. But I do not have the right to stay angry with anyone and harbor resentment toward them. That just gives the devil an open door.
We must remember that Satan is the demonic driving force behind people when they begin to act evil.
The Bible tells us, "resist the devil and he will flee from you." We must resit the temptation to do and say things that go against God's word. But we must also take authority over the demonic spirits that lead people to behave badly.
Luke 10:19 tells us, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy." Jesus is telling us in that scripture that we have authority to fight back. Snakes and scorpions represent demons.
So if you are dealing with anyone who is abusing you at work or anyone who is causing you harm in any way, this is what you say:
"I exercise authority over this situation in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over everyone involved. I exercise my authority against you, Satan, and against every tactic and strategy you are bringing against me through these people. I command you to cease and desist in your tactics. You will not come against me today. In the name of Jesus, I shut down the demonic powers coming against me through these people."
Remember that people are not the enemy. People act evil because they are deceived. We haven't been given authority over people. We've been given authority over the devil. Our job is not to change people. But we can bind and take authority over all the darkness and deception that is operating in their lives.
So let your opposition be against the enemy and not against people. Joining hearts in our love for God and each other is the unity we need right now.
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