

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How Do I Get Free from Strongholds for Good? | Breaking the Cycle

The unbeliever needs to be set free from demons while the believer needs to be set free from strongholds.
This is a biblically-based message about setting ourselves free of demonic influence after we have opened a door to the enemy. Many Christians do not even realize that they have a stronghold, but it can very much affect their lives in a negative way. 

David explains how to identify a stronghold in your life and how to break it for good. He identifies eight different strongholds that could be affecting your life right now or affecting the lives of people you know. 

This is a must-watch, because even if you never experience a stronghold, you will most likely come across someone who is experiencing this dark influence in their lives. You may think the problem is caused by something else, when the problem is actually a spiritual problem. 

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