

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


We must look ahead to where God is leading us. This is the time of the great harvest. Wanda shares five prayer strategies in this video.We must focus on declaring God's will and purposes rather than on asking him to fix problems. Instead of seeing the world's crumbling systems, we must focus on God's kingdom increasing. Instead of fighting the devil, we should address the sin issues that are causing the crumbling. 

Shift from a battle mentality to a presence reality. By knowing the power of God's presence and developing His presence, we prepare a place for Him to step in when the demonic strongholds are lifted. We also must know that our spiritual authority in prayer is more about who we are than what we pray. Our authority has more to do with our history with God than it does how long or how loud we pray. 

We often put too much pressure on ourselves to pray the right way or we think that we don't pray long enough. Effective prayer is more about who you are, so don't worry about praying correctly or praying for a certain length of time. 

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