

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

His Glory - Take Five: General Flynn Brings Hope interview 2/16/21

Our nation is in a historic, massive transition. We must reflect on what we believe and stand up for our God-given freedoms and individual liberties. Our constitution is based on individual rights and our ability to think for ourselves. 

We must remain stong, courageous, brave and ready to sacrifice time and resources. Prayer time matters the most, but we must also get involved at every level--national, state, county and especially the local level. We can no longer just show up on one day to vote. We need to get involved in school boards, borough councils, and every place that needs a conservative voice. 

We are at the edge of a cliff and we need to put our faith into action. If we don't get involved and speak out, we will fall head first into a shallow pool of socialism. 

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