

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Maybe You Should SPEAK UP! #inspiration #spirituality #life

We live in a culture that prioritizes not offending people. The Bible tells us that we should confront people who wrong us and we should speak out against any kind of evil that comes for our children, our schools, our families and our nation. 

The darkness in our world is becoming darker and bolder. We are living in the days talked about in the Bible when evil will be perceived as good and good will be perceived as evil. Since Covid, the persecution of Christians and Jews has wickedly increased. Do you not see the spiritual battle that is happening right before our eyes? 

God has to be looking down and wondering, "Where are my people who are willing to boldly stand up and speak out against every wrong?" We have way too many evil people in positions of authority making evil decisions while good people suffer. Will that change if you remain silent? You side with the bullies when you don't speak out against them. You side with evil when you ignore it and say nothing. 

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