

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Friday, November 11, 2011


 This past weekend I saw the movie Courageous.  Cried like a baby for two hours straight.  I mean the tears wouldn't stop.  Toward the end, I was going back to my already-used tissues looking for dry spots.  Next time I'll stuff a whole box in my handbag.  This movie is so incredibly moving, so well done, so meaningful for our time.  If you haven't seen it, you are missing something.  And if you're a father you have to see it.

The first link below is a wonderful blog I discovered today after deciding that I wanted to give Courageous a big thumbs up on my blog.  I didn't come across Bits and Pieces by accident.  I was led to share it with you because I pray for such things. I pray to be led to fabulous blogs and websites that I can share.  Check it out.  The second link is the official website for the movie Courageous.

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