

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Cruelest Form of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is an insidious form of abuse. The first time I realized that I was a victim of gaslighting was in 2023. And I have since learned how to spot this controlling, manipulative tactic that devious people use to take the focus off of their own mistakes. They flip the script and attempt to shift blame on you. They want to confuse you and cause doubt in your mind about what actually took place. 

They want to make you feel crazy, needy, insecure or paranoid for your legitimate concern about someone's bad behavior. This is emotional and psychological manipulation and abuse. Anyone who feels enttitled to hurt you and then blame you for the hurt that they caused needs to be cut off, maybe permanently.

No one explains gaslighting better than Tamie M. Joyce. You should watch this video because gaslighting has become an epidemic in today's culture. Also, check out my video titled, "Don't Gaslight Me! I Know My Reality" under the past post category, "My You Tube Channel" down the right side of my blog. 

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