

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

America's backbone is now the enemy

"Once upon a time, deeply patriotic Americans were considered to be the backbone of America, but today they are considered to be potential terrorists.
And this report is yet another example of how the definition of "terrorism" has changed.  A decade ago, the entire focus of the "war on terror" was on radical Muslims and we were told that we had to send our boys and girls to the other side of the world to defeat them.
Well, in this new report there is barely any mention of Islam at all.  Instead, the report identifies patriots, conspiracy theorists, evangelical Christians, anti-abortion activists, survivalists and those that are against globalism as the real threats.
The focus of the "war on terror" has fundamentally shifted.  The "enemy" is now those that love freedom and those that love America."  Click the link below for more.

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