

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Monday, December 30, 2024


This is an excellent teaching by Diana Larkin. We must learn to rise up and take back our health instead of always running to the doctor for help. We do have the authority to push back sickness, but this is not taught in churches. However, this is taught in the Bible. 

The enemy uses sickness to steal joy from families around Christmas time. Do not receive any sickness. Don't say, "I'm getting sick." You are coming into agreement with the sickness when you say that. Don't come into agreement with any physical ailment. Put up a resistance. 

Refuse to receive the symptoms. Push it back. Push it out of the body and bind healing to yourself and your loved ones. Declare that the power of the blood of Jesus is stronger than any sickness. 

This entire video is a message of hope for the coming year that will fill you with strength and encouragement. 

Healing and divine health is our inheritance as a result of our savior's suffering, death and resurrection. Keep pushing the symptoms back until they go, and then praise God for your healing. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

4 Undeniable Signs Narcissists are Influenced by Demons

If you have ever been on the receiving end of narcissistic behavior, you know how hurtful and destructive this person can be. A simple conversation with a narcissist can be extremely uncomfortable, frustrating and exhausting. This video is an excellent explanation of why certain people live life with a hardened heart. Their minds are blinded to the truth and they can't see the harm that they do to others. 

A constant storm of chaos, drama and destruction follows someone who is influenced by demons. And there are other signs as well. This video is a good follow-up to my last You Tube video titled, "Are You Tolerating a Jezebel?" Scroll down on the home page of this blog to find it or go to "My You Tube Channel" label on the right side of my blog. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Are You Tolerating a Jezebel?

The Jezebel spirit is running rampant in the world and the church. Many people are demonized and oppressed by this spirit. This video will equip you to spot the Jezebel spirit and to expel it. 

Jezebel loves to take control of the home and the church. She thrives where leadership is weak, so it is common for her to have a weak partner that she can easily control and manipulate. God hates this spirit because of the destruction she brings to churches, homes, families, marriages and relationships. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Nations Will Change in One Day (VIDEO)



One government after another will collapse. Syria has already collapsed. We will see the Cuban government collapse too. Dictators will be evicted from power. Communism and socialism is being wiped out. 

Evil organizations such at the WHO will be ripped apart. The World Health Organization is part of the global regime and it was developed to control and cause depopulation efforts all over the world. God will expose their next planned epidemic, intended to stop Trump's presidency. The World Economic Forum will also collapse. 

Secret Societies do exist, and they will be exposed--the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, and Skull & Bones. These evil organizations are in our government, the entertainment industry, corporate America and in Hollywood. They are the puppet masters behind nefarious government officials. God said it is time to rip them out by the roots. 

The truth about January 6 is coming to the surface and judgement is coming to Washington, DC. Also, the 2020 big lie (Covid) will be exposed. Then, when it all gets cleaned up, God will fill the earth with His glory, and that is the good news. 

Click the link below for Julie Green's powerful prophecy:

The Nations are Shaking, The Drones are a Deception. (VIDEO)



A political shift is happening. Many of the old guard in DC will step down, and some will die. Justin Trudeau is about to be ripped from power. Iran, China, Iraq, Canada and Mexico are about to shake. 

The United States will shake too. Our economy will shake. Churches, corporations, businesses, the entertainment industry, and the news industry will see many shifts and shakings. This is already happening, but it will intensify. 

Stacy Whited gives a prophetic report each Wednesday at Flyover Conservatives on Rumble. This week she includes prophecies from Amanda Grace, who talks about school shootings, satanic statues, 9-11, the CEO shooting and drone sightings. 

Why should we watch the date January 6 in 2025? And what is happening in Syria and Israel? Why is Kim Clement's 2015 prophecy about New York relevant in this hour? 

Also, Charlie Shamp answers the drone question. The drones being seen on the east coast are a propaganda plan from the government to push forth a narrative of UFOs. It's all a deception to instill fear on the American people and to distract the public.

According to Julie Green, the drones are being sent out by the Biden administration and its foreign army to stop America from moving forward. Consider the timing of these drones, just before Trump is inaugurated. We will also learn the truth about the Chinese spy balloons that were in the news.

The video below also includes prophecies from Robin Bullock who says that we are in a time of turning of the nations. This is a time of exposure to all the wickedness that has been going on behind the scenes. He said to look for a Christmas surprise and an answer in the skies. He also gives a warning from God to the United Nations and a prophecy about Anthony Blinkin. 

Click the link below for Stacy's video.

Don’t Ignore These Signs: Are You in Need of Deliverance?

Many people believe that Christians can't have demons. This is false teaching. The Bible is filled with warnings about the devil and demons. Where does it say that they disappeared? At no point in the Bible are we told that the demonic world stopped existing. To believe that demons don't exist is to believe that the Bible is not true. 

In Mark 5: 8 Jesus cast out a legion of demons from a man. Demons still operate through people today. Did your pastor tell you that demons are of no concern to us today? Where's the scripture to back up that claim?

The truth is that we are in a spiritual battle, and Satan wants you to think that he doesn't exist. He wants you to think that your problems are not spiritual problems. Then he can continue tormenting you and your family, and you have no way to fight back. It's time to wake up to the real root of the chaos, destruction and drama that you are dealing with. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

The Greatest TIMEPOINT in Human History - DAYSTAR, TRUMP, WARS, VATICAN!...

Immediately after Trump won the election, the Daystar scandal broke. What's happening with Daystar marks the fall of Babylon. The Vatican is about to come down too. And Trudeau will soon be history. Great days are ahead for Canada and the US, but we are not out of the dark yet. 

We need to pay attention to the season we are in. God has given us so many prophets in this hour who are warning about the same things. But most people, even the church, is not listening. 

The Bible tells us that God does nothing without first revealing it to his servants, the prophets. -Amos 3:7

We are at a pinnacle point of world chaos and insanity. We are in a spiritual battle for human souls. The great deception is upon us. We need a miracle just as the Israelites did when Pharaoh was approaching and the Red Sea blocked their escape. 

Bo Polny is the numerical watchman of our time. God is a mathematical genius. He speaks through numbers and He acts according to timelines. God is about to usher in His new kingdom era. The head of the serpent is about to be completely crushed.

Be careful who you surround yourself with right now. Satan's greatest lie is convincing people that he does not exist. His second greatest lie is that you can sell your soul to the devil. God owns your soul, so you can't sell what belongs to God. There is hope for everyone, no matter how wicked their sins are, so keep praying for them. 

Only an act of God can rescue us from evil this deep. Even Trump can't save America right now. As a church, prayer and fasting is desperately needed as never before. God's new beginning starts January 20, 2025, but we must pray it in. The Bible says that only when we humble ourselves and pray will God heal our land. 

Advance the video to the 18-minute mark to get straight to the interview with Prophetess Janie. 


Do you need a financial breakthrough or a healing miracle? Shannon Wells unlocks the miracle of divine provision and divine healing in this video. All your everyday human concerns will be met when you steep your life in God. That is a promise from Matthew 6. 

The windows of Heaven can open up for you when you call out to God in your desperate condition. He can rescue you in the nick of time, and even pull you back from the brink of death. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

9 Signs: She's Nothing But Trouble #toxic

The Bible calls her a wanton woman, and there are many warnings about her in scripture. In today's culture it is cool for a woman to be selfish and demanding. She lies to get what she wants. 

She's controlling and manipulative. Her goal is selfish gain and she destroys lives and relationships along the way. Her opinion is the only one that matters. She craves attention and she will drain you physically and emotionally. 

By knowing her playbook, you can avoid getting caught in her web. In this video we explore nine overall signs and other smaller signs that she is nothing but trouble, and you best stay away from her. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

America's Invasion Moment Is About to End


Ten million illegal immigrants have come into our nation since Biden took office. We are in an invasion moment right now. If the deep state had its way, we would all be in bunkers by Christmas. From now until the end of January, they will do whatever they can to stop President Trump from taking over. They are more desperate than they have ever been. 

Prophet Barry Wunsch is warning us to be well-stocked with food, water, gasoline and other prepping essentials. And to have plenty of cash on hand. He's encouraging us to get into community. Now is not the time to be isolated. We need to prepare for one last push by these evil people to maintain their control.

People from New Jersey are posting videos of strange flying objects spraying unknown chemicals over populated areas at night. Anything can happen right now. Evil people do wicked things when they are desperate. 

Have you noticed that evil people are being exposed right now? P. Diddy is in jail. Certain celebrities have fled the country because they are tied to dark things that went on at his "freak out" parties. God is also cleaning things up in the church. Joni Lamb of Daystar has allowed herself to be used by the spirit of Jezebel, and she is being brought down by God through her own son and daughter-in-law. 

Despite all of this chaos, people who are close to God can feel a breakthrough coming. The Lord is bringing a takedown of the elite cabal globalist control. They have been keeping us in slavery, oppressed by their evil agenda. God is preparing to release the light of His glory throughout the nations. He can change a nation in a day. 

We need to stand in prayer to block their plans of destruction and terrorism on the American people and this great nation. God is asking us to pray, to trust Him, to believe in Him and to turn our hearts to Him like never before. 

Please note that Barry shakes as he speaks because the Holy Spirit comes upon him so powerfully, as often happens with God's prophets. Click the link below for the full interview of Barry Wunsch with Pastor Dave on His Glory on Rumble.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Finding Strength When Disappointment Breaks You

How can we better react to and process our disappointments? How can we find unexpected strength while going through a life-shattering hurt? Disappointment can draw us closer to God and strengthen our trust in Him. It can be the very thing that propels us toward something new and better. 

In her bestselling book "It's Not Supposed to be This Way" Lysa Terkeurst gives hope to anyone going through a life-altering loss or a physical or emotional trauma.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Every Traitor, Dirty Deal, and Money Trail Will Be Exposed


Trump has traitors around him who are trying to stop his inauguration. Why are we giving more money to Ukraine? They are trying to start a world war. Continue to pray for protection of our nation and for president Trump.

Why are our leaders not helping to defend Israel? Why do they take money from other nations? Why are they attacking our energy supply and paying foreign nations for oil when we have plenty of our own oil?

Why do they encourage other nations to produce goods that we could easily produce here in the US? What happened to the billions of dollars that is lost and unaccounted for? Why did they bail out the big banks in 2005?

Why do our leaders turn a blind eye to the drugs being smuggled across the border? Why do they allow terrorists into our nation? How did they know about the pandemic before it was one. 

Why do they hide dark secrets like who really killed JFK and what truly happened in Butler, PA? Why did they try to impeach, indict and kill President Trump? Why do they fear him so much? Why are our three-letter-agencies working against us rather than protecting us? 

The truth will pour out to expose every dirty deal, money trail, and every dirty judge, politician and military official. Every traitor will be exposed. You can't hide from God. Click the link below for the latest Take Five with Julie Green and Pastor Dave. It's a good one!