

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where is America in Biblical Prophecy?

A resounding question asked by many today is, “Where is America in Biblical prophecy?” The simple answer is that our nation will still exist during the Great Tribulation period, but our military power and socio-economic position will have been diminished to the level of a godless, base nation. When Christ calls His Church out of the world by means of the Rapture, our nation will implode on itself (2 Thess. 2:7). Any remnant of restraint by Conservatives will then be removed, and our demise will arise by means of civil war and lawlessness - even nuclear destruction (Rev. 6:1-8; 9:14-18) - to a state of total social collapse and anarchy.............
America will be absorbed into the coming European “Super Global Empire” of the Anti-Christ to go against Almighty God at the Great Battle of Armageddon
Click on the link below for more...
 Where is America in Biblical Prophecy?

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