

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nine IDOLS Women Crave #god #family #spirituality

An idol is an object of extreme devotion that takes the place of God. God wants to be our comfort. He wants to be our source of affirmation and approval. He wants to give us a knowing that life is under His control. But because we don't trust Him to meet those needs, we find our own way of meeting those needs. 

Women idolize their marriages, their husbands and their careers. They go to Facebook, food, shopping and friends for comfort. Women look for security and approval in people instead of in God. She makes her job her identity and the place where she feels important. Don't run to people and things to find your purpose, joy, identity, comfort or healing. Run to God.

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